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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The so-called energy extraction and conversion device is the set of energy replenishment machines that Sun Cheng previously enjoyed in Starscream's base.

This is a unique device on Cybertron Planet that can rapidly convert electrical energy into high-purity energy fluid for storage. It is a critical strategic equipment for Decepticons and Autobots, the mechanical beings.

The Sparks and Cores of Decepticons constantly consume energy and require regular replenishment. Otherwise, if their energy storage falls below a certain level, they will either go into hibernation to minimize consumption or wait for their mechanical bodies to age and decay.

Although high-ranking Decepticons and Autobots like Sun Cheng have the ability to directly absorb electrical energy to replenish their energy, compared to specialized energy extraction and conversion devices, their efficiency is lower, and it takes much more time.

Previously, Sun Cheng did not have such conditions and could only rely on absorbing the electricity generated by the diesel generators in the base to partially restore his energy.

Now, with Jazz's memory chip in his possession, after Onslaught refused to trade his sonic Blackout gun, Sun Cheng immediately chose a set of energy extraction and conversion devices.

After completing the transaction with Onslaught, Sun Cheng did not stay in the base all the time.

The replication and upgrade of the plasma pistol require equipment and materials. Besides that, he also traveled around to order and purchase supplies for the construction of the second base.

A few days later, Forerunner sent a communication from Brazil, informing that the first batch of supplies, which had been purchased before he returned to reality, had arrived at the Amanbai Mountains where the second base was located.

The underground karst cave in the remote part of the Amambai Mountains was the chosen location for the second base, and construction was finally about to begin.

Upon hearing this news, Sun Cheng immediately assigned four engineers from the first base and sent them to Brazil in two separate groups.

Their identities were too special. Not to mention hiring humans for assistance, even if they revealed themselves in public even for a brief moment, there was a high chance of being discovered by the US government, which was currently searching for Decepticons worldwide.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Sun Cheng knew better than anyone that without Starscream or Shockwave summoning the Decepticon army to Earth, it would be impossible to confront the most powerful country on Earth with just a few high-ranking Decepticons.


Forerunner respectfully greeted Sun Cheng, who was holding a small container in one hand, and led him deep into the mountains.

"Is this the karst cave?" Sun Cheng followed behind him and entered the desolate mountains. After walking through a canyon for over half an hour, they finally arrived at the location of the karst cave. He couldn't help but feel interested.

When he had delivered goods here a few days ago, in order to save time, he would immediately leave after handing them over to Forerunner.

To put it simply, they were understaffed.

The ten engineers obtained in the trade with Onslaught not only had to study spacecraft and plasma pistols, but also had to be responsible for expanding the two bases.

If it weren't for the fact that these mechanical beings can work continuously as long as their energy is not depleted, no one could endure it.

Upon hearing this, Forerunner immediately responded respectfully, "Yes, master, this is it!"

Sun Cheng looked around and nodded.

The underground karst cave chosen for Base Number 2 is located deep within the Amambai Mountains, in a canyon surrounded by mountains.

Apart from walking or flying, there is simply no other way to enter here. For weak human beings, it could be considered a forbidden place.

Forerunner chose a location with favorable environmental conditions for Base Number 2. As soon as Sun Cheng stepped into the underground cave, he grew increasingly satisfied, "Not bad!"

This underground karst cave can truly be regarded as a masterpiece of nature.

The entrance is already spacious, with a length, width, and height of no less than ten meters. The initial section of the cave was rough and winding, but as one proceeds deeper into the cave, there are several expansive underground chambers that are not interconnected. The largest one is probably the size of three football fields, while the smallest is about the size of three or four basketball courts.

The terrain inside the cave is uneven, with protruding stalagmites, sunken pools, and there is even a lake within one of the caves. The lake connects to an underground river that flows all the way into a canyon twenty kilometers away. It not only provides safety but also has significant development potential.

Although it is somewhat regrettable to interfere with this gift of nature, the four Decepticon engineers that Sun Cheng sent have no regard for the preservation of nature. They have already begun using machines to destroy the stalagmites and smooth the ground, commencing construction work within the cave.

Sun Cheng was satisfied with what he saw and praised Forerunner once again, "Well done!"

Forerunner was somewhat surprised and looked up at Sun Cheng, asking in confusion, "Master, is there a need to rush?"

Mechanical beings, in principle, can continue working as long as their energy is not depleted.

However, they are called "life" instead of "machines" because, like humans, they experience emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and they also feel fatigue and the need for rest.

Sun Cheng's request, if it were only him and the four engineers working on it, it would be extremely challenging to complete within half a year, let alone a year.

After all, Base Number 2 is essentially starting from scratch. They not only need to level all the underground caves and reinforce the seismic structure but also lay down circuits, pipelines, and carve out emergency escape routes and waterways. The workload for these engineers is quite substantial.

Sun Cheng furrowed his brow. His discontent was not directed towards Forerunner's questioning, but rather towards the uncertain situation within the United States.

After contemplating for a moment, he replied, "You should continue working here first. Depending on the situation, there may be other engineers transferred from Base Number 1. The current domestic situation in the United States is unclear, and I plan to take a risk and investigate what NEST is all about in a few days."

Shortly after the Battle of Las Vegas, he had obtained some information about the collaboration between the Autobots and the U.S. government through bribes and his informants within the U.S. government.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng's informants did not have access to the most critical information, so he could only speculate that the Autobots and the U.S. government may have established a cooperative relationship, but he remained uncertain about the specifics.

This is definitely not good news!

Sun Cheng dared to use his Core as a guarantee, and now he is definitely on the Autobots' blacklist. Moreover, he may have already replaced the deceased Megatron and Shockwave, who is temporarily off Earth, and temporarily taken the top spot.

There's no way around it, not to mention the damage he caused to the US military in the Battle of Las Vegas. Just the fact that he attempted to kill Bumblebee and took Jazz's half-mechanical body when he escaped is enough for him to be hated by the Autobots and the US government.

That's why he has to be cautious. If the Autobots cooperate with the US military and start eliminating Decepticons on Earth, Sun Cheng will undoubtedly be their primary target.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 144 Strengthening Transformation


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