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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As for Sun Cheng, he was feeling bored.

However, after leaving the base, he didn't fly aimlessly. He shot straight up into the sky like a rocket, reaching an altitude of 30,000 meters before quickly heading towards North and South Dakota. Before long, he had crossed the US border and entered Canada.

Unlike the heavily guarded United States, Canada not only had a vast territory but also had sparsely populated regions.

Moreover, being situated next to the world's military superpower, the United States, Canada had often faced overt or covert pressure from its neighbor. As a result, their military preparedness was naturally more relaxed.

The central and western parts of Canada were vast wildernesses, where one could go for miles without seeing any signs of civilization.

This wasn't the first time Sun Cheng had snuck into this area, so after leaving the United States, he leisurely soared through the skies over the wild expanses of central and western Canada. Occasionally, he would push his speed to the maximum, gliding back and forth.

After indulging in this for a few hours and testing his power systems repeatedly without encountering any malfunctions, he decided to bring his flight to a halt and gradually decrease his speed.

Since it was a rare opportunity to be out, Sun Cheng didn't rush back immediately when he was ready to return.

After contemplating for a while, he followed the US-Canada border in a southeastern direction, eventually reentering the United States. However, his destination wasn't Base No. 1 this time, but rather the city of Duluth in Minnesota.

Half an hour later, Sun Cheng quietly arrived in Duluth City. After landing in a secluded area in the outskirts, he carefully compared the nearby road signs with the information stored in his memory chip. After a brief moment, he stealthily headed towards a specific location.

Ninoson Public School, the most renowned public high school in Duluth, had over 1,700 students. Every year, numerous graduates from this school were accepted into Ivy League universities. Ninoson was well-known throughout the state of Minnesota as a top-tier high school.

This was exactly Sun Cheng's destination!

Silently approaching Ninoson Public School, which was located on the outskirts of the city, Sun Cheng found a hidden spot nearby and decided to stay there. Afterward, he sent a reconnaissance Decepticon along with two mobile phones to secretly infiltrate Ninoson Public School.

Half an hour later, once the reconnaissance Decepticon had completed its mission, it returned to its hiding spot, where it patiently awaited further instructions.


Finally, the classes were over. Sam had been annoyed all day by his one and only best friend, Miles. As soon as the teacher announced the end of the school day, Sam hurriedly gathered his belongings and headed towards his personal locker.

"...Hey, Sam. You still haven't told me what happened between you and Mikaela? How did you manage to get her into Ninoson?"

Seeing Sam about to ignore him and run away, Miles, the mischievous blond-haired boy, quickly chased after him, not even bothering to gather his own things.

Sam was irritated by the noise coming from behind him, so he instinctively rolled his eyes. He didn't stop until he reached the corner of the corridor, realizing that he couldn't escape his annoying friend due to his physical limitations. After Miles caught up and hooked his shoulder, Sam replied in frustration, "Miles, it's love. You wouldn't understand..."

"Enough already!"

The bad boy gave him a scornful look, "You think you can handle Mikaela? Don't blame me for not reminding you. She used to have quite a reputation..."

Hearing this, Sam instantly became displeased. He and Mikaela were neighbors, and he had secretly admired her for many years. How could he not know about Mikaela's life after her mother passed away?

Describing her as wild and unrestrained wouldn't be an exaggeration. Over the past few years, she had changed boyfriends almost as often as the number of students in Sam's class.

Luckily, Mikaela's father, despite not paying much attention to her personal life, had at least instilled some basic morals and decency in her. While Mikaela had dated several boyfriends, her personal life remained clean. She had security measures at home and rarely stayed out overnight.

However, Sam was aware of this, while others were not.

For instance, his only friend and troublemaker, Miles. When this bad boy learned that Sam was dating the attractive and alluring Mikaela, his first reaction was not envy or jealousy, but rather concern and sympathy. This dampened Sam's sense of pride.

Angrily, Sam retorted, "Shut up, Miles. Mikaela is not that kind of girl..."

He tightened the book in his arms, glanced at his quartz watch, and his expression immediately turned serious. He quickly said, "Enough chatting, I need to hurry. Mikaela is waiting for me..."

After the Battle of Las Vegas, Sam had gained several advantages due to his strong bond with the Autobots.

Besides Bumblebee, the Autobot warrior who continued to protect him during his recovery, to prevent any threats from the Decepticons, the most satisfying outcome for Sam was Mikaela agreeing to be his girlfriend.

Not long ago, he received a personal invitation from Captain Lennox, with whom he had fought side by side. At that time, he even had a secret meeting with the President. Sam hadn't expected that during the friendly conversation, the President mentioned that he could reach out to the government if needed. Without much consideration, Sam proposed the idea of transferring Mikaela to Ninoson Public School. Surprisingly, the President agreed.

Following this event, Mikaela, whose academic performance was not outstanding, also enrolled in Ninoson Public School, just like Sam. As neighbors, they were now in a relationship, and recently, they were inseparable both at school and after school. Their youthfulness was evident.

The bad boy gave him a scornful look and was about to make another sarcastic remark when he suddenly heard the sound of someone running urgently down the stairs. Instinctively, he looked toward the source of the noise and immediately closed his mouth, his face brightening up.

Sam was slightly surprised and followed his gaze to a nearby spot. Just as he turned his head, he saw a voluptuous and attractive girl carrying a handbag, hurrying towards them with a worried expression.

As she caught sight of Sam, a hint of joy appeared on her face, and she called out to him, "Sam, look what I found in the locker..."

This voluptuous and attractive girl was none other than Sam's girlfriend, Mikaela.

Mikaela pulled out a palm-sized, long, pink object from her handbag, intending to hand it to Sam. However, when she noticed Miles standing beside Sam, her face froze momentarily, and she hesitated, pulling back the object.


Sam looked at Miles with some awkwardness. Unfortunately, Mikaela happened to catch him when the bad boy was speaking ill of her behind her back.

Since then, Mikaela had developed some reservations about his buddy who liked to badmouth people in secret. At least a couple of times when Sam tried to ease the tension and invited them both to go out and have fun, Mikaela rejected the offers.

Miles proved to be a true friend as he shrugged lightly and nodded to Mikaela, "Hey, Mikaela, looks like you have plans later. Sam, I'll leave first!"

After saying that, he wisely made his exit!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 146 Fighting the Hornet Again (Part 1)


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