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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


This sleep was so sound that when Sun Cheng woke up, it was already noon on the second day.

As he shifted his body slightly, he couldn't help but frown at the soreness coming from his waist and crotch.

His head was still a bit groggy, and he instinctively looked towards the bedroom, taking a while before finally coming back to his senses.

His facial expression underwent subtle changes, and Sun Cheng quickly sat up, propping himself on the bed.

As his gaze swept across the room, he couldn't see anyone else's figure.

But his nostrils detected a faint scent, and even on the bed and his own body, he could distinctly smell someone else's fragrance. Clearly, everything that happened before wasn't a dream.

"I was pushed..."

His eyes twitched subtly, and Sun Cheng rubbed his temples, feeling a mix of amusement and helplessness.

He lifted the blanket and glanced at his flaccid little buddy beneath his crotch, which had deflated after last night's excessive indulgence.

Perhaps his movement was a bit too much because he immediately felt a twinge of pain in his sore waist, causing him to involuntarily grimace.

"Little buddy, you had a comfortable night. I'm the one who's in trouble now..."

It was rare that he had the presence of mind to joke with his own manhood. Sun Cheng didn't feel as averse to being pushed as he did last night.

After all, he was a novice in this matter. Since he developed an abnormal infatuation with his sister Ye Qi, he hadn't had much contact with other girls his age. He had wasted a somewhat decent appearance and had zero experience.

The bedroom was filled with a lingering and intoxicating air.

Upon reflection, it was clear that Ada Wong had given him an unknown pill by kissing him last night.

The pill was probably related to sex, as it took effect within minutes of swallowing. Sun Cheng vividly remembered the intense heat that surged throughout his body, exacerbating his excitement.

As a result, despite his lack of experience, his pent-up frustration and boundless energy allowed him to persist for a solid three to four hours before completely deflating.

That's why now, even the slightest movement of his body reminds him of the complaints from his body, especially his waist and kidneys.

"...I tossed and turned all night, but I still haven't figured out who this woman is..."

He got up and searched the room, but Ada Wong was nowhere to be found.

After freshening up, Sun Cheng took the opportunity to call the hotel front desk and confirm that Ada Wong had checked out several hours ago. Although he felt somewhat puzzled about what happened last night, he figured he hadn't really suffered any loss, and any lingering resentment and anger dissipated quickly.

To his relief, both Safeguard and Vengeance, the two undercover Decepticons, were still in their original positions. Sun Cheng had been worried that Ada Wong might have noticed something strange and taken them away.

He picked up Vengeance for a quick inspection, his brows furrowing involuntarily.

Safeguard wasn't a big deal; it was simply impaled by a dagger and pinned to the wall, unable to move. Despite sustaining some injuries, given its self-repair capabilities, it would take at most half a month to fully recover.

Vengeance, on the other hand, was in a dire state. Ada Wong's sharp dagger had pierced its head, likely damaging its Core. It seemed that only when he returned to the world of Transformers could he determine the extent of its injuries and whether it could be revived.

Losing such a bodyguard by his side left Sun Cheng feeling somewhat annoyed.

He brought revenge back into the spherical space, leaving only the defenders who were still functional by his side. This time, the confrontation between the two scouting Decepticons and Ada Wang really excited him.

Although Sun Cheng knew that these two scouting Decepticons were not primarily designed for combat, their human-like skills and ability to remain concealed were more than enough to protect themselves in the real world.

The previous encounter with the ghost, where revenge suddenly transformed and eliminated the threat, had strengthened his belief in this idea.

However, it had only been a short while since then. Last night, Ada Wang launched a sudden attack, and the two scouting Decepticons turned out to be no match for her. In the blink of an eye, one was severely injured and the other was incapacitated. What kind of protection were they offering him?

This experience made Sun Cheng furious.

After resolving the matters in the real world, he needed to consider bringing back defense and revenge to the world of "Transformers" for reconfiguration.

Sun Cheng couldn't believe it. Back when he was poor, relying solely on himself and Atlas was enough to create revenge and defense. Now that his team had grown stronger, couldn't he make revenge and defense even more powerful?

After a night of turmoil, he was feeling stiff and uncomfortable. Sun Cheng had originally planned to leave Costa Rica and return to his home country today, but now he had no choice but to stay in San Jose for an additional day.

It wasn't until the next morning when he woke up feeling refreshed that he asked Defense to help him book a flight from San Jose to Panama online, following the same route back to China.

This additional delay lasted another day, and when Sun Cheng finally returned to his hometown, it was already April 28.

Finally back in China, he hailed a taxi from the airport and arrived at his rented apartment near the university. As soon as he closed the door, he went straight to the refrigerator, grabbed a cold drink, and drank most of it in one gulp, letting out a sigh of relief.

He tossed his luggage inside the house and also set Defense, who was still recovering, aside. Just as Sun Cheng was about to sit down on the sofa, he suddenly remembered that he had left his mobile phone in the apartment when he went abroad. He couldn't help but reminisce about where he had put it, and then walked over to retrieve his phone.

After a week without charging, the domestic budget smartphone he had bought for convenience had already run out of battery.

Realizing this, he had no choice but to find the charger, plug it in, and let it charge for a while before turning it on.

Defense had made some basic optimizations to the phone's system. Although it still used the Android operating system, the startup time had been reduced from over 20 seconds to just six or seven seconds, which was quite impressive.

Once the phone was turned on, he immediately sat down on the sofa next to the charging socket.

Upon entering the password and logging into the operating page, Sun Cheng didn't bother with the various social and messaging apps on his phone. At first glance, he noticed the "call log" and "message log." Although he had expected to receive some contacts while he was abroad, he couldn't help but feel surprised when he saw that he had missed around thirty calls and received a dozen text messages.

Sun Cheng doesn't have many close friends, and this number is even less than one-third of what he used to have back in China in a week.

He immediately opened the call log and took a look, raising his eyebrows.

There were over thirty missed calls, all from four people.

About ten calls were from Li Meng, probably looking for him for something; there were also seven or eight calls from Ye Qi, most likely because she was worried when he didn't answer the phone.

As for the remaining two people, there were five calls from one number. Sun Cheng vaguely remembered this number and took a moment to recall that it belonged to Yang Fei, a junior high school classmate who worked on a business project with him for a while. He was curious why Yang Fei suddenly called him again.

As for the last three calls, he had no recollection at all. Seeing the same number, it shouldn't be a nuisance or advertisement call.

After a brief consideration, Sun Cheng quickly dialed Li Meng's number. Ye Qi usually live-streamed at night and had the habit of sleeping in the morning, so she probably hadn't woken up yet. It would be better to call her later.

After two rings, someone answered the phone.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 162: Cybertron Technology


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