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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The team resumed their formation and continued towards the research center, although they were noticeably more cautious after the earlier scare. The distance between the team members was pulled closer and the pace slowed down significantly.

Sun Cheng ran forward with the team, curious about what important information Revenge had to report about revenge. However, he was mindful of the other people around him and had to set aside his curiosity and wait until they arrived at the research center to find an opportunity to investigate.

Unexpectedly, only a few minutes after running with the team, the Revenge in his arms vibrated again.

"What's going on? Why did it remind me twice in such a short time?"

The second reminder from Revenge made Sun Cheng uneasy. He knew the Revenge he had trained, and unless there was an emergency, it was impossible for it to repeatedly remind him twice in such a short period of time.

Without hesitation, he took out a Bluetooth headset that had been enhanced by Revenge from his pocket while running and put it on his ear. He pretended to wipe away the rain from his face and softly asked in Chinese, "What's the situation?"

"We detected a special unit nearby using optical invisibility, and it is tracking the master..." the cold mechanical voice immediately echoed from the Bluetooth headset.

"Optical invisibility?!"

Sun Cheng was surprised. He knew the concept of "optical invisibility." Simply put, it used special materials and techniques to refract, bend, or even reflect light rays, or simply create a layer of standing position around objects to achieve invisibility.

As China's top engineering and science college, South University of Science and Technology had similar related issues and research. As far as he knew, not only was the optical invisibility technology still in its infancy in China, even in theoretically advanced Western countries, it was difficult to achieve true optical invisibility in the next thirty to fifty years.

The "optical invisibility" technology had also appeared on Cybertron Planet. Sun Cheng had seen in Frenzy's memory data that some Decepticons did have the ability to be invisible during the second civil war.

However, this technology was very chicken ribs for mechanical life.

Both Decepticons and Autobots had unimaginable precision, and their Spark could provide energy equivalent to more than one power plant. The processing efficiency of the Core was far superior to any known supercomputer, and their powerful memory and storage functions could easily save all building data on any terrain. When scanning the terrain again, if any abnormal data that could not be captured by the eyes were found, they could easily lock on the location of the invisible unit.

Therefore, the optical invisibility technology on Cybertron Planet only prevailed for a short period of time and was soon swept into the corner.

Revenge did not have the All Spark, and its Core was far inferior to Frenzy's mechanical body. However, it could easily detect an "optically invisible" unit. It was evident that the technology used by the unit it found was not as advanced as that of Cybertron.

Sun Cheng did not doubt the truthfulness of Revenge's words!

Rather than believing in Revenge's loyalty, it is more accurate to say that Sun Cheng trusted his own busy achievements in a foreign world. He left a lot of means in the two Decepticon Cores that he brought back to the real world, which could ensure their complete loyalty to himself.

Therefore, now that he heard Revenge report that it had found an "optical invisibility" unit tracking them nearby, his heart sank for a moment but then soared again.

"Do you have the confidence to deal with it, Revenge?"

He asked in a low voice in Chinese, his expectations unconcealed in his speech.

Although Sun Cheng couldn't guess the identity of the unit that appeared inexplicably on the island for a moment, it was an irrefutable fact that it was tracking them, and it was obviously a threat to him and his team.

Since Revenge could capture the invisible unit, Sun Cheng was still unsure what kind of strength the enemy had. But realizing that it had achieved "optical invisibility" with technology that they had not yet mastered on Earth, he immediately thought of the New World Fusion on the night of the landing.

"Could it be that this invisible unit, like the dinosaurs on Nubra Island, is a product of world fusion?"

If it is as he guessed, then the [Predator] that had been puzzling him over the past two days might finally show some clues.

Revenge's answer was very affirmative, "I can!"

"Very well, don't take any action until it directly threatens me!"

That's enough!

Sun Cheng didn't give any more orders and, during the next time he wiped his face, he took off the Bluetooth headset from his ear and put it back into his pocket. Calmly, he continued to run with the team towards the research center.


As they were about to cross the hill and leave the forest, a scream suddenly came from the back of the team.

Major Dutch quickly waved his hand to signal the team to stop, shouting loudly, "What's going on?"

"It's Bernard..."

Private Halen's voice came over, faintly with fear. "Damn it, he suddenly disappeared, Major Dutch !"

Major Dutch gestured to Billy to be alert and walked to the back of the team himself.

Sun Cheng also turned around to look back, only to notice that the medic Bernard, who was at the end of the team, was gone.

"Major Dutch, here..."

Sergeant Mack, who was carrying a heavy machine gun, took off his hat. He seemed to have discovered something and gestured to Major Dutch to come closer. "There are two fresh drag marks here, like those made by shoe soles..."

Looking in the direction he was pointing, Sun Cheng and the others really saw two parallel marks on the ground that were shoulder-width apart, extending from the path they were walking on into the depths of the forest.

Major Dutch squatted down to carefully examine the ground. He reached out his hand and touched a puddle of muddy water that had not yet been washed away by the heavy rain. He sniffed at his fingers and his face quickly darkened.

"There's blood, damn it!"

With a grim expression, his cold eyes swept over everyone present in turn, then fell on Sergeant Mack and Private Hopkins. He slowly said, "Stay on alert, Mack and Hopkins, come with me!"

With that, he raised the weapon in his hand, took out the grenade launcher from his tactical backpack again, and led the way along the drag marks, chasing into the forest.

Behind him, Sun Cheng pressed his chest where Revenge was vibrating once again. He knew that the invisible ghost had finally made a move.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 119 Dead bodies all over the place


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