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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Dr. Settler was startled by the sudden change and instinctively let out a scream.

"Stop screaming, come and help!"

Behind the door, Sun Cheng exerted all his strength to block it.

Because he couldn't even relax his breath, fearing that the beast outside the door would burst in if he let out a single breath, his face had turned red from the strain.

Dr. Settler finally realized what was happening and hurried over to help block the door.

Sun Cheng's face twisted in a grimace, narrowly avoiding the sharp fangs that were attempting to bite his face. He shouted, "Shoot it! Open fire!"

Just a few centimeters away from his cheek, he could smell a pungent odor. It was indeed a ferocious velociraptor ramming against the door. The creature was incredibly strong, and Sun Cheng struggled with all his might to hold the door shut. However, with each impact, the gap widened bit by bit.

Initially, the velociraptor outside could only force its claws through the opening, but now it could stick half of its head inside and snap at anything in its reach.

Sun Cheng and the others had underestimated the intelligence of these creatures. Major Dutch had ordered traps to be set up at the entrance of the research center, but who could have anticipated that the beasts would find an alternative way in instead of coming through the main entrance?

From the claws and the grass-green bloodstains on its face, it was easy to tell that these creatures, with their keen sense of smell, must have discovered the corpse of the ghost hunter that Sun Cheng had previously disposed of in the restroom. They then infiltrated the research center through the restroom window!

The velociraptor's forceful attacks were too much for Sun Cheng, an untrained civilian, to withstand. The gap in the door continued to widen.

Reacting swiftly after nearly being bitten by the sudden elongation of the velociraptor's head through the gap, Dr. Settler raised his weapon in a panic and opened fire at the creature.

"Rat-a-tat-tat... Rat-a-tat-tat..."


As bullets rained on its head, the velociraptor hesitated for a moment, slightly retracting its head.

This was the opportunity Sun Cheng had been waiting for. He roared to motivate himself, exerted force from his waist, legs, and back, and forcefully closed the door of the office. Swiftly, he locked it in place!

"I almost died here..."

Gasping for breath, Sun Cheng was filled with a sense of fear.

He glanced at Dr. Settler and couldn't help but appreciate the gun culture in America. Although Dr. Settler appeared somewhat flustered, it was evident that he was far more skilled than Sun Cheng in handling a firearm—his movements, shooting angles, and more. Clearly, Dr. Settler had more experience with guns, only showing signs of panic in dire situations.

Just as he finished his thoughts, there was another powerful impact on the office door behind him. With a loud bang, the alloy door bore the marks of the tremendous force.

Sun Cheng and Dr. Settler's expressions changed simultaneously. "Quick, you go to the door and help me hold it, I'll get a desk to block it!"

"Uh... uh..."

Switching places, Dr. Settler stood at the door, while Sun Cheng hurried to a nearby desk and dragged it to the door, joining forces with Dr. Settler to block the entrance.

"No, this won't do. It's too light..."

Seeing that a hundred-pound desk provided no effect when placed behind the door, Sun Cheng was about to fetch another desk when.

Although Sun Cheng had the means to easily kill it to protect himself, he couldn't let another ghost die. Otherwise, according to the rules of the hunters' initiation ceremony, they still wouldn't know the whereabouts of the third ghost wandering on the island. Only then could they return to the spaceship to equip themselves with energy weapons. If it really came to that point, revenge wouldn't be something that could be easily dealt with.

His eyes involuntarily glanced at the window. Sun Cheng clenched his teeth and walked straight to the window. He stepped on a stool and climbed up, saying, "Let's go, we have to leave..." After finishing his sentence, he jumped out of the window.

Dr. Settler quickly followed suit and jumped out. After closing the window, Sun Cheng grabbed her hand and asked hurriedly, "Do you know where the garage is?"

"I know, it's not far from here..."

Dr. Settler's eyes lit up, and she nodded repeatedly, "Follow me..."

The two had only run a dozen meters when they suddenly heard a loud crash from behind. Their hearts sank because they knew that the office door had been smashed open by the velociraptor.


Velociraptors had a keen sense of smell and held grudges the most.

Not to mention the fact that they had shot at it numerous times when they barricaded the door. Since being incubated by the International Genetic Technology Corporation, this ferocious prehistoric creature had been kept confined in a narrow cage. It probably despised humans and wouldn't easily let them go.

As expected, just as the two of them ran a little further ahead, they heard a muffled sound of glass shattering from behind.

"How much further?"

Sun Cheng had never been to the garage, so he had no idea where it was.

Fortunately, Dr. Settler led the way and soon took him around a corner where he caught sight of the silhouettes of several convertible off-road vehicles.

"We're here..."

Settler quickly got into one of the off-road vehicles and began searching for the keys.

Sun Cheng's heart skipped a beat. He quickly took cover behind another vehicle, raised his camera, and took a look. After surveying the area for a while, he headed inside the garage.

"Sun, where are you going?"

"Come over here..."

Sun Cheng quickly located the Humvee inside the garage, opened the door, and sat in the driver's seat. He also waved for her to join him.

Unnoticed by anyone, there was an ultra-thin laptop computer placed beneath the driver's seat.

There was no key in the Humvee's ignition. Sun Cheng touched the keyhole, furrowing his brow. Suddenly, a long alloy arm extended from under the driver's seat and gently inserted itself into the keyhole, giving it a twist. Instantly, the car's engine roared to life.

"Vroom... vroom..."

The rumbling engine was the best answer they could hope for. As soon as Dr. Settler heard the sound of the car's engine, she wasted no time and jumped down from the convertible off-road vehicle outside, heading straight for Sun Cheng's location.

Sun Cheng opened the passenger door for her, intending to wait for her to get in before driving out. However, to his surprise, Dr. Settler outside the garage suddenly let out a scream.

Instinctively, he looked up in the direction of the sound, and Sun Cheng's expression darkened.

Outside the garage, just a few meters behind Dr. Settler, a velociraptor suddenly darted out, leaping over a convertible off-road vehicle and quickly charged towards her.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 128 Where is the spaceship?


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