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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


The entire auction hall, lured by the enticing aroma of Spirit Wine, was ablaze with unprecedented competition, and the prices were steadily rising.

Amidst the fervor, Wang Hong spotted the elderly figure from Floating Cloud Immortal Manor, who was also vigorously bidding at the moment.

The old man's chin quivered, and his beard bobbed up and down, clearly indicating his heightened emotions at this moment.

The current price had already reached three thousand Spirit Stones, far exceeding the actual value of this jar of Spirit Wine. Nevertheless, the bidders remained enthusiastic.

In the end, the jar of wine was acquired by the old man from Floating Cloud Immortal Manor at a price of five thousand Spirit Stones.

Seeing the old man with a joyful expression as he cradled the jar of Spirit Wine, Wang Hong thought that after expanding his business, he could slowly sell the Spirit Wine in small quantities across different cities in Fengwu Continent.

The Spirit Stones obtained from this could support the development needs of Great Chu Immortal Nation.

After the high-priced auction of the Spirit Wine, it ignited the enthusiasm of many cultivators, elevating the atmosphere of the auction to new heights.

The subsequent auction items fetched impressive prices, some even exceeding the original value of the items.

Such was the nature of items in auctions like this—rare and hard-to-find Spiritual Objects, guided by the current atmosphere, often fetched prices higher than the market rates.

As dozens of Spiritual Objects were sold at prices ranging from hundreds to thousands, Wang Hong refrained from making a bid.

Observing the atmosphere cooling down gradually, the auctioneer then presented an ancient-looking scroll.

"I'm sure all of you Fellow Daoists have heard of the Wan Kui Sect, which was annihilated ten thousand years ago. Wan Kui Sect was once the second-ranked major sect in Fengwu Continent," the auctioneer began.

"The strength of Wan Kui Sect mainly relied on two aspects: Puppetry techniques and the Divine Sense secret arts of Wan Kui Sect. What I hold in my hand right now is one of the Divine Sense cultivation secrets of Wan Kui Sect. Once mastered, it can grant you a Divine Sense far surpassing those of the same tier. It also contains techniques for Divine Sense attacks."

As soon as these words were spoken, the auction hall erupted into discussions.

"Wan Kui Sect from back then had Soul Transformation Cultivators and was ranked second in all of Fengwu Continent."

"Puppetry and Divine Sense secret arts were considered the sect's two supreme arts. Even the number one Celestial Maiden Palace had to be cautious of them. Without the support of experts, Celestial Maiden Palace would have had a hard time dealing with Wan Kui Sect!"

"Fellow Daoist, please be cautious with your words. The top sects are not to be lightly discussed. Speaking ill of them might bring trouble upon oneself."

Wang Hong certainly did not possess the same knowledge of Fengwu Continent's history as the locals did, so he quietly listened.

The number one sect in Fengwu Continent, Celestial Maiden Palace, was reputed to be domineering and ruthless. Now, seeing the reactions, it seemed those claims weren't unfounded, as no one dared to speak ill of them.

"However, I must remind all Fellow Daoists that this secret art I'm offering is only a remnant of Wan Kui Sect's Divine Sense secret arts. Please bid with caution."

"Now, let's begin. The starting bid is one thousand Spirit Stones, with increments of no less than one hundred Spirit Stones."

"One thousand one hundred!"

"One thousand two hundred!"

"Two thousand!"

"Two thousand three!"

And so on, bidding from various parties quickly became intense. Although it was a remnant, it was still one of the two supreme arts of the second-ranked sect from ancient times.

If it weren't for the leaf-shaped magic weapon Wang Hong had given away, this remnant secret art would have been one of the highlights of this auction.

The bidding quickly reached eight thousand Spirit Stones, and at this point, the number of participating cultivators gradually decreased.

Now, only five people remained in the entire hall who were actively placing bids.

"Eight thousand five hundred Spirit Stones!" Wang Hong casually added another hundred Spirit Stones. He was determined to obtain this secret art, no matter the cost.

For the past two to three years, he had been discreetly selling some Spiritual Objects in Fengwu Continent, accumulating Spirit Stones in secret. He aimed to acquire useful resources for Great Chu Immortal Nation. As an independent force, they received no external aid or support, so they had to actively seek opportunities for development.

They were just a defeated force in Hezhou, lacking the deep foundations of others. To ascend and develop further, including obtaining cultivation techniques and various resources, they needed to acquire them from external sources.

Resources and cultivation techniques wouldn't simply fall from the sky onto their Qizhou Island, nor would anyone travel miles to deliver them. Everything had to be earned through their own efforts.

"I offer nine thousand Spirit Stones!"

At this moment, a young man in white clothes added five hundred Spirit Stones and then floated in the air, bowing to all directions in the auction hall.

With a smile on his face, he introduced himself, "I am Bai Wushuang. Fellow Daoists, would you be willing to do me a favor? I owe you all a favor, how about that?"

Bai Wushuang had an elegant appearance, a humble demeanor, and his words were filled with humility, which made people instantly like him.

Lingxiao Sect was considered a top-tier power in Fengwu Continent, and for them to owe a favor, it was undoubtedly a profitable deal.

"Ah! If I had known, I would have persisted a little longer, so that Lingxiao Sect might owe me a favor too," sighed the cultivator next to Wang Hong, as if he had missed a great opportunity.

"Can Bai Wushuang owing a favor represent Lingxiao Sect owing a favor?" Wang Hong asked, a bit puzzled.

"It seems Fellow Daoist doesn't know this Young Master Bai of Lingxiao Sect! Lingxiao Sect only has one heir, and his talent is extraordinary. It's said that when he was in the Foundation Building stage, his dantian sea reached a width of eight zhang, and the Golden Core he formed was as big as a chicken egg. Later, when he formed his Nascent Soul, it was even more remarkable. This Young Master Bai was long chosen to be the future sect master!"

Wang Hong was astonished to hear that Young Master Bai had an eight-zhang wide dantian sea during his Foundation Building stage. He remembered that he had spent a considerable amount of time and a pile of Spiritual Objects to expand his dantian sea to its limit of twenty zhang during his Foundation Building stage. His Golden Core was only as large as a goose egg, and it had been a tremendous effort.

At this moment, it seemed that the other bidders had all given up. First-rate powers wouldn't be interested in such remnants; they had their own unique abilities. If it were a complete set, there might be some reference value.

Those who were interested in this secret art were unlikely to be too formidable, as offending them in Fengwu Continent would not be wise.

It was only this Young Master Bai who suddenly developed an interest in this cultivation technique and wanted to acquire it for further research.

After hearing the explanation from the cultivator next to him, Wang Hong couldn't help but exclaim, "Such extraordinary talents exist in this world!"

He then continued to place a bid, saying, "Nine thousand five hundred!"

After placing his bid, he stood up and smiled apologetically at Bai Wushuang. "I'm sorry, Young Master Bai, but this technique is very important to me!"

This cultivation technique held great significance for him, and he had to strive to obtain it. Besides, he wasn't a native of Fengwu Continent, and he planned to leave once the auction was over, likely not returning for decades.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 587: Large Sea Ship


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