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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As soon as these words were spoken, Sun Cheng noticed an abrupt change in Onslaught's expression, clearly indicating a sense of apprehension towards Starscream.

He remained silent for a while before shaking his head and said, "We are not qualified to meddle in his affairs. It might even be better for you..." Even Onslaught, who was on the verge of becoming a leader, showed such fear. This only piqued Sun Cheng's curiosity further.

Realizing that Onslaught didn't want to discuss the topic any further, Sun Cheng had to approach it indirectly. "Things are not calm on Earth lately. In just the past month, I've encountered over twelve groups of unfamiliar Decepticon frequencies. Could it be that he intends to turn Earth into a second Cybertron Planet?"

Onslaught seemed to ponder for a moment before looking at him calmly, with a hint of warning in his eyes. However, after a brief consideration, he decided to share some information.

"Starscream is too ambitious. He has transmitted Earth's coordinates to the cosmos, and more Decepticons will arrive on Earth in the future."

Pausing for a moment, he continued to advise, "Try to avoid contact as much as possible. You should be familiar with the base on the moon. Let me disclose a bit more information to you. The spaceship doesn't belong to Starscream. It's a large expedition vessel manufactured during the era of the Elder Council. There might be a remarkable figure in hibernation on that ship. Don't forget that Starscream still possesses a nuclear bomb. He is playing a dangerous game..."

Upon hearing Onslaught mention the spaceship, Sun Cheng couldn't help but feel intrigued.

He still retained some memories of the Decepticon base on the moon. Frenzy's data contained limited information about the base, and he even remembered the specific crater where it was located on the far side of the moon.

However, when it came to the mentioned spaceship, Sun Cheng couldn't recall much. He vaguely remembered that Frenzy's initial mechanical body was created on that ship, but beyond that, he had no further recollection.

Onslaught's serious demeanor indicated that he had personally been aboard that ship.

Nonetheless, he seemed unwilling to delve further into this topic. Even mentioning Starscream made him cautious and apprehensive. Seeing Sun Cheng cautiously inquire about related matters, Onslaught immediately grew impatient. Without waiting for Sun Cheng to finish speaking, he urged him to quickly hand over Jazz's memory chip.

Sun Cheng had no choice but to temporarily set aside his curiosity about further inquiries. Once Atlas finished counting and confirmed that nothing brought by Onslaught was missing, Sun Cheng retrieved Jazz's memory chip and handed it to him promptly.

After both parties obtained what they desired, Onslaught swiftly departed with Jazz's memory chip.

Once he was gone, the cautious Sun Cheng spent a full two days thoroughly scanning all the cores and mechanical bodies of the engineers and spiders he had acquired. To his surprise, he discovered several deeply concealed control and monitoring programs within the cores of two engineers and a spider.

This revelation sent a chill down his spine and further reinforced his understanding of the Decepticons' cunning nature as mechanical beings.

After completing the debugging of the engineers and having ten more available manpower, many of Sun Cheng's plans that were still waiting in line for arrangements could finally be scheduled.

The design and manufacture of the new mechanical body were undoubtedly of utmost importance, and a considerable amount of effort had been invested in Atlas. He had confidence in the first Decepticon engineer he acquired, so he directly assigned regular engineers to him, allowing him to lead and take responsibility for his own new mechanical body.

The remaining five engineers were divided into three groups. Three of them were sent to continue deepening and modifying the base, while also excavating new concealed passages to prevent potential invasions.

As for Sun Cheng himself, he kept two engineers and transferred them to Laboratory No. 1 to research the plasma pistol obtained from the hunter spaceship.

"Master, this plasma weapon is very peculiar..."

Engineer No. 1 raised the plasma pistol that had been reassembled and presented it flatteringly in front of Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng retracted his fingers from the server port in front of him. Since he lacked experience in weapon design and mechanical construction, he had been utilizing his hacking abilities to continuously search for various relevant teaching materials and theories on the internet, enriching his own database.

"What do you find peculiar about it?" He asked with a slight frown, subconsciously reaching out and rubbing his head.

In the past few days, his memory chip had been inundated with an abundance of new information.

The more Sun Cheng interacted with the Decepticons, the more he could sense the advanced technology of Cybertron. This was especially evident after he had fortuitously encountered some artifacts from the hunter civilization, which had also ventured into the space age.

However, it was unfortunate that despite the excellence of Cybertronian technology, he was unable to personally access such valuable resources.

Sun Cheng's ambitions were immense, and without the means to acquire more Cybertronian technology, he could not afford to remain stagnant.

Having noticed that Onslaught had hidden intentions when he handed over the engineers and spiders, Sun Cheng realized that it would probably be difficult to obtain more items from him in the future.

Nevertheless, where there's a will, there's a way.

Sun Cheng utilized every means at his disposal to hack into the internal servers of major universities, corporations, and laboratories across the United States and even worldwide. He continuously searched the internet for the crème de la crème of human-created modern industrial knowledge, spanning from machinery manufacturing to electronics and molecular materials.

Although this was a longer and more arduous path, Sun Cheng believed that it was not a dead end, but rather a detour.

He firmly believed that as long as he could fully assimilate and master Earth's civilization, even advanced Cybertronian technology would eventually be within his reach.

Engineer No. 1, filled with excitement, also expressed a tinge of contempt. "It's difficult for us to fathom how a weapon with such crude design and internal structure could come into existence. Apart from the material and energy conversion system, this plasma pistol lacks any notable merits!"

He wasn't surprised that these Decepticons, hailing from Cybertronian civilization, would disregard the manufacturing techniques of the hunter civilization.

In fact, Sun Cheng himself had previously analyzed the internal design and structure of the hunter spacecraft, and had long concluded that the construction level of the spaceship was far from noteworthy.

This may also be related to the distorted development of the hunter civilization. Despite being an advanced civilization that has evolved into the space age, they still retain barbaric customs such as warfare with cold weapons and hunting. It is not surprising that their civilization's industrial development is somewhat deformed.

Sun Cheng's gaze paused on the plasma pistol and he spoke coldly, "So, can you manufacture such a weapon?"

"It will take some time, but there is no manufacturing obstacle. We need some equipment and materials. Of course, if you desire, master, we can also make some modifications and upgrades. However, that will increase your Spark consumption..." Engineer No. 2 beside him flattered in response.

"Very well, strive to accomplish it!"

Spark consumption?!

A few days ago, he might have still had some apprehension, but now, after obtaining a set of energy absorption and conversion devices from Onslaught, he no longer had any such concerns!

No, no, no...

Strictly speaking, it's not that there are none!

Sun Cheng rubbed his chin made of metal, contemplating in his eyes, "Now, I need a power station..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 143 Base No. 2


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