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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Have you found a way to reactivate it?"

Dr. Settler asked!

Sun Cheng didn't answer her, he opened the Word document and carefully read it.

After a while, he frowned, closed his eyes, and started thinking.

"What's wrong?"

Dr. Settler asked him again. She was quite straightforward, leaning over and looking directly at the document displayed on the computer screen.

Unfortunately, the content in the document was all written in traditional Chinese characters, and she didn't recognize any of them except for the punctuation marks.

However, she could understand the few pictures in the document. After staring at the top picture for a while, Dr. Settler's face showed surprise. "Is this a map of the island? The marked locations seem to be in Zone E!"

Sun Cheng nodded slightly and opened his eyes again to look at the pictures on the document. His furrowed brow showed no signs of relief.

Even Dr. Settler, who hadn't paid much attention to the situation on the island, could recognize this picture. It didn't make sense that Sun Cheng, who had been actively collecting information in this area since arriving on the island, would be unaware of the situation.

Sun Cheng was well aware that the International Genetics Corporation had divided Isla Nublar into five regions, labeled with the English letters A, B, C, D, and E.

Area A represented the northwest, Area B the northeast, Area C the southwest, Area D the southeast, and Area E the central region of the island.

Most of the island's structures, such as the research center and villas, were located in Zone B, which was the most developed area on the island. The Twin Hotel under construction was in Zone D. Due to its proximity to the mainland and relatively flat terrain, Zone E was a priority area for the International Genetics Corporation's development.

Zone E was quite small, covering only a dozen square kilometers.

Both Sun Cheng and Dr. Settler had been there before, so they knew what Zone E represented!

"Tyrannosaurus Rex..."

After holding his breath for a while, Sun Cheng finally muttered these three words, his eyes filled with heaviness.

Indeed, Zone E on the island was where the Tyrannosaurus Rex was kept.

Although he hadn't been allowed to get close and observe, Sun Cheng had once felt the terror of the prehistoric behemoth beyond the fence that held the Tyrannosaurus Rex during an island tour in the afternoon.

Every time he recalled the scene of the entire thick wall, made of concrete and steel, trembling from the force of the roaring beast, the impact lingered in his heart, unable to dissipate completely.

"This is troublesome..."

Sun Cheng closed the document, his brow furrowed. No matter how he thought about it, he never expected that the extraterrestrial hunters' spaceship, which had landed on Earth, would be in Zone E. This was a life-threatening situation.

Reactivating the island's security system was not a difficult task for Sun Cheng, or Safeguard.

After regaining his senses, he confirmed the orders he had previously given, and Safeguard quickly remotely acquired the highest level of authorization from the International Genetics Corporation's management system within the research center, subsequently reactivating the island's security system.

The lights in the power supply room flickered briefly, and all the devices were remotely controlled to shut down and restart. Soon, a series of power supply equipment began emitting a low rumble.

"...Done. The island's security system has been reactivated..."

Without forgetting to give Safeguard a warning command, Sun Cheng closed the screen, managing to squeeze a faint smile.

"Did it work?" Dr. Settler quickly asked him.


Putting Safeguard back in his backpack and securing it, Sun Cheng nodded, but he looked a bit troubled when he turned to Dr. Settler. "Doctor, my next plan is to drive around the island's roads and see if I can find other survivors. As for you, I suggest staying here and keeping watch over the equipment in case any further issues arise!"

In order to separate from Major Dutch and the others just now, Sun Cheng had made up an excuse to be with her.

But now that he has achieved his goal, the next step is to search for the hunters' spaceship, and taking her along will only be a hindrance. Therefore, Sun Cheng had the idea of leaving Settler behind.

"Guarding equipment? But I don't understand these..."

Dr. Settler clearly didn't want to, immediately refusing with a firm attitude. "Sun, I want to go with you. Alan and the others are still somewhere on the island..."

After a few more attempts to persuade her, seeing that she remained unwilling to relent, Sun Cheng furrowed his brow and stopped trying to persuade her any further. However, he firmly resolved to find an opportunity to separate from her later.

"Then let's go..."

The power supply station would soon no longer be safe. Once the island's security system was activated, not only would it greatly restrict the roaming area of the escaped carnivorous dinosaurs, but it would also pose a threat to the two remaining ghost hunters on the island.

With the aid of the "Hunter-Class Individual Combat Support Equipment," it was only a matter of time before the ghost hunters found their location!

After opening the gate of the power supply station, Sun Cheng cautiously stepped outside. Once he confirmed there were no ambushes, he intended to start the Humvee. However, at that very moment, a grayish-green figure suddenly darted out from the other side of the Humvee. It appeared to be a small dinosaur, measuring no more than fifty or sixty centimeters in height.

"What is this... a Dilophosaurus?"

Sun Cheng quickly raised his gun and aimed it at the creature, uncertain, as he turned to ask Dr. Settler beside him.

Earlier in the afternoon, he had seen the imprisoned Dilophosaurus on the island. However, that one was a fully grown Dilophosaurus, measuring six meters in length and three meters in height. In contrast, this creature in front of them had a similar appearance, with a pair of thin V-shaped bony crests on its head, but its size was vastly different!

Dr. Settler also approached, holding a gun. After careful observation, he nodded and confirmed, "It's a Dilophosaurus! Strange, didn't Hammond say their company only hatched one Dilophosaurus?"

Clearly, she also remembered the Dilophosaurus they had seen together that afternoon.

The small Dilophosaurus tilted its head and stared at the two of them with a silly expression, as if it posed no threat at all.

Sun Cheng extended his gun, attempting to drive it away. However, to his surprise, the creature merely tilted its head and slowly retreated a couple of steps. It neither snarled nor made any attacking movements.

"Perhaps it was just born and hasn't learned how to hunt yet!"

Feeling assured of its safety, Sun Cheng immediately shifted most of his attention away, saying to Settler, "Let's get in the car..."

Just as he finished speaking and approached the Humvee's door, suddenly, a grayish-green figure lunged out from the shadows at the front of the vehicle, forcefully colliding with Sun Cheng.

Before he could react, another small Dilophosaurus had knocked him down, opening its mouth with its foul breath, revealing rows of tiny serrated fangs, and bit down on his chest.


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Next Chapter >>Chapter 130: Amber


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