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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List



Schiller stood up shakily, and as soon as he took a deep breath, he tasted the metallic flavor of blood in his mouth.

Looking down, he saw the crumpled prison uniform stained with blood on the chest, sleeves, and pants, as well as the bloodstains on the floor where their struggle had left its mark.

Schiller extended a hand and used the base of his palm to wipe his lips, gritting his teeth and baring them at Bruce in front of him.

Bruce had to acknowledge that once the Professor had lost his elegant exterior, he had the disheveled look of a cornered beast, but also a certain wild ferocity that came naturally to him.

In this state, Bruce saw Schiller's true essence, as if he had never truly emerged from the memories of the mental hospital and his abnormal life.

Now, Bruce finally understood why Schiller had always been pursuing a normal life.

And the fact he had once stated, that patients with autism could not be cured, was not merely the delusion of a mentally ill person. When they tore off their disguise, they were still trapped in the frenzied and bewildered days of their youth.

Seeing Schiller's aggressive posture, Bruce surprisingly found that he was not panicked.

Perhaps it was because fear always comes from the unknown, and once he understood Schiller, he had the confidence to face him calmly.

Bruce stepped sideways, taking a big step back, clearing Schiller's line of sight, and raised the hand closest to the door, pointing firmly towards it.

"She did it."

Schiller naturally followed the direction of Bruce's finger, and then saw the equally bewildered Amanda.

Of course, Schiller would not be so easily distracted, but when he saw Amanda, he realized that her face had appeared in the original Schiller's memories, so he instinctively began to recall the events related to her.

"You're the foolish girl who, when chasing the serial killer, just charged recklessly and almost fell into the trap and got burned to death in the newsstand?"


Both were extremely surprised, and Amanda added an extra layer of anger, as she still hadn't figured out what was going on.

Why did Bruce Wayne suddenly draw his own blood? Why did he put the blood in a cup and try to feed it to Schiller? Why did Schiller suddenly break free of the restraints in a miraculous way? Why did they suddenly start fighting? Why did they hug each other in the middle of the fight, and then seem like they were about to fight again?

Amanda, for the first time, felt a sense of bewilderment, because she had also systematically studied psychology and done very well, so she firmly remembered the saying that one should never be interested in the mental world of a mentally ill person.

Combined with her tragic past, she had always hated serial killers, so she had never tried to understand them.

But at this moment, she felt a sense of bewilderment and regret, because she discovered that there were more mentally ill people around her than she had imagined, and they all seemed to be living in another world, which Amanda could not understand their behavior and words at all.

It was as if someone had thrown an incredibly cool party, but had simply not invited her. Like every normal person who often deals with the mentally ill, Amanda even began to wonder whether it was the world that had gone mad, or if it was she herself.

Schiller's words pulled her back to reality, and she quickly stepped out from behind the desk, staring at the disheveled Schiller and raising her voice to ask, "What did you just say?!!"

"Are you Amanda Waller?" Schiller asked again, and after making eye contact with Amanda, he said, "I think you've got one thing wrong - the object of your hatred and revenge is not the same person. I'm not the Schiller you know."

"Of course, I've inherited his memories, and his evaluation of you is not bad - a foolish girl who got her head clouded by hatred and acted recklessly, almost dying in the serial killer's trap. Not very suitable for this line of work. If he hadn't left in such a hurry, he would have suggested you change careers."

Amanda's lips began to tremble uncontrollably, and she stared at Schiller with an incredulous gaze. Her reason told her that Schiller was completely raving, but the serious expression on Schiller's face told her that this was the full evaluation of her former teacher.

What could be more devastating than being told that you had almost stubbornly charged through the wall, only to be advised to change careers?

Schiller took a deep breath and slowly straightened his body, looking at Amanda with some helplessness and saying, "The clues you found about the killer of your family members were actually left behind by the serial killer on purpose."

"He is a very typical sadistic psychopath, who just wanted to see you desperately seeking answers without success. And just when you thought you were close to victory, you would be burned to death."

"That newsstand you thought had important clues was actually the place he had chosen for your execution by fire. As long as you went in, you would be locked inside and die in despair."

Amanda looked somewhat dazed at Schiller, and after a while, she slowly spoke, "So you're saying that you showed up there that day to save me?"

But to her surprise, Schiller shook his head again and said, "I wasn't that kind-hearted. I went there to buy a newspaper, and I dismantled the arson device because it was hanging on the shelf, blocking my view of the magazines underneath."

Amanda stood there dumbfounded, and after dozens of seconds, she took a deep breath, grabbed her hair with both hands, and screamed, "Do you think I'll believe you?!! You're a group of cunning liars!! You'll stop at nothing to make people suffer!! I won't be fooled again!!!"

"As I said before, you're not really suited for this line of work." Schiller looked Amanda up and down and said in a very calm tone, "I guess your grades must be good, but you lack a certain innate inspiration, and you're a bit too emotional."

In her extreme anger, Amanda suddenly seemed to remember something, and she immediately took a remote control out of an inner pocket of her suit and pointed it at Schiller, pressing a button.

Schiller didn't react at all, just shifting his gaze back to Bruce, and saying, "...but her grades are still not bad."

Amanda stood there dumbfounded.

Bruce raised his hands and took two steps back, and the next moment he snapped his fingers, the door opened, and a figure walked in and handed Bruce a remote control.

Bruce lightly pressed a button on the remote control.

Schiller stiffened for a moment, and then suddenly dissolved into a grey mist.

"Grey mist, what's going on? What's on my back?" Schiller wondered in his mind, "What just happened? Why couldn't I move?"

"They've implanted some strange little bugs in you, they call it a Nano Neural Controller."

"Grey Mist replied very obediently.

"Then why didn't you just swallow them when you were dealing with the wounds on my back?" Schiller asked.

"Uh, I'm a symbiote, so I don't really understand your human definitions of good and bad, but I could feel that when he was in a pathological state controlling the body during the implant surgery, his excitement was very strong, almost breaking the threshold, he seemed to really like this thing, so I felt I couldn't just destroy them on my own."

Suddenly, Grey Mist dissipated without a trace, and Bruce rolled on the spot to dodge the mist that suddenly appeared behind him, three bat shuriken slicing through the air and passing through the mist.

The next second, Bruce raised his arm to block in front of him, the tip of the umbrella blade flashed with cold light, and a "swoosh" sound, blood splattered.

"If I'm not mistaken," Bruce said calmly as he grabbed a nearby chair to fend off Schiller's umbrella, "the pathological one knows I've already bribed Davis, and knows I've influenced Dr. Fitzgibbon, who performed the surgery on you, through Davis. He knows I'm trying to control you."

Schiller stopped his attack, standing there, holding the umbrella in one hand and leaning against the wall with the other, looking at Bruce and saying, "What are you trying to do?"

"When I calmed down and carefully thought about every word he said to me, I found that he had already told me the answer, the way to deal with you Born Psychopaths, hidden in his self-consistent logic."

"The pathological one said he is not a societal human, and he used a set of logic to prove why he is not a societal human, such as not participating in normal social emotional exchanges, so naturally he doesn't have to conform to the rules formulated for the sake of emotional exchange."

"But this is precisely reminding me of an obvious fact - if you don't participate in emotional exchange, you're not a societal human, so why are you living in this society?"

"Why don't you go find a deep mountain forest and live in solitude until you die?"

"Acknowledge it, it is you who need this society, not this society that needs you. No matter how talented and gifted you are, human civilization did not get to where it is today relying on one or two geniuses... this is what Marxism told me."

"Since you have actually enjoyed all the resources brought by the modern society composed of ordinary people, don't try to shirk all responsibility when you need to bear it. There is no such good thing in this world as wanting to enjoy prosperity without following the rules."

Schiller slowly lowered the umbrella, and Bruce also put down the chair he was holding.

Schiller let out a light sigh, staring straight at Bruce's face as if he didn't recognize him.

"This fact makes me understand that all the cold and cruel Born Psychopaths are not as impregnable as they appear. They have demands on this society, so naturally they have weaknesses."

Schiller slowly lowered his eyelids, pursing his lips as if unwilling, but Bruce still looked at him and said:

"In every process of power transfer, no father is willing to acknowledge that he has grown old, just as every teacher hopes that students can learn more from them, but when the students have truly learned everything, they panic that their social position may be replaced."

"This is because they are not sure whether the children who have taken over the power truly love them, and whether they will ruthlessly allow them to be abandoned by society when they lose power."

Bruce saw Schiller's fingertips start to tremble slightly, so he looked into Schiller's eyes and asked, "How does my blood taste?"

Schiller paused for a moment, then looked up at Bruce with an incredulous gaze. Bruce shrugged lightly and said, "I'm sorry, but no matter what, you've already drunk my blood."

"You'll never be able to get rid of Batman's entanglement, but that also means that when I try to integrate into normal society, you won't be able to leave either, and no one will be able to drive you away, because they can't drive me away."

As the light shone on Bruce's face, a long shadow spread down from his brow, and at this moment, Schiller realized how much he had changed in the past four years.

Perhaps during these four years, Bruce had not been standing still, but like all Batmen, he had been accumulating strength for a decisive blow.

"I've thought countless times about how I should save such a complex autistic patient," Bruce said slowly.

"I've considered all the unfavorable conditions and tried to overcome them one by one, but because it's so difficult, for a long time my plan has been difficult to implement, making me feel very desperate."

"But later, I found out one thing, that you've actually been trying to save yourself all along, you just haven't realized it."

"This includes constantly emphasizing your identity as an ordinary person, making your best efforts to abide by the rules of society, or Gotham's rules, limiting yourself within a certain range, hovering on the borderline between civilized society and the wilderness."

"Your active fusion with Joker was not to gain more power, but because you didn't want this madman to break the rules you had worked so hard to follow."

"All your restlessness comes from insecurity, from the insecurity of being abandoned by ordinary society."

"And because of the lack of self-awareness of the mentally ill, these instinctive actions from you have been rationalized by you with other reasons, and it was the appearance of Sloth that made me realize this."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1196 Lamb's Cry (Part Seventeen)


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