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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


"East Master, these Demon Wolves are becoming a real nuisance. Why don't we lead the East Zhou Strike Team straight to their lair and wipe them out?" Luo Zhongjie suggested.

"I believe that wouldn't be wise. In this region, there are only three major powers, and the Demon Wolves are the largest Demon Clan force here. If we suddenly eliminate them, it's likely to attract the attention of other Demon Clans. We are better off hiding and developing our strength in secret until we are ready to reveal our true power," Xu Lun opposed Luo Zhongjie's idea.

Wang Hong, too, had no intention of exterminating all the surrounding Demonic Beasts at this moment; it would be too conspicuous.

"Here's what I propose, Luo Zhongjie. Since you're currently training the Mortals from the village, why not rotate small groups from your East Zhou Team to lead these Mortals in battles against the Demon Wolves? This way, we can handle the Demon Wolves' harassment while also training our troops. Of course, there may be casualties in this real combat training, but it's unavoidable. Without battle experience, even if they survive now, they'll die in the future," Wang Hong finally decided.

Luo Zhongjie had no objections to Wang Hong's arrangement and expressed his agreement.

"Zhang Chunfeng, your Revival Battle Team also has a mission for you."

"East Master, what task do you have for us? We've been idle for a long time and are itching to do something," Zhang Chunfeng excitedly inquired. Since entering Yunxia Mountain, they hadn't had much to do and were getting bored.

"I plan to assign you to execute the third step plan. After the fall of the East Zhou Cultivation Realm, the forces of cultivators were uprooted, and the Mortal world suffered as a consequence. However, the Mortal population is vast, and they haven't been completely wiped out. In many places, Mortals still survive. We cultivators all originate from Mortals, and the Mortal world is the foundation of our Cultivation World, continuously providing fresh blood. Without a substantial Mortal base, the Cultivation World will wither and perish."

"East Master, do you want me to protect them? We're struggling to protect ourselves right now," Zhang Chunfeng asked with some confusion.

"Of course not to protect them. I plan to draw half of the Revival Battle Team members and infiltrate them into the surviving Mortal populations. You can follow the example of the villages around Yunxia Mountain, lead the Mortals in hunting Demonic Beasts, refine Essence Core Pills, and constantly strengthen the Mortals. Then gather these Mortals for training to face weaker Demonic Beasts," Wang Hong explained the third step plan that he had been pondering for a while.

He had already instructed Liu Changsheng to thoroughly investigate the locations of Mortal settlements in the nearby area and marked them on the map.

"This is brilliant, East Master!" Ma Zhong, who was fortunate enough to attend the meeting, seized the opportunity to heap praise.

"Yes, East Master, your strategic thinking is profound, and this move is both elusive and in line with the art of war!" Ma Yi was never one to fall behind when it came to flattery.

Wang Hong paid no mind to the Ma Brothers and continued, "Hu Jian, you can also send out all the Alchemists you've trained."

Hu Jian's over a thousand disciples had all learned the simplified Refinement method for Essence Core Pills and had some basic knowledge of Spirit Meal production. Since their cultivation levels were generally lower, they would be dispatched to mingle among the Mortals.

At this point, the discussion revolved around how these two groups should coordinate and cooperate.
Three days later, more than a thousand people on Yunxia Mountain packed their belongings and dispersed in groups, heading in various directions. Each team consisted of only five to ten members, with their destinations already planned during their time on the mountain.

He Qing was the leader of an eight-person team assigned to a place called Chashan Town, which had seven Mortal gathering points. Each of the eight team members was stationed at one of these Mortal gathering points, while He Qing, as the team leader, was responsible for communication and various other matters.

When He Qing initially joined Wang Hong's group, he was at the Qi Cultivation level. However, after participating in several battles with Wang Hong, he not only survived but also earned significant merits. His achievements allowed him to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill, successfully achieve Foundation Building, and join the Revival Battle Team.

The message from above was that, as long as he could gather a team, he would be able to lead them in the future. This news filled him with great excitement. As a loose cultivator, achieving Foundation Building in his lifetime already exceeded his expectations. Having the opportunity to build a team with his own strength was a goal he had never imagined possible and now had the chance to achieve.

When their group arrived at a village in Chashan Town, they found only a few thousand Mortals, all of whom were on edge. The arrival of these Immortal Cultivators, especially when they saw He Qing demonstrate some celestial techniques, was like a lifeline to them.

The entire village surrounded them, bowing their heads and calling them Immortal Master. He Qing flew in mid-air and declared loudly, "As our East Master said, no matter how powerful the Demonic Beasts are, they will ultimately become our Human Clan's prey. We, the Human Clan, are the masters of this world. The Demon Clan can only be arrogant for a while, but victory will ultimately belong to us, the Human Clan."

He Qing's words were full of confidence and matched his formidable aura at the Foundation Building stage. It left a deep impression on the Mortals below, making them believe without a doubt. He had heard from the East Master that to organize these people to resist the Demonic Beasts, they first needed to instill in them the confidence to defeat the Demon Clan. Without that confidence, no matter how strong their cultivation, it would be futile.

The East Master had also said that confidence could be conveyed. As the leader of this small team, he had to exude immense confidence. He had faith, and his subordinates would have faith too. These were all lessons he had learned from the East Master, and he owed his rise from Qi Cultivation to Foundation Building to his unwavering belief.

He Qing continued with motivating words, temporarily helping the villagers shake off their timid state. Then, he led the villagers to plant a demon-hunting tree in the center of the village.

"We want to defeat the Demon Clan, and it all begins with nourishing this tree."

He then explained the miraculous properties of this tree. The villagers had never heard of such a magical tree before. Their eyes lit up, and this small sapling became a symbol of their hopes for becoming stronger.

One by one, the villagers vowed not to let this tree go hungry, even if they themselves went hungry. They had endured the oppression of the Demon Clan for too long. In the past, survival was a luxury, and they had no idea how to defeat the Demon Clan. Now, with He Qing's arrival, they saw a glimmer of hope for the future and cherished this hard-earned opportunity.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 465: Development


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