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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Miles isn't a bad person; he just has a big mouth..."

Once Miles left, Sam finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his girlfriend and his best friend didn't get along, so he was afraid they would cause a huge scene.

After watching Miles walk away, Mikaela gave Sam a stern look and said, "You think I'm too narrow-minded..."

"Uh, no..." Sam awkwardly touched his nose. He was a bit socially awkward and never really knew how to romance a girl. Even after dating Mikaela, he struggled to be romantic.

Mikaela stared at him angrily for a while before bursting into laughter. She pulled out the long, pink item from her bag again and handed it to him.

"Do you really think I'm upset because of him? Look at this, I found it in my locker right after school..."

It was the latest model of a Nokia phone. Sam looked at the phone with mixed emotions and then glanced up at Mikaela, his face brightening. "Nokia c825, I know about it. It sells for $600 in stores. Your admirer is quite generous..."

Being sensitive about emotions, he thought it was a gift from one of her admirers.

Mikaela let out a soft snort, snatched the phone from him in annoyance, flipped it over, and handed it back to her boyfriend. "What are you even thinking? Look at it yourself..."

Sam was completely perplexed by her sudden change in attitude. Subconsciously, he took the phone she had turned over and looked down, his expression instantly changing.

On the back of the phone, there was an intricately engraved pattern showcasing industrial aesthetics.

Sam was familiar with it since he had seen this pattern countless times not long ago, and he knew exactly what it represented!


The hand holding the phone trembled violently due to his owner's emotional state.


The phone fell to the ground as a result of Sam's reflexive action.

"Damn it, it's a Decepticon!"

He paced anxiously in place, his face contorted with both agitation and fear.

Looking down at the fallen phone, Sam subconsciously raised his foot. Judging by his expression, he seemed like he wanted to kick it away and throw it as far as possible.

"Sam... Sam..."

Mikaela looked at him with concern, her face full of tenderness.

"It's all over, Sam..."

"It's over..." He cast a sharp glance at the mobile phone on the ground, bearing the Decepticon pattern. His eyes couldn't hide the self-blame and fear. "Jazz is dead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Optimus Prime are severely injured. Captain Lennox and the rest of the team, along with Sector Seven, countless innocent lives have died because of the Decepticons. And now they've reappeared, and they're not planning to let me off the hook!"

As the voices grew louder, it happened to be the end of school, and a number of young men and women quickly gathered around, observing and even gossiping about them.

Mikaela quickly bent down to pick up the phone from the ground, and she grabbed Sam, who had a slight change in his expression. She leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I just checked with Bumblebee, it's just an ordinary phone..."

Sam's face slightly improved upon hearing this.

He also noticed the growing crowd around him and Mikaela. His face flushed with embarrassment, so they quickly left the school building and made their way to the corner of the school parking lot, where an old, slightly worn-out Chevrolet Camaro was parked.

"Hey, buddy." Seeing that there was no one around, Sam eagerly patted the hood of the old Chevrolet Camaro and asked, "Our personal lockers were invaded maliciously. Someone put a phone with the Decepticon pattern in them. Damn it, can't those wicked killers resist coming back?"

When they passed by the lockers, Mikaela suggested they open their own lockers.

However, the revelation weighed heavily on their hearts. Unexpectedly, both Mikaela and Sam found phones of the same model, bearing the Decepticon pattern.

The Decepticons, who had been silent for a while, suddenly became active again.

Sam couldn't help but feel panicked. He didn't want to be dragged into the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons again. The mere thought of it sent shivers down his spine.

The old Chevrolet Camaro they were standing beside was the vehicle form of the Autobot warrior, Bumblebee. In the Battle of Las Vegas, he narrowly escaped death. Although Ratchet provided him with emergency treatment, he was still in a wounded state, relying on the energy emitted by his Spark for self-repair.

"Sam, calm down..."

Bumblebee reassured him in a deep voice, "I just scanned the phones, they're just ordinary devices, not mechanical beings..."

He opened the car door and said, "Get in the car. We can talk on the way. This isn't the right place for a conversation."

Indeed, Ninoson Public School, located on the outskirts of the city, didn't have any restrictions on students driving to school. Most of the vehicles parked in the lot belonged to students, as only wealthy kids or outstanding students could enter Ninoson.

Sam nodded and, along with Mikaela, got into the car. Bumblebee immediately started the engine and drove them home.

In the car, after a brief moment of silence, Sam couldn't hold his composure and asked irritably once again, "Bumblebee, why is Decepticon targeting me and Mikaela again? Could our family be in danger?"

"I'm not sure," Bumblebee responded decisively, "I have informed the Leader, and if there is any danger, he will come to support us immediately."

Clearly, compared to the slender Bumblebee, the tall and mighty Optimus Prime had left a deep impression on Sam.

Upon hearing this, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and reluctantly nodded.

"Excuse me..." Mikaela suddenly interjected, "If this were just an ordinary phone sent by Decepticon, could we interpret it as an attempt to establish contact with us?"

"Smart!" Bumblebee suddenly praised, but his voice was filled with doubt. "There is such a possibility, but from what I know about the Decepticons, they are all cunning schemers and warmongers. If they contact you, it's likely part of a plot..."

"Um..." Mikaela took the pink phone that belonged to her from Sam's hand, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke again, "Even if there is a plot, it's useless to speculate without evidence. How about we open one of the phones first?"

"No!" Sam firmly rejected the idea without hesitation, "That's too dangerous!"

"Sam..." Bumblebee tactfully advised, "I think her idea is good. I have already checked the phones, and they are indeed just two ordinary phones."

"Well...alright then," Sam reluctantly agreed, while Mikaela reached out and held his hand, the familiar warmth soothing his restless mind, allowing him to give in reluctantly.

With his consent, the daring Mikaela directly picked up her pink Nokia phone, her eyes filled with excitement, and she pressed the power button. In an instant, the phone turned on.

Simultaneously, a text message alert sounded.

"Open it," Sam couldn't help leaning closer from the driver's seat, his eyes fixed on the sudden text message notification on the phone screen.

Mikaela nodded, without raising her head, she immediately opened the message. It read: "Come to 524 Hills Avenue in the suburbs of Duluth. I am alone, but I will only wait for you for ten minutes! Countdown based on the time of this message! - Decepticon Reformer!"


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 147 Fighting the Hornet Again (Part 2)


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