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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Fear brings forth what you fear!

Sun Cheng's face instantly darkened. He knew that his worst fear had come true!

"What the hell is Hammond doing? How could the security system, which is related to safety, have problems?"

He cursed angrily in his mind. While he was feeling annoyed, a thought suddenly flashed through Sun Cheng's mind.

He remembered that not long ago, Revenge had reported to him that one of the surveillance devices it had placed captured footage of Ada Wong leaving the villa suspiciously shortly before the incident.

And shortly after that, the island's security system suddenly malfunctioned, exactly when the incident occurred.

"Could it be Ada Wong's doing?"

As soon as this thought emerged, it immediately caused a huge stir in his mind. His intuition told him that this woman, whom he had only known for a few days, was not as simple as she appeared.

While Sun Cheng was lost in thought, a fierce battle had already begun nearby.


Accompanied by a scream, a tall figure leaped high in the pouring rain and viciously pounced on a soldier who had been sent to scout ahead, tearing into him. The soldier named Alfie , who was pinned down beneath it, was still struggling and resisting. It seemed that he managed to block the foul mouth that was trying to bite his neck by using his weapon to protect it.

"Get ready to fight!"

A loud shout interrupted the chaotic thoughts in Sun Cheng's mind. He followed the sound and saw the burly lieutenant colonel throwing his camera to another soldier nearby. Then, he raised his M4A1 rifle and loudly gave the order to engage in battle. Taking the lead, he rushed out with his gun aimed at the beast, and started firing his gun in bursts.


Flashes of gunfire splashed through the pouring rain, and for a moment, there were only roars and shouts.

Sun Cheng took cover under a tree. He had no weapon, and even the transforming camera that was Revenge was taken by the lieutenant colonel. However, the lieutenant colonel probably wanted to extract information from him, so although he had rushed into the rain to rescue his team members, his subordinates tacitly left two soldiers behind to guard the communication equipment, and incidentally, they protected Sun Cheng as well.

This actually made him quite happy. He squinted with interest and looked toward the downpour, several dozen meters away, observing the ancient battle between the dominant beings of the past and the present.

Several resurrected carnivorous dinosaurs, such as the Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus rex, were not yet tamed and were kept in specially made cages on the island. Even Sun Cheng and the others were not allowed to approach for a closer look.

Fortunately, in the research center, there were not only photos and videos taken by the International Genetic Technology Company but also several life-sized hollow plastic models that were meticulously crafted. They were at least sixty to seventy percent similar to the real ones.

Therefore, after careful observation, Sun Cheng quickly recognized the monsters lurking in the darkness. They were indeed the Velociraptors that were kept on the island.

He had heard Dr. Malcolm mention this type of carnivorous dinosaur when he was wandering around the island in the afternoon. The Velociraptor, also known as Deinonychus, is a unique dromaeosaurid dinosaur found in northern Asia.

Originally, it was a small-sized dinosaur with feathers covering its body. However, archaeologists' understanding of it may not be entirely accurate, or perhaps the International Genetic Technology Company used advanced technology to enhance and evolve this ancient creature when completing its genetic reconstruction.

In any case, these resurrected dinosaurs on Isla Nublar were not only faster but also covered in small raised scales, making them even more dangerous. After testing them, the International Genetic Technology Company even described them as "intelligent and dangerous wolf-like creatures," indicating the danger of Velociraptors.


"Covering fire!"

Amidst the chaotic gunfire, tongues of flame shot out, completely exposing the Velociraptors lurking in the darkness.

Sun Cheng carefully counted and couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation on his scalp. There were actually seven Velociraptors. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel relieved that he decisively evacuated from the villa. Otherwise, if these creatures with keen senses had targeted him, even with Revenge by his side, it was uncertain if he would survive.

The team not far away was fighting and retreating, getting closer to the forest. Therefore, Sun Cheng could see clearly that although the bullets from the M4A1 could penetrate the scales on the Velociraptors' bodies, the damage was not sufficient. The Velociraptor that had charged out first, knocking down a soldier, had been hit by more than one burst of bullets but still managed to bite him, struggle, and then jump up to attack another soldier.

It seems that he was stimulated by the sacrifice of his teammate, Alfie. The soldier named Robbie, who seemed to be of mixed race, held an M4A1 carbine and fiercely sprayed continuous bursts of gunfire at an approaching Velociraptor.

His marksmanship was extremely accurate, and he actually shot the left eye of the Velociraptor, causing it even more pain and stimulating its animalistic nature. The Velociraptor, which had been smartly evading bullets and circling around him, now had only one eye left, emitting a fierce light. Without dodging or evading, it pounced directly at Robbie.

Unable to dodge, Robbie was sent flying by the Velociraptor's impact. Even the weapon in his hand was thrown aside. After stabilizing himself and getting up, he suddenly showed a painful expression, half kneeling on the ground. Looking at his right leg, which had deformed, it seemed that it was fractured from the fall.

Seeing the Velociraptor targeting him and charging again, with no time to dodge, Robbie had no choice but to pull out a cold military knife with a chilling gleam from his chest. As the Velociraptor approached, opening its mouth to bite his head, he roared and, without dodging or evading, forcefully stabbed his knife into its neck.

"Robbie, no..."

The bespectacled, thin Caucasian soldier named Bing saw a Velociraptor being repelled and then turned his attention to Robbie. Unexpectedly, he witnessed the Velociraptor biting off half of Robbie's head in one bite. His eyes turned red, and he let out a loud roar while pulling out a hand grenade from his left chest. He shouted, "Take cover!"

Then he pulled the pin and threw it at the Velociraptor.


Amidst the explosion, countless small fragments splintered and the Velociraptor at the center of the explosion was blown to pieces, with debris scattering everywhere.

"Billy, get down..."

Finally, the lieutenant colonel had reached the two remaining individuals. Perhaps realizing that the M4A1's damage was insufficient, at some point his weapon had been equipped with an underslung grenade launcher. He loaded a grenade and, with a grim expression, aimed at the Velociraptor that Billy, a Native American soldier, was fighting with, and immediately pressed the trigger.

In perfect coordination, Billy rolled to the side and took cover, and with another explosion, the Velociraptor was instantly torn apart, with its menacing head flying high and crashing onto the ground several meters away.

The battle between the two dominant beings ended in a draw in the first round.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 117: Sight In The Dark Night


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