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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


When the middle-aged man with a purple beard raised this question, he didn't hold much hope in his heart. He felt that such a request was already pushing it a bit too far.

"This can be considered, but the specific details will need to be discussed in depth," Wang Hong replied.

To the surprise of all the Cultivators from the Southern Region present, Wang Hong agreed so readily.

In truth, Wang Hong had no objections to this matter. His army often needed to rotate for real combat exercises, so why not put them to use when they were not in action? Moreover, he was more than willing to assist the Southern Region Cultivators in dealing with the Demon Clan.

With Wang Hong's agreement settled on the broad strokes, the finer details were left for their subordinates to negotiate.

After successfully deliberating on these major matters, the atmosphere at the banquet improved significantly. Laughter filled the Great Hall, and everyone seemed pleased with the outcome.

Following this, they exchanged their cultivation experiences. Since Wang Hong had entered the Nascent Soul stage, he had been self-taught without any guidance. Although there were many Nascent Soul Cultivators on Qizhou Island, they mostly operated within their own systems and had limited interactions with the outside world.

Listening to the Southern Region Cultivators' cultivation experiences, Wang Hong felt a refreshing change.

This exchange of experiences proved to be highly beneficial for Wang Hong's group.

Similarly, the Cultivators from Great Chu Immortal Nation, who had been relatively isolated in their practice, had unique insights in certain areas that surpassed other Cultivators. This enriched the Southern Region Cultivators' knowledge as well.

Following the exchange of experiences, they held an item exchange event.

On Hezhou Continent, once Cultivators reached the Golden Core Stage or higher, the various Spiritual Objects they needed became exceedingly rare. Golden Core and higher-level Cultivators in this region often had to go to great lengths to find the necessary Spiritual Objects.

So, whenever they gathered, they enjoyed sharing their possessions with others in hopes of acquiring something they needed.

When everyone presented their items on the table, the difference was clear. The items brought by Wang Hong's group, except for Zhou Yuan's, were of much higher quality and variety compared to those brought by the Southern Region Cultivators.

The trade event ultimately transformed into an auction where the Southern Region Cultivators purchased Spiritual Objects from the Cultivators of Great Chu Immortal Nation.

Of course, some of the special Southern Region Spiritual Objects were quite impressive, which pleased Wang Hong as well.

Great Chu Immortal Nation had been engaged in trade with Fengwu Continent for decades, and they had collected numerous rare Spiritual Objects. These Spiritual Objects were not meant solely for Wang Hong's use but benefited all members of Great Chu Immortal Nation, making it natural for his subordinates to have more wealth.

After the gathering, Wang Hong returned to his camp, leaving the task of organizing the relocation to Gu Wei and Yang Tiezhu.

Over the years, Gu Wei had received much guidance from Wang Hong, and his experiences in the army had matured him. He was no longer the young dreamer he once was.

Gu Wei and Yang Tiezhu had finally come together as Dao Companions after years of courtship and lived harmoniously. However, Gu Wei always seemed to lose to Yang Tiezhu in their occasional bouts, making him appear obedient and docile.

This time, he had requested to be involved in receiving the Qingxu Sect, as he had once been a member of the sect, and his father had even died fighting for it.

He had some acquaintances in the Qingxu Sect, and he held certain feelings for his former sect.

Gu Wei and Yang Tiezhu first went to the Qingxu Sect's temporary residence, where they found Fourth Senior Sister Ji Chen. Among his father's disciples, only Wang Hong and this Senior Sister Ji Chen remained.

This Senior Sister Ji Chen and Gu Wei had actually grown up together. Their parents had once tried to arrange a match between them, but it hadn't been successful.

Back then, Ji Chen had a cold demeanor and decent aptitude, so she didn't pay much attention to Gu Wei, whose aptitude was comparatively lower. Gu Wei also kept his distance from this aloof beauty, making any romantic connection between them seem impossible.

When they found Ji Chen among a group of Foundation Building Disciples, she was inconspicuously packing her belongings.

"Senior Sister Ji!" Gu Wei exclaimed enthusiastically as they approached Ji Chen from a distance.

Hearing the call, Ji Chen looked in their direction. She saw a pair of exceptionally elegant and beautiful individuals.

The man exuded a steady temperament with an aura befitting a high-tier Cultivator.

The woman had a doll-like face, cute and charming, appearing to be around eighteen or nineteen years old. The Resplendent Visage Elixir had preserved her in the prime of her beauty.

"Xiao Wei?" Ji Chen asked, her expression filled with doubt. It was mainly because Gu Wei's appearance had remained the same, but his aura had undergone a tremendous change, making her hesitant to recognize him.

"Senior Sister Ji, it's me!" After they got closer, Gu Wei introduced them both.

Upon learning that Yang Tiezhu was Gu Wei's Dao Companion, Ji Chen felt a pang of disappointment. This was the person she had once looked down upon, yet now, his Dao Companion was more outstanding than her, judging by their cultivation level alone, he was probably at least at the Golden Core Stage.

Meanwhile, she was still in the Foundation Building stage and had grown older, making her feel somewhat inferior.

Gu Wei didn't think much of it. He took Ji Chen aside, helping her pack her belongings and then escorting her to the Flying Boat outside. He even arranged a comfortable storage space for her.

The two of them had been childhood friends, and they had stopped interacting with each other mainly because Gu Qingyang had tried to set them up, which had backfired.

Now, the three of them sat on a large rock beside the camp. After not seeing each other for a hundred years, there was much to catch up on.

Seeing that the two of them were engrossed in their conversation and enjoying themselves, Yang Tiezhu felt that it was not quite fitting for her to be there, so she made an excuse and left.

She returned to her tent alone, taking out her familiar Wolf Fang Club to inspect and sharpen each of the wolf's teeth.

Gu Wei and Ji Chen reunited after a long time and enjoyed their conversation until sunset. Gu Wei then took Ji Chen to the army's canteen for a hearty dinner before bidding her farewell.

When Gu Wei returned to their tent, he saw Yang Tiezhu holding the Wolf Fang Club, smiling at him with two small dimples that made her look even more cheerful and sunny.

However, Gu Wei didn't feel any warmth at that moment. He approached her with a forced smile.


He took the Wolf Fang Club from her and skillfully placed it on the ground before expertly kneeling on it. This series of movements flowed smoothly, as if it were second nature, like eating and drinking.

This was a unique form of communication between them, and it was Gu Wei's most effective method to conquer female cultivators.

Under Yang Tiezhu's questioning, Gu Wei confessed everything that had transpired between him and Ji Chen, including trivial childhood anecdotes like urinating and playing in the mud together.

After a while, seeing Gu Wei's pitiful expression, Yang Tiezhu couldn't bear it and asked with concern, "Husband, is your knee hurting? Shouldn't you stand up for a while and kneel again later? If you hurt yourself from kneeling all night, what will we do?"

"Wife, please don't persuade me anymore. A man should keep his word!" Gu Wei firmly refused. Who knew what awaited him if he stood up to greet her!

"Husband, you're a true hero!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 615: Return


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