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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


As Chen Xiaofeng contemplated these questions, he couldn't restrain himself any longer and turned to Wang Hong, asking,

"Master, I have some doubts. While cultivating Mortals may regain some numerical advantage, isn't the cost of nurturing Mortals extremely high? In that case, if their numbers increase significantly, won't we be unable to bear the resource burden?"

"You've thought about this, which is excellent!" Wang Hong replied without blame in his tone. As the lowest-ranking warrior, Chen Xiaofeng didn't need to think; he simply needed to execute orders. However, as a talented commander, not understanding how to think and adapt was clearly unacceptable.

Therefore, when he discussed matters with his subordinates, it wasn't a one-sided conversation. Anyone could offer their opinions, and then a discussion would take place, but the final decision rested with Wang Hong.

Chen Xiaofeng's point was indeed valid. If they were to deplete Spirit Herb resources entirely, even with his Space ability, he wouldn't be able to supply so many.

"Try this type of Pill."

Wang Hong casually tossed a bottle of Pills to Chen Xiaofeng, containing some simplified Essence Core Pills.

Chen Xiaofeng poured one out, examined it with his Divine Sense, sniffed it, and then swallowed it. He wasn't suspicious that Wang Hong would harm him but, as an Alchemist, it was his habit to first identify a new Pill.

After refining the Pill, he carefully felt its effects.

"How does it feel?" Wang Hong asked with a smile.

"It has a body refining effect, enhancing physical strength, but its efficacy can only be considered average. Are those Mortals really consuming this type of Pill?" Chen Xiaofeng answered truthfully.

"That's right."

"But I assume this type of Pill also requires a substantial amount of resources?"

"What if this type of Pill could be mass-produced?" Wang Hong asked. He wasn't worried about Chen Xiaofeng leaking information now; he still had the slave mark on him, and he had already contributed information about the Essence Core Pill to the Qingxu Sect before its destruction.

Chen Xiaofeng's pupils constricted. He hadn't expected that this place already held the secret of mass-producing this Pill. What followed was surely confidential, and as a newcomer, he wasn't suitable for delving deeper into it.

Wang Hong didn't mind and continued, "The resources of the Cultivation World are insufficient, but what about the Demon Clan? The Demon Clan is the resource for our future development."

Hearing this, both Yun Qingya and Chen Xiaofeng were greatly shocked. They didn't know the specifics of how this would work, but making the Demon Clan a resource for their own development could only lead to two outcomes.

One was that they would be destroyed by the Demon Clan in its infancy before they could develop themselves. The other was that when they became powerful enough, they would weaken the Demon Clan continuously, ultimately achieving limitless potential.

At this point, the three of them had reached the foot of Yunxia Mountain. What they saw here were vast spirit fields. Since the Demon Clan had taken over the Cultivation World, there hadn't been such a magnificent sight of spirit fields. Most Demon Clan members didn't engage in farming.

After leading them to the mountaintop, Wang Hong handed over Chen Xiaofeng to the Ma Brothers, both being second-tier Alchemists, for them to exchange knowledge. This was especially important since Chen Xiaofeng was new here and still unfamiliar with many of the Pill recipes.
After arranging for Chen Xiaofeng to leave, Wang Hong turned his attention to Yun Qingya.

"Master, you saved my life, and I am willing to follow you in the future, attending to your needs in daily life," Yun Qingya expressed.

Yun Qingya was different from Chen Xiaofeng; she had a somewhat disliked appearance within the Demon Clan. If it weren't for her modest combat abilities and some knowledge of Alchemy, she would have met a much worse fate within the Demon Clan. If Wang Hong hadn't bought her back, her fate would have been far worse.

"Sister Yun, we were once fellow disciples, and you don't need to do this," Wang Hong assured her. Although Yun Qingya had participated in the Demon Clan's ambush before, she had been compelled to do so at the time.

Therefore, Wang Hong didn't hold much resentment towards her, and he even had some inexplicable good feelings towards her. He couldn't explain where these feelings came from, but he had been restraining them.

He believed that he couldn't let such irrational emotions influence him and needed to remain calm and rational at all times. If he couldn't control his own emotions, how could he lead his subordinates to establish a foothold in Demon Clan territory?

In fact, he hadn't realized that, as a Mortal, he should have had a family by his age, with children and grandchildren. Yet he remained a bachelor, maintaining his celibacy.

For someone like him, a long-time bachelor, being attracted to a beautiful woman was entirely normal.

The attraction between Yin and Yang was a fundamental principle of the universe, and even Immortal Cultivators could be affected by it unconsciously.

It was said that some long-time bachelor Mortals, when they had been single for a long time, would show interest in members of the opposite sex upon seeing them. They would even go so far as to examine a tree by the roadside to determine its gender.

Wang Hong suppressed his growing affection and declined this tempting request. He couldn't let a woman's appearance affect his decisions.

On the second day of their return to Yunxia Mountain, Wang Hong gathered his subordinates for a discussion.

"My trip to Taihao City was quite fruitful. Besides cooperating with the Immortal Way Trading Company, I've opened a new shop in Taihao City and acquired a large quantity of refining tool materials. Xu Lun, gather the refining tool masters, and use these second-tier materials to refine another batch of Spiritual Weapons."

These second-tier materials were no longer useful to him, so he decided to use them for his subordinates.

"Alright, we have quite a few second-tier refining tool masters now," Xu Lun responded. He hadn't expected that Wang Hong's trip would solve so many issues.

"Luo Zhongjie, how is the training of the Mortals progressing?"

"East Master, they have started to follow orders to some extent," Luo Zhongjie replied. Although Wang Hong had given this task just before his departure, it had already shown some results due to intensive training.

"Good! Well done!" Wang Hong praised.

In fact, on his way back, he had already observed the progress, and the training results were indeed promising.

"East Master, there is one more thing. Some time ago, a small group of Demon Wolves from the Demon Wolf Clan wandered into our wheat fields and ambushed several people, injuring them. Our people managed to kill five Demon Wolves, but the rest escaped. These Demon Wolves occasionally encroach upon our territory, and our patrol teams are small, covering a large area, making it difficult to be vigilant at all times. Mortals in the villages are often caught off guard and attacked by Demon Wolves. We've tried to hunt them down a few times, but the results were meager. The main issue is that we don't want to provoke these wolves too much. They are the strongest Demon Clan in this region, and if we engage them head-on, we could easily expose our Human Clan identity."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 464: The Third Step Plan 


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