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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Sun Cheng became slightly interested in the so-called "hunter-killer type man-portable combat aids" mentioned by Revenge. He took it off from the hands of the "Ghost Hunter" and examined it for a moment, feeling somewhat disappointed.

It didn't fit properly, and it was heavy too.

He tried putting it on his arm and realized it was too big. Moreover, it was quite heavy, weighing around four to five kilograms. As someone who was already less dexterous with his left hand compared to his right, wearing it rendered his left arm almost useless.

He promptly set it aside and shifted his attention to the right arm of the "Ghost Hunter." He discovered a pair of wrist guards made of alloy. Unlike the one on the left, these wrist guards had two blades at the front. He was about to take them off and examine them when Revenge intervened, saying, "Master, these are the standard weapons of the Hunters—wrist blades. Two sharp blades can pop out from above the wrist guards. Be cautious, as they are dangerous!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Cheng hesitated and then realized that the wrist guard on his right hand was even heavier than the one on his left. With a tinge of disappointment, he put it aside as well.

Looking at the pile of acquired equipment, Sun Cheng was uncertain which items to take with him. After pondering for a while, he asked Revenge, "Do you know the purpose of these equipment?"


He picked up the unfamiliar equipment one by one and had Revenge introduce each item to him. Finally, he understood the functions of these melee weapons.

At that moment, Sun Cheng discarded the whip and hunting net, kept the double-headed folding spear, and packed the four disc-shaped throwing darts. He intended to throw the Hunter's body out of the restroom window.

Just as he was about to lift the body, Revenge reminded him, "Master, the three most important pieces of equipment on the Hunter's body should be taken with us!"

"The three most important pieces of equipment?"

He hesitated and glanced at the wrist blades, whip, and hunting net on the ground. He seemed troubled and said, "I don't know how to use these things."

"No, the most important equipment on the Hunter is not those three. It is the mask, optical camouflage net, and hunter-killer type man-portable combat aids. The mask enables spectrum scanning, X-ray vision, and automatic infrared targeting of targets. The optical camouflage net provides optical invisibility. As for the hunter-killer type man-portable combat aids, it not only powers the mask and optical camouflage net but can also be used as a bomb in critical situations, with the destructive power equivalent to over 300 tons of high explosives!"

Revenge paused and continued, "Furthermore, the hunter-killer type man-portable combat aids are also a key. With it, you can find the Hunters' spaceship hidden somewhere on the island!"


Sun Cheng's eyes lit up. He was genuinely fascinated by the spaceships of these extraterrestrial beings.

Since these Hunters could travel from a distant place thousands of light-years away to Earth, it undoubtedly proved that their civilization had advanced considerably. Although not as advanced as Cybertron, a planet from another dimension, they were still much more advanced than Earth.

A spaceship from an advanced civilization, coupled with the power of the Decepticons, gave Sun Cheng great confidence that he could decipher and make use of it. With this thought in mind, he immediately made a decision.


Sun Cheng picked up the "hunter-killer type man-portable combat aids," which he had initially despised from the ground. After considering for a moment, he took off the casual suit.

He suddenly remembered a building he had passed during the day. "It's deep in the woods we passed through when we first came here, about two kilometers away from here..."

"Two kilometers?..." He furrowed his brow and quickly shook his head.

He had just checked, and the rain had already started to lighten outside.

But it wasn't safe outside, not to mention the threat of carnivorous dinosaurs with keen senses in the dark. The creator of the research center study case had been clueless, which made them reluctant to venture out easily.

The group was having a meal when suddenly a loud slamming sound came from outside the dining hall, accompanied by hurried footsteps.

"Something's happening..."

Major Dutch discarded the half sandwich in his hand and whispered, "Everyone, be on high alert..."

He glanced at Hawkins and the machine gunner Brilliant, and both of them instinctively grabbed their weapons and followed him towards the entrance of the dining hall.

Just as they reached the entrance, a panicked woman's voice suddenly sounded from outside, "Is anyone there? I need help..."

The voice made Sun Cheng, who was hiding behind a bench, feel somewhat familiar. He furrowed his brow, trying to recall who the owner of the voice was. Then, he noticed Major Dutch gesturing and Hawkins nodding in response. Immediately, Hawkins shouted loudly, "Who's there..."

After shouting, he once again took cover behind the door, remaining vigilant and waiting for the woman to be drawn in.

After a moment of contemplation, Sun Cheng finally remembered who the voice belonged to. He was about to inform everyone, but before he could do so, the woman heard Hawkins' shouting and immediately quickened her pace, running toward them while shouting, "Someone, please help me, I need assistance..."

She quickly arrived at the entrance of the dining hall, forcefully pushing open the door and rushing inside.

Hawkins acted swiftly, pointing his gun at her head the moment she entered. Simultaneously, Brilliant raised his heavy machine gun and stepped outside, aiming at the corridor.

"Everyone, don't be alarmed. I know this person; she's Dr. Settler, just like me, invited to the island by the International Genetic Technologies..." Sun Cheng, recognizing the woman as the brave and remarkable female doctor who fearlessly handled dragon dung earlier in the afternoon, stood up from his hiding place and spoke loudly.

This seemed to ease the tension for Major Dutch. Hawkins looked at Major Dutch and, upon seeing him nod slightly, lowered the weapon that had been aimed at Dr. Settler's head.

Sun Cheng smiled faintly, intending to approach and introduce Dr. Settler to everyone. However, suddenly, he felt a strong vibration in his chest. Before he could react, he heard a scream, followed by the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 123 Hunting Game (Part 1)


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