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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Two consecutive explosions took away two Velociraptors.

These ancient hunters truly lived up to the expectations of the island's technicians, being cunning, ruthless, and intelligent.

As soon as they realized they couldn't take advantage and saw reinforcements arriving, one of the Velociraptors suddenly raised its head and let out a sharp roar. The other Velociraptors, as if receiving an order, immediately stopped fighting and swiftly disappeared into the pouring rain.

However, before retreating, the suspected leader of the Velociraptors turned its head and stared at Billy and the lieutenant. Its eyes were filled with unmistakable cold killing intent and hatred. The soldiers felt a chill down their spines, and then it disappeared into the darkness.

"Trouble, that beast has marked us!"

The Major approached Billy cautiously, reaching out to pull him up from the ground. He spoke with some wariness.


Bin, with a desolate expression, also walked over, his face filled with sadness. He gestured in front of his chest, praying silently.

The Major cleared his throat, patted his shoulder, and took a few steps forward. He looked at the soldier, whose body had been torn in half by the Velociraptor, and his expression, which had been cold all along, showed a hint of sadness. He silently approached and took the soldier's dog tag, tightly clutching it in his palm.

"Our Father in heaven, may your child return to the embrace of the Lord..."

Robbie, the mixed-blood soldier, was blown to pieces by a grenade thrown in anger by the enemy, and now his dog tag was nowhere to be found.

The lieutenant glanced around but was bothered by the stench of blood, so he remembered the dangerous look the Velociraptors gave before fleeing and knew they couldn't stay here any longer.

"We need to leave this place quickly!"

After carefully placing Alfie's dog tag in his pocket, the lieutenant walked to Billy's side, standing guard. He said in a deep voice, wiping the rainwater off his face. He looked at the rain that showed no signs of slowing down and had an unpleasant expression. "We need to find shelter from the wind and rain as soon as possible!"

"Yes, if this continues, even our sturdy bodies won't hold up!"

After being drenched by the pouring rain for a while, Billy was already soaked through. Clothes sticking to the body would absorb a lot of body heat, and being special forces, they naturally understood the consequences of excessive heat loss from the body.

The lieutenant nodded, giving him a signal.

He knew that the communication soldier, Bin, had the closest relationship with Robbie and Billy. Now that Robbie had just died, he wanted Billy to go and comfort him.

However, Bin didn't disappoint them. After finishing his prayers, he just looked around with a grieving expression for a moment. Before Billy could urge him, he had already walked towards them and said, "I'm fine, boss. Let's go..."

After all, he was an elite warrior who had seen life and death, so there was no need to worry.

The lieutenant forced a smile, patted his shoulder, nodded at him, and then the smile disappeared from his face. The three of them, along with several other soldiers who had come to support them, returned to the large tree by the road.

"Let's go, we need to leave this place as soon as possible!"

Glancing at the African American soldier with a mustache who seemed to have something to say, the Major walked up to Sun Cheng and asked in a serious tone, "I'm called Dutch, how should I address you?"

"Sun, just call me Sun!"

There were also some foreign exchange students at the South University of Technology, and Sun Cheng had interacted with a few of them, so he knew about the habits of foreigners and only mentioned his surname for ease of communication.


Major Dutch pronounced it inaccurately, but it didn't matter. He stared at Sun Cheng and said in a serious tone, "Are there these dangerous creatures all over the island now?"

He was clearly furious after losing two of his men.

However, it seemed that Sun Cheng's performance just now worked. Major Dutch assumed that he was also invited to the island and not the creator of those creatures. With Sun Cheng's repeated warnings to evacuate, otherwise he might have been punched by Major Dutch by now.

"No, only a few..." Sun Cheng shook his head. "Hammond shouldn't be that crazy. There are indeed dinosaurs all over the island now, but most of them are herbivorous dinosaurs and pose little threat to humans. The dangerous ones are the carnivorous dinosaurs revived by the International Genetic Technology Company. Their numbers won't be too many, probably only a dozen or so, not more than a few dozen..."

They had actually asked Hammond how many carnivorous dinosaurs were on the island in the afternoon, but the old man clearly didn't want to answer that question. He repeatedly assured the investors that the carnivorous dinosaurs were all locked in cages and the island was absolutely safe. Just thinking about it made Sun Cheng want to slap the old man's face hard.

Upon hearing this, Major Dutch's tense face relaxed slightly.

However, just a few dinosaurs had already caused him to lose two soldiers here, and he remembered that Sun Cheng had mentioned even more dangerous carnivorous dinosaurs on the island. The sense of crisis immediately surged within him. He hurriedly asked, "Is there anywhere nearby where we can rest? It's not safe outside with such heavy rain. We need to leave here as soon as possible!"

Pointing in the direction where the Velociraptor disappeared, Sun Cheng sighed, "I came from over there, a few villas are located two-three kilometers away, but the security system suddenly shut down, it's not safe anymore. The International Genetic Technology company built many structures on the island, and the safest place is probably the research center!"

He pointed in another direction, "The place where the Velociraptor is being held isn't far from the villas. When I discovered that the security system in the villa had been shut down, I immediately escaped and headed for the research center, which is about four-five kilometers away from here!"

Four-five kilometers of the road isn't normally very long, but it's pouring rain today, and there may be dangerous carnivorous dinosaurs waiting to attack the team nearby. It's really a difficult decision whether to go there or not.

Fortunately, Colonel Dake only thought for a moment and nodded at Sun Cheng, "Let's go to the research center, and you lead the way!"

Sun Cheng was delighted in his heart. When he saw the Velociraptor escape from its cage earlier, he realized how dangerous the island was. With the protection of this team, his safety undoubtedly improved.

"Okay, let's hurry!"

After speaking, he put the almost opened dust-proof curtain back on himself and took the lead into the pouring rain.

Sun Cheng didn't want to stay here for even a minute. He was very worried about the Tyrannosaurus Rex being held on the other side of the island. He heard from Dr. Malcolm in the afternoon that the Tyrannosaurus Rex has highly developed olfactory bulbs, and can easily smell the smell of rotting meat dozens of kilometers away.

Calculating the distance, they are only more than 20 kilometers away from where the Tyrannosaurus Rex is being held. If it's being held like the Velociraptor's cage, then it's likely that the smell of blood here has been smelled by the prehistoric behemoth. It's too late if they don't run!

With him as their guide, the group quickly gathered their gear and emotions and followed him into the heavy rain.

Although Sun Cheng's physical condition is not bad, he is not a soldier who is trained every day. He only ran a few tens of meters before he was caught up by Colonel Dake and the Native American soldier Billy, who were running head-to-head with him one to his left and the other to his right, showing a sense of protection.

The group ran all the way and had only run a few hundred meters before entering a densely forested hill.

Running along the path, Sun Cheng, who was wiping the sweat from his forehead, suddenly felt like he bumped into something. He looked up and found that the Native American soldier Billy had stopped at some point, standing still like a wooden stake. He stared at a spot on the left, his temple pulsating with veins.

Major Dutch also noticed his anomaly and ran back after running more than ten meters away. He frowned and asked, "Billy, what's wrong with you?"

He followed Billy's line of sight and looked in the direction to his left, where there was a high point on the hillside with several tall trees.

Billy stared at those trees carefully for a while before shaking his head with a confused expression, "I'm fine, Major Dutch. I just caught a glimpse of something from there. Maybe it was just an illusion!"

He didn't say anything until he finished, but Sun Cheng felt a chilling gaze on him, even though it was fleeting.

After shuddering, he carefully looked around but didn't detect anything. He couldn't help but wipe the rainwater off his face, which gave him goosebumps.

Major Dutch, hearing what was said, pulled out his binoculars and looked that way but couldn't see anything.

Sun Cheng approached him and asked, "Major Dutch, can you give me back my camera? There are computers at the research center. If you need the photos on it, I can copy them for you when we arrive."

He had thought earlier that whether or not Revenge was by his side, it didn't matter. When he needed it, he would command it to transform and launch an attack.

But now, after Billy's unexpected reaction, Sun Cheng felt uneasy. So, he approached Major Dutch and carefully asked for his camera back.

Major Dutch looked at him for a moment, hesitating and weighing the gains and losses. However, he still didn't understand the camera's special properties, so after a while, he nodded and shouted to the soldier who had been in charge of keeping Revenge, "Halen, give him his camera back!"

"Okay, Colonel!"

The soldier who had been looking at Sun Cheng immediately pulled out his camera from his backpack and handed it over.

Sun Cheng quickly said thank you. He hung his camera back around his neck after opening the curtain and then closing it again.

However, he didn't expect that as soon as he got Revenge back, it would suddenly vibrate against his clothing.

Sun Cheng was startled, but he had set Revenge's reaction to only report to him when there were outsiders and important information in his vicinity.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 118: The Invisible Ghost


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