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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


After catching a glimpse of the Chevrolet Camaro sports car from afar, Sun Cheng's face slightly changed, and he muttered to himself that things weren't looking good.

Having had several encounters with Bumblebee, he immediately recognized the Chevrolet Camaro sports car as his.

Clearly, Bumblebee also recognized him. Before the car even approached, Sun Cheng heard him angrily roar from the ground and suddenly leaped into the air, about to transform into his warrior form.



Instantly, two screams could be heard from inside the car, one male and one female, drawing attention.

The two individuals were none other than Sam and Mikaela.

While remaining vigilant, Sun Cheng carefully observed and realized that Bumblebee wasn't ignoring Sam and Mikaela, who were originally inside the car.

On the contrary, when Bumblebee transformed mid-air, he made sure to throw Sam and Mikaela high up and then, after completing his transformation, extended his left and right palms, catching each of them securely. He then rolled on the ground, placing Sam and Mikaela far behind him. In a hurry, Bumblebee warned, "Don't come any closer..."

After conveying his message, Bumblebee suddenly assumed his combat form with a stern expression, swiftly transforming his arm into a laser cannon and unleashing a blast aimed at Sun Cheng.


Sun Cheng evaded the cannonfire, furrowing his brow.

He had suspected the possibility that the Autobots would assign a warrior to protect Sam and Mikaela until the dust settled.

However, he hadn't anticipated that Optimus Prime would abandon his most exceptional intelligence expert and master of covert operations, instead tasking him with safeguarding two humans who had no connection to the Autobots.

As a result, the situation began in the worst possible way!

"Bumblebee, I came here with good intentions... Do you wish to spark another war?"

Feeling unlucky, Sun Cheng snorted and leaped up, once again evading Bumblebee's laser fire. He stood to the side, folding his arms, and watched with displeasure.

"Good intentions? Shut up, you Decepticon bastard..."

Bumblebee's eyes were filled with a strong sense of animosity, his pair of light blue electronic eyes unapologetically revealing his hatred for Sun Cheng. He continuously fired his cannon at him while increasing his speed, rapidly closing in on Sun Cheng.

Sun Cheng's expression turned sour as he realized the reason behind the intense animosity. Having accessed Jazz's memory chip, he was well aware of why Bumblebee held such hatred toward him.

Both Bumblebee and Jazz served as two of Autobot Leader Optimus Prime's four main lieutenants. They were equally talkative, and their relationship was much closer compared to the other two lieutenants—Police Car and Ratchet.

During the battle in Las Vegas, Jazz didn't perish at Sun Cheng's hands but met a tragic end at the hands of Megatron.

However, Sun Cheng took possession of Jazz's severed body after the battle. While the loss of Spark wasn't significant, the crucial factor was that Jazz's memory chip fell into Sun Cheng's hands. This made it impossible for the Autobots to revive him in the future, and it was evident that Bumblebee held a deep grudge against Sun Cheng because of it.

Jazz's memory chip was traded to Onslaught by him. Apart from not being able to gather enough resources in the short term to revive Jazz, he also feared Jazz's identity and worried that the Autobots would seek retribution from him in the future.

He had actually looked forward to Onslaught resurrecting Jazz and training him to become the second Barricade.

Little did he expect that even before Onslaught succeeded, he himself would become the target of Bumblebee, drawing his animosity.

This was literally handing himself over!

As Bumblebee relentlessly attacked, his eyes glinting with malice, Sun Cheng felt a growing frustration. However, he maintained composure, evading the attacks while saying, "That's enough, Bumblebee. Don't think that just because Megatron is dead, the Autobots can do whatever they want. Starscream and Soundwave are still on Earth, within the ranks of the Decepticon forces, and not everyone is as reasonable as I am..."

Upon hearing the names Starscream and Soundwave, Bumblebee's expression changed slightly, and his assault momentarily faltered.

Among the Decepticon forces, the four individuals Autobots feared the most were Megatron, Shockwave, Starscream, and Soundwave.

No need to mention Megatron and Shockwave. The former was unrivaled in terms of combat prowess on Cybertron. In the battle of Las Vegas, he could hold his own against Optimus Prime's team and even gain the upper hand. It didn't take long for him to overpower Optimus Prime in a one-on-one fight, nearly killing him. That says it all. The latter, Shockwave, had always been the second-in-command and military commander of the Decepticon forces. It is no exaggeration to say that without Shockwave, the Decepticons would not have been able to decimate the Autobots as they did.

Among the Decepticons, aside from Megatron and Shockwave, Starscream and Soundwave possessed the greatest intimidation factor.

Starscream, like a madman, was the most dangerous schemer. His obsession with power not only made him exceedingly ruthless towards all Decepticons except himself, but he also derived pleasure from using the most brutal methods to torture and kill captured Autobots.

Soundwave, on the other hand, was the master of intelligence within the Decepticon forces. As Bumblebee's primary adversary, they had clashed countless times during the civil war, and each time Soundwave had decisively defeated him. It was only natural that Bumblebee felt an overwhelming sense of apprehension towards him.

Clearly, upon hearing that Starscream and Soundwave were also present on Earth, Bumblebee's mind was thrown into disarray.

Seeing Bumblebee's assault momentarily halted, Sun Cheng thought that he might finally be able to calm him down and say a few words.

Little did he know that as soon as he let his guard down, Bumblebee's gaze suddenly flickered, and he swiftly raised his weapon, aiming directly at Sun Cheng's chest, and fired.


In the midst of a violent explosion, the armor on Sun Cheng's chest was instantly pulverized. The immense force sent his body soaring slightly before crashing down several meters away.

Bumblebee's sudden ambush had caught Sun Cheng completely off guard, and he was struck by a blast, leaving his chest armor cracked.

Sun Cheng looked down and couldn't help but feel an intense anger.

Swiftly rolling to the side, he reached for his newly equipped plasma cannon.

Taking aim at Bumblebee, who was charging towards him, seemingly intent on finishing him off, Sun Cheng fired a shot.


It's true that courtesy dictates reciprocity. Bumblebee had clashed with him on several occasions, and it seemed that he didn't expect Sun Cheng, who could barely inflict damage on him with a Vulcan cannon during the Las Vegas battle not long ago, to possess a weapon capable of seriously injuring him just a month later.

As a result, Sun Cheng's shot hit Bumblebee accurately.

Fortunately, due to Bumblebee's experience as a seasoned warrior, he instinctively made an evasive maneuver as he snapped back to reality.

As a result, the plasma cannon, aimed at his chest, narrowly missed and struck his left shoulder instead.

With a screeching sound of metal fracturing, Bumblebee's left arm broke off and flew several meters away, landing on the ground.

The elite Autobot warrior Bumblebee was injured once again!

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 149: An Enemy, Not a Friend


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