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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the battle of Las Vegas, as one of the biggest winners, Sun Cheng got a significant share of the spoils.

Four pieces of All Spark, Blackout's head, and half of Jazz's mechanical body. Even though these gains may not be as impressive as those of the US military, they are still far superior to what the Autobots and Onslaught have.

Although the gains were substantial, each item was important to him, and there were even fewer items that he could trade.

Sun Cheng wouldn't give up any of the four All Spark fragments. These pieces were derived from the All Spark, and even though they were shattered, they still contained a wealth of information. Furthermore, the energy within the fragments was slowly recovering, which made them highly valuable to him.

Blackout's head was worthless, but his memory chip held great value. In the hands of someone who knew what to do with it, it could potentially be used to create another Blackout.

Initially, Sun Cheng considered trading the memory chip with Onslaught. He was well aware that for mechanical beings like themselves, acquiring others' memory data was a way to accumulate knowledge, combat skills, and strengthen themselves. Moreover, considering the recipient was Onslaught and the memory chip belonged to Blackout, Sun Cheng was certain that Onslaught would be highly interested.

However, Blackout's identity was too sensitive.

He was the true second-in-command of the Decepticon army, Shockwave's right-hand man, and a loyal follower of Megatron. Trading Blackout's memory chip to Onslaught would be like voluntarily handing him a weapon. Sun Cheng wouldn't make such a mistake.

After careful consideration, the only item Sun Cheng had available for trade was Jazz's memory chip.

Onslaught would likely be interested in Jazz's remains. Although Jazz's combat capabilities weren't particularly outstanding, his role as Optimus Prime's lieutenant granted him access to advantages that made his mechanical body superior to most Decepticon warriors.

However, Sun Cheng intended to use Jazz's half mechanical body to construct a new one for himself, so he was reluctant to part with it. The memory chip was the only option left for trade.

After sending a communication to Onslaught, Sun Cheng paused his work and patiently awaited a reply.

He didn't have to wait long. Shortly after sending his message, Sun Cheng felt a movement in his core, signaling the receipt of a remote communication.

Opening the message, a smile involuntarily formed on Sun Cheng's lips.

Indeed, it was Onslaught's reply, and it was brief: "The lieutenant of Optimus Prime? What do you want?"

Onslaught couldn't resist the temptation of acquiring the memory chip belonging to the adjutant of an Autobot leader. Both Onslaught and Jazz had experienced the Second Cybertronian Civil War, so even though they hadn't crossed paths, they were familiar with each other's identities.

Therefore, Onslaught would find it even harder to resist this temptation.

"Wait for me. I'll come to you first!"

Remote communications were not impossible to intercept, especially since the Battle of Las Vegas had just taken place. Sun Cheng was concerned about the Autobots tracking him, so he quickly left his base in Savage County, southwest Colorado, and headed towards Onslaught's base in the Grand Canyon after confirming its location.

As they proceeded cautiously, Sun Cheng indeed confirmed some conjectures.

High above in the sky, American military satellites conducted surveillance, while ground radar attempted to cover every corner of the country. They were still searching for the Decepticons who had been labeled as "evil" after the Battle of Las Vegas.

Although it was still uncertain to what extent the cooperation between the Autobots and the US government could reach, it was clear that the United States was not safe. The construction of Base Two in Brazil needed to be expedited.

Carefully evading various exposure risks, Sun Cheng landed outside Onslaught's base after ten hours. After sending a message to notify the base owner, he quickly proceeded towards the depths of the base.

After several days, Sun Cheng saw Onslaught once again. Although his expression remained unchanged, there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Lord Onslaught, it's been a while!"

Since getting to know him, Sun Cheng had sensed that he and Onslaught were alike. Onslaught had ambition but principles, enjoyed fighting yet was a cautious perfectionist. Such a person would not easily submit to anyone, even if the other party was Leader Megatron of the Decepticon army.

Therefore, during the Battle of Las Vegas, Onslaught first engaged a few Autobots to distract them, then actively pursued the AllSpark without faithfully guarding Megatron like Blackout did.

Sun Cheng had always suspected that when Onslaught was entangled in the iron sheet, he might have been secretly observing the battle between Megatron and Optimus Prime on the other side.

Perhaps after sensing the absence of signals from the AllSpark and Megatron, Onslaught realized that the Autobots were the victors. That was why he silently left without hesitation.

Unfortunately, at that time, he was probably worried about being surrounded by the victorious Autobots. Hence, he did not withdraw to the base to reap the spoils, inadvertently giving Sun Cheng the opportunity to seize a significant advantage.

Inside the base, Onslaught sat in the center of the hall, while several spider-like medical robots climbed up and down his body, occasionally emitting sparks as they treated his wounds.

Upon seeing Sun Cheng, Onslaught stared at him intently for a while. The two electronic eyes flickered with an unusual light before he calmly asked, "Did the Autobots obtain the AllSpark?"

He did not even ask Megatron, clearly indicating that he cared more about the AllSpark than the leader of the Decepticon army.

This attitude deepened Sun Cheng's suspicion, although he did not show it on his face.

Shaking his head, he regretfully replied, "A human took advantage of Emperor Megatron's momentary lapse and placed it within his Spark. The AllSpark has been destroyed..."

This response caused Onslaught's face to contort. Coincidentally, at that moment, a medical Decepticon climbed onto Onslaught's head. Irritated, Onslaught pinched it in his hand and exerted a slight force. After a snap, the medical Decepticon disappeared completely.

"What a waste..."

Witnessing such an extravagant way of expressing anger, Sun Cheng couldn't help but envy him silently.

God knew that he didn't even have a single medical Decepticon. Every time he sustained injuries in battle, he had to rely on the maintenance functions of his own Core, gradually consuming the energy within his Spark until it recovered. How could he compare to Onslaught in that regard?

I couldn't bear to watch anymore, so Sun Cheng took the initiative to speak up. "I took the half of Jazz's mechanical body that was killed by His Majesty Megatron. I still have use for the mechanical body, and I'm willing to offer the memory chip in exchange for a deal with you, Lord Onslaught."

Onslaught's face twitched slightly, and with a gentle flick of his finger, he sent the medical Decepticon's corpse flying away. He turned his attention back to Sun Cheng, showing a keen interest as he took the conversation. "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Twenty engineers, forty spiders, along with the engineering and spider manufacturing technology and equipment..."

He paused, noticing that Onslaught's expression grew somewhat unpleasant, but he continued, "In addition, I also want the manufacturing technology of your sonic gun, Mr. Onslaught..."


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 141: Each takes what he needs


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