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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


It took more than a week to shuttle back and forth between the United States and Brazil. After delivering enough supplies to sustain the second base for a period of time, Sun Cheng finally paused his busy schedule and returned to the first base.

"...It's troublesome. There are only a few power stations in Brazil with a total installed capacity of over four million kilowatts..."

The second base was established in Brazil. Sun Cheng considered this South American powerhouse as part of his sphere of influence, so naturally, he began contemplating the acquisition or reconstruction of a power station in the country.

The energy device could convert electricity into high-purity energy liquid. Despite weighing only a little over two tons when combined, its efficiency was remarkable. Power stations with an installed capacity lower than four million kilowatts would simply not meet its demands.

However, Brazil, being one of the few influential nations globally, had limited options when it came to power stations available for Sun Cheng's consideration.

As the largest country in South America, Brazil was truly a fertile land, blessed not only with abundant mineral resources but also with the Amazon River, a divine gift from nature.

As one of the emerging industrial nations, Brazil had a substantial annual electricity consumption. Yet, the country primarily relied on the extensive development of hydropower to fulfill its domestic needs.

However, this was also the most troublesome aspect.

Sun Cheng retrieved his fingers from the server plug and began pondering with a slightly furrowed brow.

Brazil had over two thousand hydroelectric and thermoelectric power stations. However, the majority of them were small-scale facilities that barely met the electricity demand of their respective local regions. Only six power stations fulfilled Sun Cheng's requirements, and even then, all six were exclusively hydropower stations.

Yet, Sun Cheng discovered that acquiring these six power stations proved to be a daunting task.

"Two of the main operators are from the United States, one is a joint venture between Japan and the US, one is a joint venture between Japan, the US, and Brazil, one is a joint venture between China and Brazil, and the remaining one is operated by a Brazilian state-owned enterprise..."

Out of the six hydropower plants, one was still under construction, making it challenging for Sun Cheng to gain a foothold in any of them.

Power stations of this magnitude were considered national-level projects in any country. Unfortunately, thanks to the past concessions made by several Brazilian presidents, who prioritized political achievements over capital, numerous heavyweight foreign corporations had intervened in the Brazilian power market.

Regrettably, the intense competition between national-level economic entities made it difficult for Sun Cheng to navigate, leaving him uncertain about his involvement.

"...It seems I'll have to reconsider and choose a slightly smaller power station instead..."

After contemplating for a while, he shook his head and made a temporary decision.

Upon returning from Brazil, Sun Cheng secluded himself in the base, becoming an otaku.

It wasn't that he desired such a lifestyle, but the recent entry of several ground surveillance radar vehicles and air defense radar vehicles belonging to the US military into Colorado had forced him to lay low.

The U.S. government seems to be growing increasingly impatient with these Decepticons who may be hiding within their borders. Despite satellite surveillance in the sky and heightened security at military bases, they have gone so far as to deploy a large number of ground surveillance radar vehicles and air defense radar vehicles throughout the country for comprehensive scanning.

Although they only roamed within Savage County for a day, Sun Cheng had to temporarily stay at the base due to the scanning radius of these radar vehicles. He had no plans to venture outside for the time being.

However, there was more than one reason that compelled him to stay and become a recluse. Another important reason was his intention to upgrade his power system!

In the depths of Base 1, inside Laboratory 2...

Sun Cheng transformed back into his drone form and lay quietly in the laboratory.

Surrounding him were six Decepticon engineers and about ten spiders, all bustling about.

"Master, this power system is an improvement we've made based on the power system of the spacecraft. Although it's not perfect, it is still an impressive power system..."

Beside him, Atlas directed a few engineers to install a silver-white power system into Sun Cheng's mechanical body, while also taking the opportunity to explain the detailed data of this power system to him.

"...We call this power system 'Storm.' After it's installed, your speed will increase to 2.7 Mach, and your load capacity will be boosted by an additional 1.8 tons..."

"Very well done..."

Sun Cheng responded with satisfaction, his tone betraying a hint of excitement.

For Decepticons, achieving evolution is difficult, as the mythical All Spark remains out of reach, not to mention that it has been destroyed.

However, compared to the challenge of evolution, strengthening their mechanical bodies is less troublesome, though still no easy feat.

In the past, Sun Cheng had entertained the idea of enhancing his own mechanical body, but he lacked the necessary technology and the circumstances didn't permit it.

Now, he could finally celebrate a successful upgrade. He had a hunter civilization spaceship at his disposal for research purposes, and he had also gained an additional squad of Decepticons who were ready to serve him. He could finally enhance his own mechanical body continuously and boost his own capabilities.

Seeing his present good mood, Atlas hesitated briefly before continuing, "Master, we haven't made much progress in our research on Jazz's mechanical body. Many of the technologies used by the Autobots differ from those of us Decepticons. We are still unable to locate his core, which prevents us from fully extracting his Spark."

Upon hearing the mention of Jazz, Sun Cheng's joy dissipated considerably, and his voice took on a somber tone.

"Understood. Let's continue our research..."

The external situation had been growing increasingly tense lately, and his need for a powerful new mechanical body had become pressing.

However, Atlas couldn't be rushed. Although Sun Cheng was still studying the necessary skills, he understood that certain technical challenges couldn't be overcome through mere haste.

This time, the upgrade to his mechanical body involved more than just a power system.

Along with them, there was also Engineer No. 1 with a plasma weapon modeled after the Hunter's design. They had completed the development of a new plasma cannon, which had significantly increased power but also higher energy consumption. Additionally, they made some modifications and adjustments to Sun Cheng's original Vulcan Cannon.

The entire transformation process took two days to complete!

Inside the laboratory, accompanied by a reminder from Atlas, Sun Cheng, who was already eager, leaped up. The metallic joints in his mechanical body made crackling sounds as he quickly transformed back into his humanoid form.

"...It feels good..."

With a thought, the joints in his right hand immediately squirmed and transformed, and soon he had a small 100mm caliber short-barreled cannon in his hand. He aimed it forward and took some time to finally pull the trigger.

He wanted to test the performance of his modified mechanical body, as being confined to the underground base as an otaku had bored him.

Sun Cheng carefully inspected his mechanical body with the Core, ensuring that there were no hidden issues. Afterward, he immediately instructed Atlas, and he quickly made his way out through a newly established hidden passage in the base. With a leap, he flew into the air and soon disappeared from sight.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 145: Sam and Michaela


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