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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong collected the corpses of several Demonic Beasts he had slain. In fact, the Demon Bull's body had been devoured by Poisonous Bees, leaving nothing but a pile of cowhair. Even the demon core of the Demon Bull had been gnawed away by these Poisonous Bees.

In this battle, Poisonous Bees had faced a third-tier Demon Bull, and over ten second-tier Poisonous Bees had perished, along with more than three thousand ordinary ones.

However, this didn't greatly affect him as these Poisonous Bees could quickly replenish their numbers in the Space. Even if they didn't die in battle, their lifespans would naturally expire within the Space.

Moreover, the remaining Poisonous Bees would likely advance to the second-tier after devouring a complete third-tier Demon Bull.

Yuanshan had been roasted to a crisp by Spirit Fire, wasting its once valuable fur. Nevertheless, Yuanshan's demon core appeared to be of high quality, with faint electric arcs entwined around it.

If he didn't possess his leaf Magic weapon, he wouldn't have been confident in defeating Yuanshan, who was adept in Thunder Technique.

Thunder Technique was unexpectedly potent, and he couldn't help but think of the youngster in his family who also practiced Thunder Technique. Perhaps he should return and give him a hard time to help him improve?

This time, he had slain five third-tier Demonic Beasts, obtaining four Demonic Beast corpses and four third-tier demon cores.

Furthermore, the Storage Bags of these Demonic Beasts contained a surprising number of treasures.

Particularly, Yuanshan, as the owner of the Heaven Demon Pavilion, had collected a considerable amount of valuable items over the years.

Especially, a few strains of the unique third-tier Spiritual Herbs from the West Zhou Demon Realm filled the gap in the variety of Space Spiritual Herbs.

He also acquired several million low-grade Spirit Stones, temporarily alleviating the shortage of Spiritual Herbs.

In summary, this harvest was quite satisfactory. In addition to acquiring a wealth of materials, these Demonic Beasts had also generously offered their rewards.

After erasing his traces, he transformed back into the identity of a green-skinned Demonic Beast and flew towards Taihao City.

Returning to the inn, Wang Hong's purchased slaves had been patiently waiting there all these days.

"Master, you've returned!" Yun Qingya exclaimed upon seeing Wang Hong, rushing forward to bow respectfully.

During Wang Hong's absence, these slaves had been anxious. If anything happened to their master, it would also affect them.

"I've been gone for a few days; everything here is alright, I hope?"

"Master, everything is normal," Yun Qingya reassured.

"Well, in these days, go out and inquire about whether the Heaven Demon Pavilion's auction is still scheduled as planned," Wang Hong instructed Yun Qingya. He was unaware that he had killed the manager of the Heaven Demon Pavilion, and he was uncertain if the auction would proceed as usual.

"Of course, I'll go right away!" Yun Qingya turned to leave but was called back by Wang Hong.

"Wait a moment. Call the others too; I have some questions."

He suddenly realized that Yun Qingya, being considered unattractive in Demon Clan territory, might not be the most suitable person to gather information.

Soon, Yun Qingya brought in the other slaves.

"Greetings, Master!"

"Alright, rise, all of you! I don't know much about you yet. I called you here to introduce yourselves, tell me your names, and mention any special talents or skills you possess."

"Let's start with you," he said, pointing to a Foundation Building cultivator on his left.

"Master, my name is Chen Xiaofeng, and I specialize in the art of Alchemy."

Chen Xiaofeng had a slender figure and couldn't be considered handsome in the Demon Clan, but his survival was attributed to his exceptional talent in Alchemy.

"Oh? A second-tier Alchemist?" Wang Hong asked with some curiosity, not expecting to find an Alchemist among these slaves.

"Yes, Master, I am indeed a second-tier Alchemist."
Then, Wang Hong asked Chen Xiaofeng some questions about Pill Recipes, and Chen Xiaofeng answered them fluently one by one.

Although Wang Hong already had quite a few second-tier Alchemists, these individuals were all trained with Spiritual Herbs. Chen Xiaofeng seemed to have a natural talent, and his insights often gave Wang Hong a fresh perspective.

"Very well! Next!"

He pointed to the unassuming Foundation Building cultivator beside Chen Xiaofeng.

"Master, I am called Li Wuyou, and I am skilled in martial arts."

It seemed that this was a combat-oriented cultivator. However, he appeared to have quite the carefree attitude, given his current circumstances.

"I am Yu Shaobao..."

"I am Gong Sun Youcai..."

"I am..."

After all these individuals introduced themselves, Wang Hong had a preliminary understanding of their backgrounds and abilities.

"Gong Sun Youcai, Zhujietang, I have a task for the two of you. Go and gather information about everything related to the Heaven Demon Pavilion's auction in the next few days."

These two had rather cunning looks about them, which made them suitable for the task of gathering information.

"Yes, we will complete the task without fail." The two of them happily left, casting a smug glance at the other slaves as they departed.

They felt that being assigned the first task by their master was a clear sign of his favor.

"Yu Shaobao, Li Wuyou, I plan to open a shop in the city in the future. Both of you should go to the city and find a suitable commercial space for me."

"Yes, Master, we will do it right away!" The two of them accepted the task and withdrew.

Wang Hong then assigned tasks to the remaining individuals; after all, idle hands were of no use.

A few days later, news of the disappearance of the Heaven Demon Pavilion's manager and several high-ranking members spread simultaneously. This shocking information came just before the auction was set to begin, and it sent shockwaves throughout Taihao City.

The Heaven Demon Pavilion was a major force within the Demon Clan, with branches scattered all over. In just two days, a new manager had been dispatched from the Heaven Demon Pavilion headquarters to oversee the upcoming auction.

On the very first day of his appointment, the new manager, on behalf of the Heaven Demon Pavilion, issued a citywide warrant for the capture of a Demon Clan member named Lin Fei.

Simultaneously, the Heaven Demon Pavilion invited all Demon Clan members to bring forth their treasures for consignment in the auction.

Once Wang Hong had gathered all this information, he assumed several new identities and sent over a dozen batches of Spirit Pills and Spiritual Herbs to participate in the consignment auction. These Spiritual Objects weren't exceptionally valuable, but they would attract many Demonic Beasts since he agreed to accept low-grade Spirit Stones as payment.

During this time, Yu Shaobao and Li Wuyou found a suitable shop location.

It was a well-located street-front shop, three stories tall, with a sizable backyard for residence.

The original owner of the shop had priced it at five hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones. After Wang Hong personally inspected it, he used Spiritual Herbs as payment to purchase the property.

"Little Peng, from now on, you'll be the owner of this shop. Don't embarrass me!"

Wang Hong said to Little Peng, who was surveying the shop.

"Huh? I'll be the boss?" Little Peng looked surprised, not expecting that this shop would be his.

"Of course it's you. As you can see, only Demon Clan forces can establish themselves in this city, and this shop can only be operated by you. Don't disappoint me."

If it weren't in Little Peng's name, this shop wouldn't have had a chance to succeed. And if Wang Hong wanted a continuous supply of various resources, the best way was to open a shop here.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 462: Return 


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