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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The crisp and rapid footsteps echoed through the bright corridor. In front of the glass curtain wall that runs through the entire corridor, the lush green leaves of the broad-leaved plants added vitality to the metal wall surfaces filled with a strong sense of science and technology.

Whoever comes to the Wayne Tower for the first time will exclaim in this way, as if this is not a company building, but an alien base.

But at the same time, one cannot help but acknowledge that this rigorous yet not rigid, highlighting the calm temperament, but also with vitality, the style will indeed make people full of admiration.

When Amanda Waller's figure appeared at the corner, her expression was not relaxed at all, but her brows were furrowed, and her body language was telling that she really didn't want to come here.

However, there is no one in this world who can refuse Bruce Wayne's invitation, neither in the past nor in the future.

When Amanda stopped in front of the office door, she took a deep breath. She knew that this time, she was not going to see the students of Gotham University or the proud disciples of Schiller, but the controller of the undoubtedly world's number one Wayne Group in terms of scale, size, and wealth.

As the saying goes, the world must listen to Bruce Wayne's voice. When he invites someone to talk, even if it's just about what he had for lunch, the other party must try to guess the intentions of this super-group controller from his few words. Amanda is no exception.

The guiding employee walked up and gently knocked on the door, and a deep and low "Come in" came from inside.

When Amanda walked in, Bruce, dressed in a shirt and suit pants, was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the city.

His figure is upright, his temperament is outstanding, and his appearance is handsome, perfectly matching the world's evaluation of him - "the genius of the business world, the dissolute young master under the pomegranate skirt."

"Miss Waller, please have a seat." Bruce gestured to the chair on the side of the coffee table in the reception area. Waller sat down expressionlessly and unbuttoned her long suit.

The attendant who walked over wanted to take her briefcase, but Amanda completely ignored him and just placed the bag on the side of the table.

Bruce gave the attendant a signal, and after the attendant served the coffee, he left the spacious top-floor office, leaving only the two of them.

"I heard you've been having some trouble recently?" Bruce said straightforwardly, "I think the Wayne Group should be able to help, and you should also be able to help me."

"You are much more direct than most businessmen I've seen," Amanda said.

Bruce heard her implication, these are just small tactics in business negotiations, it sounds like praising him, but in fact it is to show that she has many partners and has not yet fallen into a helpless situation.

"I know that in addition to the support of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, you have also obtained the approval of many military personnel, and there are even some people in Congress who hope your plan can serve them. You are an excellent manager and salesman, but I think no one in this world can refuse to hear my conditions."

Bruce placed his hands on the desktop, interlocked his fingers, and leaned forward, showing an aggressive posture.

He is a very strong man, so when he takes this posture, Amanda unconsciously leans back against the chair back, which is an avoidance attitude.

"Mr. Wayne, I know why you called me here today," Amanda stared into Bruce's eyes and said, "We don't need to beat around the bush. In the prison and experimental sites I built, your teacher is being detained. You hope to have some interesting exchange with me to get him out, hoping I won't hurt him, but I have to tell you, that's impossible."

Amanda slightly leaned her head forward and looked at Bruce's face, saying, "My parents and younger brother died in a brutal serial murder case. I have a mortal enemy with all serial killers in this world, including your teacher, who was also my teacher, Schiller Rodriguez."

"In this world, no one can stop me from taking revenge on them and making them suffer. It is the lifelong mission of mine. I don't care whether I have anyone's support or not. I don't need more support. The cruelty of this group of criminals is my biggest bargaining chip to convince everyone."

"Any ordinary person should not have empathy for such criminals." Amanda's eye contact was filled with coldness, and she continued, "They see us as pigs and dogs, so we must see them as enemies. To deal with them, we can use any means necessary."

As Amanda's words fell, she was not sure whether she saw a hint of complex emotion in Bruce Wayne's eyes, which seemed to be like a student who had always failed to surpass himself.

What shocked Amanda was that Bruce's first sentence was, "Miss Waller, I think you're right, and that's exactly how I feel."

As Amanda slowly widened her eyes, Bruce revealed an almost imperceptible smile, and he continued to lean forward, staring at Amanda and saying, "So I'm not here to ask you to release Schiller."

"Then what do you want to do?" Amanda suddenly became more alert.

In fact, she was not afraid at all that Bruce wanted to bribe or corrupt her. Just as Amanda herself said, she has received a lot of support and help in conducting this experiment. Perhaps those who support her have other motives, but Amanda is purely for the sake of revenge.

From any angle, she has the great justice and righteousness on her side. Her painful past experiences make anyone unqualified to criticize her cruel treatment of serial killers.

Just as she said, ordinary people should not have empathy for this group of criminals. Rejecting them, hating them, and despising them is normal, and if someone feels sorry for them, it is actually another form of Stockholm syndrome.

Or one could say that serial killers are not against morality or the law, they are completely against humanity. Every human being has the responsibility and obligation to make them receive the punishment they deserve.

"I sympathize with your experience, and I understand the measures you have taken against them in the prison, but I'm sorry to say, this is not a sustainable model, Miss Waller. You simply don't have the ability to complete this experiment."

Amanda stared at Bruce with wide eyes and said fiercely, "What did you say?!"

"I said, I fully understand your motivation. It's very normal for you to hate these serial killers. Everyone should think this way," Bruce said, slightly opening his hands. "I think the methods you've come up with are also fine. These serial killers have no human rights, not because someone has deprived them of their human rights, but because they have given up on them themselves."

"They see themselves as superior to humans, believing that they are not part of human society, or even not human at all. So they naturally do not enjoy the human rights that humans should have. Since they have given up their own human rights, there is nothing wrong with the way you treat them."

"The only problem is that you cannot suppress them for a lifetime through the methods you are using now, you absolutely cannot do this."

"Why?!" Amanda raised her voice and said: "I have carefully prepared for more than ten years for this, and now everything is going well, what right do you have to deny the results of my many years of work?!"

"What did you do to Schiller?" Bruce suddenly changed the topic.

Amanda paused for a moment, looking into Bruce's eyes, she said: "Even if you make more cover-ups, your purpose is still Schiller."

"Of course, you and I both know how special he is, he is the leader of the flock, and to get the flock, you must first get him."

Hearing Bruce's words, Amanda snorted and said, "But you may not have that chance now, yesterday he entered the operating room and underwent a transformation surgery, and now whether he can move or even stand up is up to me to decide."

"Has he bowed to you then?" Bruce asked.

Amanda's expression suddenly froze.

She recalled the scene yesterday, the man was cut open, his muscles were cut, and he was almost about to have his spine removed, he was almost drained of all his blood, only one step away from death.

He lay on the operating table in such a disheveled manner, but still commented from above on Amanda, saying that she had no talent and no ability.

There was no doubt that this ignited Amanda's rage, this anger was only delayed, not disappeared, and after she came here today, Schiller's star student actually said this to her again.

Amanda took a deep breath, she had reached the brink of explosion, she stared coldly at Bruce and said, "I don't need him to bow to me! These damn Criminals will never bow to anyone, they are incorrigible!"

Bruce shook his head and said, "This is only because you have not captured their weaknesses, and do you really think your restraint measures can keep them locked up?"

Amanda stared at him in silence, Bruce leaned his elbow on the desktop, clasped his hands in front of his nose, and said in a very confident tone:

"Miss Waller, I know that the results of your efforts over the years make you very proud, you think it is foolproof and will definitely achieve a result."

"Now, my denial of what you have done may seem like I want to seize your results, but the fact is, if I really want to do so, I don't need to notify you."

Bruce lowered his eyelids and continued, "You should know that Wayne is not just a business group, or rather, the current Wayne Group is not just that."

"The heavy industry and military industry related to the lifeline of the country are the fundamental basis of our existence, essentially, Wayne Group is a larger super-complex group than the military-industrial complex."

"And Wayne Group is a family group, although I need to be responsible to some shareholders, the majority of the power is still concentrated in my hands."

"No one will object to me providing a sizable amount of funding in the name of charity, so that the Federal Bureau of Anti-Violence and Terrorism can achieve some results in a new enough Prison."

Amanda's face became increasingly gloomy, but Bruce nodded and said, "Yes, I know, this project is highly valued within the Federal Bureau of Investigation and many people are looking forward to its results, so I don't intend to intervene in your plan in such a violent way."

"I just hope that this plan can proceed more smoothly, and that Wayne Group can fill in the gaps and make it more perfect. Please believe that we have a common interest in dealing with Criminals."

Seeing Amanda's slightly shaken expression, Bruce smiled and said, "You should be considered my senior sister, so when I say you are not capable of doing something, you will feel offended, but I didn't mean that."

"How about we make a bet, shall we?"

Seeing Bruce's calm demeanor, Amanda knew that the matter could not be done, so in order not to let her life's work be violently plundered, she had to take a step back and asked, "...What do you want to bet?"

"You think that someone like Schiller, a serial killer, will never bow down..."

"Then let's bet on whether I have the ability to make him bow down."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1194 Lamb's Cry (Part Fifteen)


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