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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Optimus Prime tried to intercept him. As the leader of the Autobots, although he doesn't possess multiple combat forms like the triple-changers, he does have the ability to fly.

However, despite Sun Cheng's combat power being far inferior to his, Optimus Prime's flying ability is also inadequate in the face of his extensively modified mechanical body.

Almost as soon as Sun Cheng ascended into the air, Sun Cheng, with his engines at full power, had already climbed above an altitude of thirty thousand meters, heading in the opposite direction of the base at a speed of 2.7 Mach.

After successfully evading the surveillance of the US military satellite in the Great Lakes region, Sun Cheng diverted to Canada and returned to the base from Montana.

"Master, you're injured. I'll arrange a medical Decepticon to repair your injuries..."

Upon his return to the base, Atlas, who was summoned by him, noticed the wounds on Sun Cheng's body.

"It's nothing!"

Sun Cheng lowered his head and glanced at the terrifying shattered marks on his chest armor. Although he couldn't help feeling a little scared, the thought that even Bumblebee couldn't gain an advantage over him brought a smile to his face.

Unable to resist, he summoned his newly equipped plasma cannon and inspected it with satisfaction once again.

The Decepticon engineers under his command had redesigned this plasma cannon based on the plasma handguns of the Hunter civilization. The weapon's power surprised him today.

However, the shortcomings were also evident.

Perhaps because he had emphasized the importance of power to the engineers multiple times before, when they designed this cannon for him, they regarded power as the most crucial design specification.

As a result, the power indeed increased. Just based on his encounter with Bumblebee today, Sun Cheng's new plasma cannon had even greater power than the opponent's laser cannon.

However, the consumption was too high.

Furrowing his brow, Sun Cheng hesitated as he looked at the new weapon in his hand, uncertain.

"One shot consumes 80 energy points, which is more than the energy consumed by two or three rounds of the Vulcan Cannon."

Indeed, the new weapon had great power, but after trying it only once, he couldn't help but frown at its consumption.

God only knows that the total energy contained in his Spark is only thirty thousand points. After a round of battle, if the opponent is prepared, it's highly possible that only a few shots out of dozens fired will hit the target, which is a remarkable achievement.

Energy weapons consume too much!

Although he had a vague understanding of this before, now that he was equipped with such an energy weapon, he finally understood why battles between the highly advanced Decepticons and the Autobots mainly relied on close combat.

His Spark couldn't bear the burden!

"Master... Master..."

Atlas's soft call snapped Sun Cheng out of his contemplation as he looked at the plasma cannon in his hand.

Glancing at him, who was standing nearby, Sun Cheng opened his mouth, intending to ask him to redesign the plasma cannon, but he stopped that thought in its tracks.

"If only I could mass-produce engineers on a large scale..."

Sun Cheng couldn't help but sigh, feeling somewhat helpless.

He had been studying Cores for a long time. Ever since Starscream gave him a second-level Core, he had been conducting research. Even after acquiring Atlas, he hadn't stopped analyzing the Core within his body.

The more he studied, the more Sun Cheng had to admit that Starscream and Shockwave, who had improved and redesigned Cores, truly deserved their titles as two of the greatest scientists in the history of Cybertron Planet.

The Cores they created, although not as impressive as Sparks in appearance, provided a constant supply of high-quality support and cannon fodder for the Decepticon army.

Even after all this time researching, Sun Cheng still hadn't fully grasped how Cores were designed.

Letting out a sigh, Sun Cheng instructed Atlas, "Take some time and use the data I provided to create an Exoskeleton device. Use the best materials, and let me know if you need anything."

"Yes, Master!"

Receiving the order, Atlas was about to proceed with manufacturing the Exoskeleton device. However, Sun Cheng suddenly remembered the issue of power supply for the Exoskeleton device. He called out to Atlas, asking, "By the way, how did you solve the power supply issue for the Exoskeleton device?"

"Master, the Exoskeleton device you sent already comes with a compatible power source. After conducting a comprehensive study on it, we should be able to redesign a new power source that can store more energy."

"Oh, I almost forgot! There's also the 'Hunter-class Individual Combat Support Equipment'!"

Sun Cheng suddenly realized!

In an instant, his mind brightened, and he exclaimed, "Wait, the new power source..."

Sun Cheng couldn't contain his excitement as he finally found the solution for creating Cores.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 151: Industrial Robots


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