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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


This is a text message that is completely confusing.

So much so that Sam and Mikaela looked at each other in confusion after reading it.

It's not that they know nothing about the Decepticons. Having experienced the journey of escorting the All Spark and the brutal battle in Las Vegas, the Autobots have long considered them both as comrades.

Especially Bumblebee, who has a good relationship with Sam, occasionally talks to him about Cybertron Planet and the archenemies, the Decepticons.

Therefore, both of them actively and passively acquired a lot of information about the Decepticons. In their understanding, they were unaware of the existence of any "Decepticon Reformists."

"... Decepticon Reformists? The first time I've heard of it..."

Clearly, this is also the first time Bumblebee has heard this term, and his voice carries the same confusion and bewilderment.

"It's obviously a trap..." Sam immediately took over the conversation, lightly tapping the steering wheel. "Bumblebee, let's not pay attention to it. It's best to get rid of the phone..."

"Sam... Sam..."

Seeing his overly excited reaction, Mikaela couldn't help but furrow her brow. She suddenly recalled a conversation with a counselor during the government-provided psychological counseling services, who mentioned that Sam might be suffering from "post-war psychological syndrome." The most obvious symptom was his extreme agitation and intense attempts to avoid anything related to the Decepticons.

She had no disdain for her boyfriend's potential mental illness; on the contrary, she felt sympathy.

Having gone through the same escorting journey, Mikaela was well aware of the devastating impact it had, witnessing one aircraft after another and countless lives withering away, all to protect Sam carrying the All Spark. The magnitude of the horror was unimaginable.

Although she had a more mature mindset than Sam, she gently comforted him, saying, "If they can find us, it means our identities are no longer a secret to the Decepticons. Throwing away the phone won't solve anything..."

Sam's expression darkened. This was precisely what he feared. He would rather face those terrifying killing machines on his own than involve his parents.

"What should we do? Are we really going to meet him?" He countered, "Even though we know it might be a trap, should we still walk right into it?"

"Sam, Mikaela is right..." Bumblebee remained silent for a while before speaking up again, "Indeed, it's highly likely to be a trap, but your identities have already been exposed. To avoid future troubles, regardless of the Decepticons' conspiracy, I have to investigate..."

After finishing his sentence, he parked the car by the side of the road and opened the door.

"Get out of the car. Just to be safe, I'll go alone!"

Sam's face showed a hint of change. He didn't want Bumblebee to take any risks, but he also believed that Mikaela's words to Bumblebee made sense. Their identities had been compromised, and it was highly likely that his family was also being targeted by those wicked Decepticons. If they didn't uncover their intentions soon, both families would have to live under the shadow of the Decepticons.

After a moment of hesitation, his expression went through a somber transformation, and he let out a sigh, regaining his composure.

"I'll go with you, Bumblebee!" Sam said calmly. Then he turned to look at Mikaela beside him, his tone heavy. "Mikaela, wait for us here."



Two calls sounded almost simultaneously, coming from Bumblebee and Mikaela.

Unfortunately, Sam firmly stated, "The mobile phone was delivered to Mikaela and me. We can't escape. We might as well go and see what the Decepticons are up to."

Bumblebee hesitated.

On the other hand, Mikaela, displeased, said, "I'm going too. Don't forget that I also received the mobile phone!"


Sam quickly looked at his girlfriend, intending to persuade her, but to his surprise, she responded with a determined and resolute face, similar to his own.

The words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat, and he had to swallow them back.

After a moment of silence, Bumblebee reluctantly agreed, "Alright, I've already informed the Leader, and they will come soon. Let's go. If there's any danger later, find a place to hide, and I will do my best to handle the situation until the Leader and the others arrive."


"I understand..."


After editing and sending out a text message, Sun Cheng sat on the ground, bored, gazing up at the sky with some anticipation. During this period of time, he hadn't been idle in the base.

After recruiting some intelligence personnel within the United States, as the network expanded, he gradually gained some insight into the "NEST Project," the collaboration between the Autobots and the US government.

"...A military cooperation plan... The Autobots claim to be peace-loving, so they probably don't want to help the US military attack other human countries on Earth... So the target isn't hard to guess..."

He felt a weight on his heart. He had already guessed that the "NEST Project" was likely targeting the Decepticons.

With his prominent performance in the "Battle of Las Vegas," especially after Onslaught fled and Megatron died, he feared that he had a high chance of being the primary target of the "NEST Project."

After speculating about these things, Sun Cheng was worried but not prepared to sit idly by.

In fact, he had started preparations right after the end of the battle in Las Vegas, and the second base was just one of his contingency plans.

The information about Sam and Mikaela, the two young people who were protected by the Autobots in the battle in Las Vegas, was obtained from his intelligence network.

After learning their identities and names, Sun Cheng spent some time to finally pinpoint their city, contact information, and even their specific address.

Today, he planned to make proactive contact with Sam and Mikaela. Firstly, he wanted to confirm his speculation that these two young people indeed had a unique relationship with the Autobots, which might come in handy when they were pushed to a corner and needed a lifeline. Secondly, he intended to break free from Soundwave's Cassette Legion and start anew with a new identity.

Furthermore, Sun Cheng wanted to take this opportunity to probe the Autobots' true attitude towards him and the "NEST plan."

Until the conjecture is confirmed, it remains nothing more than speculation.

Sun Cheng was well aware that he didn't possess the strength of Onslaught or the influence of Starscream. In this dangerous world, every step he took had to be carefully considered.

While he was bored and counting the time in his mind, suddenly he felt a familiar Autobot energy signature being detected by his fully activated Core. Sun Cheng's expression turned serious, and he quickly stood up and became cautiously alert.

Before long, a worn-out bright yellow Chevrolet Camaro sports car appeared within his field of vision.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 148 Fighting the Hornet Again (Part 3)


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