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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Walking in two steps, Sun Cheng reached the side of the spaceship. He lowered his head and groped for a while at the unclosed cabin, quickly finding an interface.

Extending a finger, the tip of his finger transformed into a long and slender metal joint, which he inserted into the interface. Immediately, numerous strange runes appeared in Sun Cheng's Core.

In the parallel universe of the "Predator," it is conceivable that the civilization of the hunters must have a deep connection with the Earth civilization of that universe.

Both Safeguard and Vengeance had mentioned to him before that many characters found in the information retrieved from the hunter's devices bore similarities or even exact resemblances to the languages and writings left by ancient Egyptian, ancient Cambodian, and Aztec civilizations on Earth.

That's why Vengeance and Safeguard, the two lowest-ranking Decepticons, were able to decipher the auxiliary device they obtained from Specter in such a short amount of time.

In the real world, due to the fusion, there might be an inheritance of the relationship between Earth and the hunter civilization from the "Predator" parallel universe. However, this world is evidently different. Sun Cheng had long ago investigated Megatron and the All Spark, and it was already known that the Cybertronians were the ones who had an impact on the ancient Earth civilization in this world.

Nevertheless, although he couldn't find ancient writings in this world that could assist him in deciphering the characters of the hunter civilization, it didn't pose a challenge for him.

After being upgraded twice by the All Spark, his Core abilities had significantly surpassed their initial state, and performing billions upon trillions of floating-point calculations per second was child's play for Sun Cheng's Core. He immediately resorted to the simplest and most brutal method of decryption. He copied all the information from the electronic devices within the spaceship into his Core and began to painstakingly analyze and decipher each word and sentence.

Two days later, as he replaced the final set of characters with their Chinese equivalents, Sun Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's done!

Withdrawing his finger, the protruding joint on his fingertip quickly retracted into his body. He looked at the spaceship before him, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Not a bad harvest..."

In the real world, Sun Cheng had already sensed that this spaceship would be a valuable acquisition. Now that he had thoroughly understood its detailed information, he confirmed that this spaceship was indeed highly beneficial, even from the perspective and knowledge of his current Decepticon status.

Long before ancient times, Cybertron Planet had likely manufactured a large number of spacecraft for outer space travel, perhaps during the era of the Senate. However, Sun Cheng couldn't provide an evaluation since he had never come into contact with Cybertron Planet's outer space vehicles.

Nevertheless, based on his own perspective, Cybertron Planet's achievements in this area were far inferior to those of the hunter civilization.

It's not that he looks down on the technology of Cybertron Planet, but based on the development history of Cybertron Planet sorted out by Sun Cheng himself, both Decepticons and Autobots belong to mechanical life. Their mechanical bodies are much stronger than humans and hunters. Advanced mechanical life forms can rely on their robust mechanical bodies to travel across galaxies for long-distance journeys. That's why not much investment has been made in the technology of climbing outer space vehicles.

However, both Blackout and Jazz's memory chips have vague records mentioning the existence of large aircraft within both factions, but the details are unclear.

From this, it can be seen that Decepticons and Autobots have indeed developed large-scale outer space vehicles. It's just unclear whether they were highly classified or simply not given much importance, which is why there is limited leaked information.

Putting that aside, Sun Cheng has greatly benefited from this Predator ship.

The power system of this special operations spacecraft is astounding. Although it is too heavy and his own Spark cannot handle the power system's consumption, he has no intention of replicating it for himself.

However, this system has provided him with a lot of inspiration.

Sun Cheng has an idea that if he could learn from the spacecraft's power system and make some adjustments and modifications to his own power system, perhaps his speed would undergo a significant improvement.


As soon as this idea sprouted, Sun Cheng furrowed his brow, quickly shook his head, and suppressed it.

Shortage of manpower!

That's still the issue!

Regarding power and mechanical body modifications, he has only recently started delving into it. His knowledge and expertise in the field are still limited. Even making superficial adjustments to his mechanical body requires him to rely on Atlas. It shows that he lacks enough cannon-fodder Decepticons, such as those with industrial and medical skills.

The shortage of manpower means that despite having a pile of ideas, plans, and thoughts, he can only work on them one by one, gradually.

Especially when it comes to modifying the hunter spaceship and improving his own mechanical body's power system, it goes far beyond what Atlas alone can handle!

"It seems I need to find a way to acquire some engineers first..."

Once this thought emerged, Sun Cheng promptly made a note of it. Expanding his team or establishing his own subsidiary Decepticons has become a pressing matter.

However, how to expand his team has once again left him puzzled!

Creating cannon-fodder Decepticons by himself is not an easy task!

Even after Onslaught's long stay on Earth, Sun Cheng has only encountered a dozen or twenty engineers in his base. Even a seasoned Decepticon like himself doesn't have many resources on hand, indicating the scarcity.

Since he can't produce them himself, he can only rely on external assistance!

On Earth, Sun Cheng could only think of three individuals as potential allies: Onslaught, Soundwave, and Starscream.

Soundwave could be ruled out first. He had previously deceived Sun Cheng and was now forced into a dormant state. Moreover, Soundwave probably wouldn't be willing to help him.

As for Starscream!

Sun Cheng furrowed his brows slightly and immediately dismissed the thought that had just crossed his mind.

He was willing to flatter the Dictator and show loyalty to the Tyrant, but if the other party was a complete madman and schemer who couldn't be understood at all, then it was a different story.

Starscream had left a deep impression on Sun Cheng. If given the choice, he wouldn't even want to see Starscream for a single second!

After considering his options, Sun Cheng reluctantly realized that after looking around, the only choice that could assist him was Onslaught.

He pondered over what he possessed that could pique the other party's interest, while also being acceptable to himself in a potential transaction.

Only then did he proactively send a long-distance communication to the other party, keeping the message brief: "I have Jazz's memory chip, the Autobot. Are you interested?"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 140: The Lion Opens His Mouth


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