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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Bai Wushuang, upon seeing that Wang Hong did not yield to him, did not get upset. Instead, he maintained his composure with a smile and said, "Fellow Daoist, it's only natural that we can't yield to each other. It was my impoliteness. Let's rely on our own abilities from here on.

I offer ten thousand top-grade Spirit Stones!"

Witnessing Bai Wushuang's graceful demeanor, the onlookers couldn't help but admire him. It was evident that the young master of a major sect possessed exceptional poise and refinement, far beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.

At the same time, their opinion of Wang Hong sank as they thought he lacked magnanimity and appeared to be an inexperienced loose cultivator.

Wang Hong, however, remained indifferent to the flattery and criticism from the others.

Unfortunately, the Ma Brothers were not present at the moment. These two brothers were experts at flattering for a hundred years, and these petty individuals couldn't possibly surpass those professional sycophants.

Wang Hong remained composed and continued to raise his bid.

"Ten thousand and five hundred!"

"Eleven thousand!" Bai Wushuang still wore a smile as he made his counteroffer.

Now, the entire auction hall was focused solely on their bids, and the progress was swift.

Before long, Wang Hong had raised the price to fifteen thousand Spirit Stones.

Bai Wushuang wanted to increase his bid further but was gently tugged at the sleeve by a middle-aged man standing beside him. They exchanged a few messages through Message Transmission.

"Since this Divine Sense secret technique is so important to Fellow Daoist, I'll concede it to you. Congratulations, Fellow Daoist!" Bai Wushuang, though defeated, maintained the grace of a young master from the Lingxiao Sect and congratulated Wang Hong.

"Fellow Daoist, you are very gracious." Wang Hong responded courteously.

This time, three Nascent Soul Cultivators were competing to bid for the auction item, indicating that the number of bidders was determined by the item's value.

After Wang Hong paid the fifteen thousand Spirit Stones, he had already spent around thirty thousand Spirit Stones in total. He didn't have many Spirit Stones left, and there was one more auction item he desperately wanted to obtain. He feared that he might run out of Spirit Stones by then.

Seeing that Wang Hong had actually spent fifteen thousand Spirit Stones to acquire the Divine Sense secret technique from Young Master Bai, the Cultivator with a square face standing nearby once again changed his opinion of Wang Hong. This kind of wealth was far beyond what an ordinary Cultivator could possess.

The successful sale of the Divine Sense secret technique at such a high price ignited the entire auction hall. Coupled with the high-quality items that followed, the auction entered a peak phase.

As they watched one rare Spiritual Object after another being presented for auction, the people below went crazy with their bidding.

Wang Hong's other barrel of Spirit Wine, which he had entrusted for auction, was also sold at this time, surprisingly bought by the Old Man from the Floating Cloud Immortal Manor.

However, Wang Hong did not participate in any more bidding at this point. He really didn't have many Spirit Stones left, and he needed to save them for a particular auction item.

The active participants left in the hall were all representatives of powerful factions. Regardless of their personal strength or wealth, they were still inferior compared to these major powers.

Compared to these major powers, the Great Chu Immortal Nation was still far behind.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next item up for auction is a large sea-faring vessel.

As you all know, when it comes to transporting goods across the sea, these large ships that sail in the waters are more advantageous than Flying Boats for traveling in the sky. They have larger dimensions, can carry more cargo, and are safer.

This Large Sea Ship is approximately five times the size of a Large-sized Flying Boat. It is equipped with a four-tier defense formation capable of withstanding attacks from Nascent Soul Cultivators.

Furthermore, the main structure of this Large Sea Ship is refined from four-tier spirit wood. Even if the formation is broken, it can still withstand Nascent Soul attacks."

On the deck, there are five Spirit Convergence Cannons that can unleash attacks equivalent to the Nascent Soul stage, with the consumption of Spirit Stones. Additionally, there are a hundred Spirit Energy Cannons, whose activated attacks are on par with a Golden Core Cultivator.

For those of you with aspirations in maritime trade, this large ship is undoubtedly your best choice."

At this point, a servant brought out a meticulously crafted small boat, measuring over three feet in length, and placed it on the auction stage.

The Cultivators in the audience used their Divine Sense to examine the Large Sea Ship; some were earnestly observing its features, while a minority took the opportunity to direct their Divine Sense toward the plump lady conducting the auction.

This lady seemed accustomed to this kind of behavior from the crowd and didn't seem to mind. In fact, she chuckled playfully, appearing to quite enjoy the sensation of Divine Sense lightly brushing over her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

This, however, caused some Cultivators to lose interest. Encountering someone who didn't resist and even enjoyed it left them feeling like they had drawn the short straw.

After quietly enjoying the sensation for a while, the plump lady finally spoke again.

"All right, let's begin the auction. The starting bid is five hundred Spirit Stones, with each subsequent bid no less than fifty Spirit Stones."

"Six hundred!" Wang Hong was the first to place a bid. This Large Sea Ship was exactly what he had been waiting for.

He had already recognized the advantages of this type of Large Sea Ship. In the future, when his subordinates engaged in business on this side, they would undoubtedly need to transport goods back and forth.

While they had never refined such a sea-faring vessel before and had no experience, they could certainly design and refine one themselves. However, doing so would involve many detours and consume a lot of time.

Now that there was a ready-made ship they could learn from, there was no need to reinvent the wheel. Once they returned, they could dismantle it, create a refining tool diagram based on its design, and replicate it.

"Seven hundred!"

"Eight hundred!"

And so, under Wang Hong's determined bidding, the Large Sea Ship was eventually purchased for ten thousand Spirit Stones.

Considering the extensive use of four-tier materials in its construction and its formidable performance, the price was justified. It allowed a Golden Core Cultivator to stand their ground against Nascent Soul opponents.

When the three Nascent Soul Cultivators arrived with the Large Sea Ship to finalize the transaction with Wang Hong, he found himself short of the required Spirit Stones. He had to take out several three-thousand-year-old Spiritual Herbs from his Storage Bag to make up the ten thousand Spirit Stones needed for the purchase.

At this point, he had only a small amount of Spirit Stones left for maintaining the consumption within his storage space, along with a dozen or so high-grade Spirit Stones.

Now, he could only wait for the auction to end and collect the proceeds from his commissioned sale of Spirit Wine and tree leaves.

Two barrels of Spirit Wine had already been auctioned, fetching over seven thousand Spirit Stones in total. The tree leaves were expected to fetch a sky-high price.

The auction continued for over an hour, featuring many exotic treasures and rare items.

"I believe you've all heard about the grand finale of this auction, an item containing Great Dao Runes, a magical weapon."

As the auctioneer made this announcement, everyone held their breath, their anticipation palpable. Many had come specifically for this prized item.

"These Great Dao Runes on the magical weapon have been jointly authenticated by multiple senior appraisers. They are indeed Great Dao Runes, and their function is defensive.

Inside, there should be a trace of defensive law, so it's not an exaggeration to call it the ultimate defensive magical weapon."

Once the auctioneer had finished her introduction, ten Nascent Soul Cultivators positioned themselves around the auction stage. Only then did two individuals escort a wooden box onto the auction stage.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 588: The Might of Soul Transformation


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