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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Dr. Settler clearly heard the commotion behind her, but she dared not turn around. She screamed and ran towards Sun Cheng's Humvee.

"Faster... faster..."

Sun Cheng rolled down the car window and shouted at her. He then took out his M16, fumbled for a moment, and aimed the barrel at Dr. Settler's back, firing several shots in quick succession.

"Crack... crack..."

His intentions were good; he was attempting to use the gunshots to deter the velociraptor that was pouncing towards Dr. Settler. However, as soon as the shots rang out, Dr. Settler's speed decreased.

"Damn it..."

Sun Cheng realized that his plan wasn't working. The velociraptor's behavior was both astonishing and terrifying. It had clearly noticed that the M16 bullets only caused minor injuries during their previous encounters. Instead of dodging or avoiding the bullets, it maintained its speed without any hesitation.

At this rate, the velociraptor would definitely catch up to Dr. Settler before she reached the Humvee.

Realizing this, Sun Cheng quickly retracted his weapon and started the car, driving towards her.


Animals instinctively analyze the size difference between themselves and other creatures they encounter. Even small animals like rabbits or mice do it to ensure their safety when faced with another animal. Not to mention a velociraptor.

As soon as the Humvee moved, the velociraptor was visibly surprised. Its footsteps slowed down, and Sun Cheng could clearly see that the creature carefully stared at the car for a moment. Then, once it recognized Sun Cheng sitting in the driver's seat, it raised its head, growled, bared its teeth, and accelerated towards them.

Sun Cheng hadn't expected the creature to be so intelligent. He felt a sinking feeling in his heart and quickly accelerated, bringing the car to a stop beside Dr. Settler. "Quick... get in the car..."

Dr. Settler scrambled into the car in a panic and slammed the door shut. She slumped into the passenger seat, as if she had lost her soul, her chest rising and falling rapidly.


The car suddenly swayed, startling Dr. Settler. She quickly turned her head and saw that the velociraptor was staring intently outside the closed car door. She was terrified and immediately raised her weapon, aiming it at the sealed car window.

"Stay still..."

Sun Cheng stepped on the accelerator, gripping the steering wheel tightly as the Hummer shot forward like an arrow.


The velociraptor clearly wasn't willing to let its prey escape so easily. It roared and chased after them from behind.

Unfortunately, Sun Cheng kept pushing the accelerator, rapidly increasing the speed to over 80 miles per hour. The velociraptor couldn't catch up with the speed of over 100 kilometers per hour. Within a matter of seconds, he left the velociraptor far behind, who could only tilt its head back in frustration and let out a long howl. Once they turned a corner, it disappeared completely from sight.



Inside the car, two relieved sighs could be heard.

Sun Cheng and Dr. Settler were initially stunned but then looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Thank you..." Dr. Settler said gratefully, "I thought I was going to die just now..."

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Sun Cheng smiled faintly, his hands gripping the steering wheel as he focused on the road ahead, gradually reducing the speed of the car.

In terms of driving experience, it had been less than a year since he obtained his driver's license last year. However, Sun Cheng had driven his family's old sedan a few times during winter and summer vacations. While it was his first time driving a tough muscle car like the Hummer, he wasn't intimidated.

"Where should we go next?" Sun Cheng asked.


Dr. Settler suddenly didn't know how to respond. She didn't know if her husband, Alan Grant, was still alive, let alone his location on the island. So when he asked, she hesitated, unsure of what to say.

Sun Cheng smiled mysteriously. It was exactly the reaction he wanted. He took the initiative to speak, "There's a problem with the island's security defense system. Nowhere is safe. How about we go to the power supply first? We'll find a way to restore the island's security system there and try to contact other survivors!"

The research center would be the ideal choice for restoring the security system. However, Sun Cheng was different from others. He had vengeance on his mind and Safeguard with him, so he could connect to the island's system from anywhere. The reason for going to the power supply was to set up a trap there, a trap that would surely temporarily divert the ghosts' attention.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Settler considered for a moment and agreed.

Clearly, she also understood the importance of restoring the island's security defense system to the survivors.

So they decided to go to the power supply station, and a few minutes later, the two of them arrived at the power supply station, which was only a few kilometers away from the research center.

The power supply station on Nublar Island is located deep in a forest, and a road has been built on the island that leads directly here. The road is not bumpy at all.

They parked the car outside the gate of the power supply station. Sun Cheng didn't hurry to get out of the car. He first carefully observed the surroundings for a while and then nodded slightly to Dr. Settler, saying, "It's safe!"

After gesturing for her to get out of the car, Sun Cheng reached under the driver's seat and took out Safeguard. He picked it up and saw that it tightly clamped a piece of orange amber with a protruding alloy branch.

With just a glance at it, he felt an overwhelming desire welling up in his heart. He quickly regained his composure and put it in his pocket.

Dr. Settler had seen this amber at Hammond's place, and Sun Cheng didn't want her to see it and cause unnecessary trouble.


After opening the gate of the power supply station, Sun Cheng went in first, followed by Dr. Settler. They each held a flashlight and entered the power supply station.

Sun Cheng scanned the walls for a while and quickly found the power button. After pressing it, the previously dimly lit power supply station suddenly lit up.

"Is anyone here?" Dr. Settler shouted loudly.

After Sun Cheng locked the door, he temporarily put Safeguard in the tactical backpack on his back and began to inspect the power supply station with his gun in hand.

The power supply station wasn't large. After a few minutes of circling around, Sun Cheng confirmed that there was no danger inside. He put away his weapon and signaled, "It's safe!"

He didn't pay attention to Dr. Settler and found a device to stop at. He turned on the computer and took out Safeguard and the "Hunter-Type Individual Combat Assistance Device" he had obtained after killing the ghost.

"Sun, what are you doing?" Dr. Settler followed behind him and also walked around the power supply station for a while. Not seeing any survivors here left her somewhat disappointed. Then she saw him take out a laptop computer from his bag and fiddle with another strange device, so she couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I want to try if I can connect to the island's network and find a way to activate the island's security system..."

Without raising his head, he replied and immediately started the computer. Since Dr. Settler didn't understand Chinese, he directly opened a notepad and wrote a command in traditional Chinese characters: "Safeguard, connect to this device, read all the data inside and save it, find the location of the hunters' hidden spacecraft on the island, mark it in the document and provide the answer after organizing it, and also restart the island's security system..."

After giving the command, a strange series of garbled characters suddenly appeared on the computer screen in front of him. It looked like the ancient scripts of distant Egypt, the ancient Aztec language, and even ancient Khmer characters. In short, there was not a single English letter.

The garbled characters on the screen continued for about forty to fifty seconds before they stopped, and then a Word document popped up automatically.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 129 Encountering a Dilophosaurus


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