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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


With just this one short question, Mobius's emotions crumbled instantly, causing him to slump against the back of his chair. He said, "Of course, I don't want to die, but besides that, I have no other way."

"You haven't worked here, so you don't know how cruel the Director can be."

"During his travels through the Multiverse, his greatest hobby is collecting various forms of torture from different worlds. Then, using his time manipulation abilities, he slows down the process of each victim's suffering to the point of infinity, until they are plunged into the deepest and most painful hell."

Mobius's voice trembled to the point where it was barely audible. "I have never been responsible for interrogations, but I have witnessed it once by chance. Lavona, B15, and others have seen his atrocities as well..."

"I don't want to see such scenes again, so that's why we wanted to help that little girl escape. And we don't want to let such terrible things happen to us either..."

"But you chose her over yourselves and that little girl," Lady Loki lowered her gaze, and the halo behind her grew brighter. When Mobius looked up, he even saw a hint of compassion in Lady Loki's eyes that he had never seen in anyone before.

"'If not me, who else?' It sounds easy, but hardly anyone would actually do it. Between their own suffering and that of others, people instinctively choose to let others endure the pain."

"Those who can overcome this instinct are truly rare saints, so you deserve my respect."

Mobius gradually calmed down, and after a while, he stood up straight with the remaining strength he had. He adjusted his tie and hair, then looked at Lady Loki and said, "Leave this place, take your daughter, and return to your original life..."

"Since you don't want to die, then you should let me stay and help you find a possible way out."

Lady Loki stood up from her chair, pushed open the door, and started walking out. Mobius had no idea where she was going, but instinctively followed her.

"In the past, I would never have followed you or listened to anything you said," Mobius gently shook his head.

Lady Loki's expression suddenly flickered, standing by the door, she repeated in a low voice, "In the past, I would never have followed you..."

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, her gaze burning into Mobius as she asked, "Why didn't you want to follow me before?"

"Because the you I knew before was full of lies, arrogance, and childish pranks. I wouldn't even allow you to appear in my office, who knows what mess you would cause?"

"So why are you willing to follow me now?"

"In the past, I would have thought that maybe this was just another lie from you," Mobius looked into her eyes and said, "But just now, I could feel that no matter what, your desire to help us is genuine."

Lady Loki stood still, lost in thought. After a while, she said to Mobius, "Thank you, you've made me understand something."

"What is it?" They continued walking forward, and Mobius asked with some confusion. Lady Loki spoke slowly,

"To destroy trust, it's actually quite simple, even as simple as a single lie can shatter all the reputation that was once built. And if my entire first half of life was nothing but lies, then no one would believe me, and it would be my own undoing."

"Establishing trust is difficult, it's not like I suddenly changed and made some contributions, and everyone should immediately treat me as an honored guest, bowing down..."

Lady Loki sighed and said, "They distrust me, they don't respect me, perhaps it's not just because I have no identity, but because I, or rather the previous version of me, truly didn't deserve anyone's respect, because I didn't even respect myself."

Upon hearing his words, Mobius knew that he was definitely talking about Asgard again, and now, Mobius didn't want to hear any news about the Asgardian royal family anymore.

Meanwhile, Lady Loki, who was walking ahead, gradually calmed down, as if she had suddenly made an important decision and breathed a sigh of relief.

Previously, his plan was to use the unique qualities and powerful abilities of his Space to save these civil servants, to make up for the shortage of manpower in Asgard.

If the Time Management Bureau is truly destroyed, and the Director is lurking outside, then these people can only be loyal to Asgard and him, seeking protection.

Their character has been tested, and the Asgardians greatly appreciate this selfless spirit, so it is not difficult for them to integrate. They are quite suitable candidates.

The reason why he wanted to help these people, besides being impressed by their character, was also to improve his own image. After all, these people are civil servants who may work under him in the future. It's better to show a spirit of solidarity and hardship in advance, so it would be easier to lead a team in the future.

But now, Mobius's words made Lady Loki start to ponder.

Indeed, plans and harmless lies can quickly achieve the desired results, but if done too often, everyone will know what kind of person you are, and no one will follow you.

Furthermore, Lady Loki had also witnessed Schiller's ordeal before. It can be said that Schiller's strategies and planning abilities were the only things that Lady Loki willingly acknowledged as superior to her own, yet even so, it almost caused a great disaster.

The fact is, plans and arrangements alone are not enough to succeed. No matter how brilliant a plan is, it remains lifeless, while people are alive.

Lady Loki had always pondered over what made Thor stronger than her.

After experiencing so many things, Lady Loki had already come to a conclusion - sincerity.

Strategies can win manpower, but only sincerity can win hearts.

If one were to say where Lady Loki has grown compared to before, it is that she has now acknowledged that her current situation in Asgard is not solely the fault of others, but she also bears a significant responsibility.

After all, the lies were her own, the mischief was her own doing. While some may have had meaning, many were simply to satisfy her own wicked sense of humor.

Everyone eventually pays the price for their youthful recklessness. Lady Loki thought, maybe now it's her turn to pay the price.

Since lies don't work, why not... be sincere for once?

In the corridor, Lady Loki suddenly stopped in her tracks, and Mobius watched her intently.

Lady Loki walked to the center of the corridor, and after a burst of light, Lady Loki transformed back into the handsome young male form, dressed in the most magnificent and intricate armor of Asgard, even wearing the crown he rarely wore.

Loki placed his hand on his chest and bowed to Mobius, startling him to jump out of his seat. He stood there, a bit unsure of what to do, and said, "What's going on? Why...suddenly..."

"Allow me to express my gratitude to you, Mr. Mobius," Loki straightened up and looked at him. "Every Asgard within this Space is my home, and I don't want to see any member of Asgard suffer."

"Your kindness, along with that of your colleagues, saved a God of Asgard, whether she is me from another Space or my family. You are her benefactor, and mine as well."

"To repay your kindness, I assure you that I will fight for you with all my might. Whether the so-called Time Variance Authority Director returns or not, I and the Asgard behind me will always be your solid support."


A cold voice rang out, and Lavona led B15 and several other guards who were obviously aware of the situation to approach.

Mobius appeared flustered, but Loki could see that his conversation with Mobius had already been under Lavona's control. Everything was within her consent.

"Who do you think you are?"

Lavona walked up to Lady Loki, holding a staff and looking at her. "You are just a mere Asgard prince in this small Space. The Time Management Bureau controls all the Timelines in this Space. The Director of the Time Management Bureau can even integrate an entire Ragnarok into the staff."

After saying that, Lavona raised the staff in her hand, and a hint of golden light emitted from the tip. Just looking at this light made Loki feel a bit uneasy.

"The decisions we make, the things we do, will ultimately come with consequences."

"We don't need anyone's protection, and we don't need you, the damned Time Criminal, to bear our responsibility."

Lavona coldly stared at Lady Loki, making eye contact. "You can't bear this responsibility either."

Lady Loki didn't feel angry because of her attitude. On the contrary, with a sincere eye contact, she looked at Lavona and said, "I acknowledge that I am not powerful enough yet to completely eliminate this catastrophe for you."

After saying that, Loki gently lowered her head and pressed her index and middle fingers together against her forehead. Mobius recognized this as the gesture Asgardians use to make an oath.

This young prince, dressed in magnificent armor, appeared more majestic than any Loki the people present had ever seen, even though just a moment ago, she seemed like a gentle and kind goddess.

Lavona looked at Loki, a hint of disbelief in her eyes, as the female judge knew that when an Asgardian God made an oath of honor in Asgard, every Asgardian would hear it. If the oath were not fulfilled, the owner of the oath would be forever banished from Asgard.

In the past, the voice of the oath always came from the familiar All-Father of Asgard or the current new king.

But on this day, when a slightly unfamiliar voice appeared in the sky above Asgard, all the Asgardians looked up in shock.

"I swear by the honor of the Northern God, no matter how weak I may be, no matter what I can achieve, if disaster is destined to come, I will stand with my friends, fighting until the last drop of blood, fighting to the death."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1086: Father and Son (Fifteen)


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