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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


"But East Master, I don't know any of these things. I can't do Alchemy, and I can't refine tools," Little Peng said anxiously. It wished it had learned some Alchemy and tool refining earlier.

However, Little Peng had only recently awakened its intelligence after reaching the third tier, and it hadn't been long since it started learning many things.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange for assistance. You just need to oversee things here," Wang Hong reassured. He wanted Little Peng to oversee things mainly for its reputation, while others would handle the rest.

"East Master!"

"Yes, is there something else?" Little Peng hesitated for a moment but finally gathered the courage to ask, "East Master, can you send that Rainbow Mountain Chicken over too? I want to eat its eggs."

"That's easy. When it lays eggs in the future, I'll have someone deliver them to you," Wang Hong replied with a knowing smile, seemingly aware of Little Peng's hidden desires.

"Freshly laid eggs taste better and are more delicious," Little Peng added, trying to come up with a reasonable excuse.

"Fine, I'll send it over when I return," Wang Hong agreed, no longer teasing Little Peng.

"Also, I'll leave Gong Sun Youcai, Zhu Jietang, Yu Shaobao, Li Wuyou, and those strong women who are popular among the Demon Clan here to assist you," he continued. "Based on their performance in the past few days, they seem quite capable. They should have no problem helping you manage the shop."

"As for the supply of goods, you don't need to worry. There will be deliveries when needed," Wang Hong assured. Once the shop was up and running, they could also purchase materials and Spirit Stones regularly.

Most importantly, having a shop in this location would make it easier to acquire materials and Spirit Stones, as well as gather information about the Demon Clan's activities.

Two days later, Liu Changsheng sent a few people over to establish a permanent presence in the shop and handle communication and information gathering.

"What's your name?" Wang Hong asked, looking at the black-robed cultivator in front of him with curiosity.

He had always operated in Taihao City under the identity of a Demon Clan member. Infiltrating the city as a Human Clan member would be quite challenging.

"This subordinate's name is Ye Mu," the man replied.

"Alright, from now on, I'll leave matters here to you. Currently, I need a Wood-Fire Dual Attribute Spiritual Object. Keep an eye out for it, and if you can find the actual item, that's even better, but reliable information will do as well," Wang Hong entrusted Ye Mu with this task, expressing confidence in Liu Changsheng's trained subordinates.

After a few days of preparation, the new shop officially opened for business.

The shop offered a wide range of Spiritual Objects, and its prices were reasonable. Notably, many items in the store could be purchased with low-grade Spirit Stones. As a result, the shop quickly became crowded with customers.

Despite the bustling business, few Demonic Beasts dared to have ill intentions towards the shop because its hidden owner was a third-tier sand carver, and most Demonic Beasts didn't want to provoke it.

A few more days passed, and the Heaven Demon Pavilion's auction proceeded as scheduled. Wang Hong joined the event out of curiosity.

However, at this level of auction, it was challenging to find treasures that truly interested him.
Some of the items he discreetly submitted for auction fetched good prices, raising nearly ten million low-grade Spirit Stones. At least for the short term, he no longer needed to worry about Spirit Stones.

Wang Hong secretly changed his identity, retrieved the Spirit Stones he had entrusted for the auction in batches, and then left the city with Chen Xiaofeng and Yun Qingya. As for the rest of his subordinates, he left them to assist at the shop.

On their journey, he disguised himself as a green-skinned Demonic Beast to travel alongside the two, and they encountered no disturbances from other Demonic Beasts.

As they approached Yunxia Mountain, Wang Hong was afraid of startling his subordinates, so he reverted to his true form.

Chen Xiaofeng and Yun Qingya, who were following behind Wang Hong, witnessed a sudden transformation in their master's appearance. The green color on his body gradually receded, and the fish-like features on his face disappeared.

"Master! What is this?" Chen Xiaofeng couldn't comprehend the sudden change. Was their master transforming from a demon into a human, or was he a human turning back into his original form?

"Haha! Surprised, aren't you?" Wang Hong turned around and chuckled.

"You... are Senior Brother Wang?" Yun Qingya asked uncertainly.

"So, Yun Junior Sister still remembers me!" Wang Hong confirmed his identity. There was no need to hide such matters.

"Thank you, Master, for saving our lives!" Yun Qingya quickly realized that addressing him as Senior Brother was no longer appropriate. At least now, compared to falling into the hands of the Demon Clan, they were in a much better situation. From her previous knowledge of Wang Hong, he didn't seem like someone with a twisted nature who would harm humans like the Demon Clan did.

"Thank you for rescuing us from this ordeal!" Chen Xiaofeng also expressed his gratitude. Although he understood the art of Alchemy, in the eyes of the Demon Clan, he was merely a tool, subject to their whims of using or killing him.

"Don't mention it. We will need everyone's efforts to rebuild our Human Clan's homeland in the future. Come with me; let's go see this hidden base deep within Demon Clan territory."

With that, Wang Hong led the two towards Yunxia Mountain.

Both of them had suffered greatly under the Demon Clan, so they eagerly followed behind, excited to see that there was still a Human Clan presence hidden in the heart of Demon Clan territory.

The first things they noticed on their journey were some mortal villages along the way. Surrounding these villages were vast fields of wheat, and they occasionally saw mortals laboring in the fields.

At this moment, they saw a group of mortals marching in an orderly formation from the fields, each of them carrying a large hemp sack on their shoulders.

Judging from the footprints they left, these sacks weighed at least two hundred catties (100 kilograms) each. However, these people seemed to carry them effortlessly, and their formation remained perfectly intact.

Chen Xiaofeng and Yun Qingya were amazed but remained silent, believing that they would eventually learn more.

Continuing on, they encountered several more groups of mortals with immense strength, all in well-organized formations. Some of these groups even had cultivators leading them.

Chen Xiaofeng began to suspect the reason behind the Demon Clan's victory in the recent war. While there were various factors, the most critical one was the sheer number of Demonic Beasts, which easily depleted the resources accumulated by the Human Clan using low-tier Demonic Beasts.

The total number of the Human Clan wasn't small, but the proportion of individuals with Spiritual Roots suitable for cultivation was minuscule, which resulted in a significant numerical disadvantage.

If the Human Clan could boast a similar number of cultivators, the outcome of the war might have been different. However, Chen Xiaofeng also realized that it was impractical to train all mortals as cultivators; it would be too resource-intensive, something the entire Cultivation World couldn't afford.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 463 


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