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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong had brought out hundreds of Spiritual Weapons this time, enough to equip each of his subordinates who lacked one.

"Skinny Monkey, Zhao Ning, He Yuan, Ling Xue, Wen Lan, the five of you lead the team and leave first to defend. The Demon Clan should be arriving soon," Zhang Chunfeng instructed the five captains of a hundred-man squads.

"Yes!" The five of them responded in unison.

These five were recently promoted junior leaders, and it was quite an achievement for them to command a hundred Foundation Building cultivators themselves. They hadn't even had time to get excited about it.

However, to their surprise, all their subordinates were newly advanced Foundation Building cultivators with little combat experience in the Foundation Building stage. They were all at the early stages of Qi Cultivation.

What was more concerning was that none of their subordinates possessed a single Spiritual Weapon. Foundation Building cultivators like them were practically without any combat capabilities, except for a bit of prestige among Qi Cultivation cultivators.

Now, they could finally obtain Spiritual Weapons, and the captains were naturally ecstatic. But it was their team members who were even more thrilled. Despite reaching Foundation Building, they had never owned a Spiritual Weapon, which meant they couldn't control flying weapons.

For these Foundation Building cultivators, the urgency they felt was akin to finally finding a beautiful bride but never getting a chance to enter the bridal chamber. The frustration they endured was self-evident.

While they took turns selecting Spiritual Weapons, Wang Hong assigned Hu Jian to lead the remaining hundreds of people to harvest all the Spiritual Herbs and Spiritual Grains in the valley, packaging them for transport. At the same time, Yin Ze and a few others organized various items in the Mountain Valley, ready to depart as soon as the battle ended.

At last, the Demonic Beasts had reached the outskirts of Mountain Valley.

These Demonic Beasts had already begun accelerating from a considerable distance away, charging toward Mountain Valley with an imposing force, attempting to break through all defenses.

Then, they plunged straight into the Devilish Vine. Immediately, the Devilish Vine began to writhe wildly, entangling every Demonic Beast that entered its attack range, commencing a feast of carnage.

Although the Demonic Beasts charging ahead could see the scene in front of them, they had no time to stop. They were pushed forward by the swarming Demonic Beasts from behind, heading towards their demise.

Under the continuous onslaught of a large number of Demonic Beasts, a few of them eventually managed to break through the Devilish Vine area. After all, the number of Devilish Vines was limited.

Once the vines ensnared their bodies, these Demonic Beasts could safely pass through.

However, a small number of Demonic Beasts that successfully passed through the Devilish Vine area were now affected by the poison of the Red Powder Skull Flower and stood motionless.

The Demonic Beasts behind them continued to charge forward under the threat of high-tier Demonic Beasts, eventually crowding around the motionless Demonic Beasts in front, rendering them immobile.

At this moment, the defensive cultivators guarding the formation unleashed their Magical Weapons and bombarded the motionless Demonic Beasts. These Demonic Beasts, still under the influence of the Red Powder Skull Flower's poison, hadn't even reacted and were now departing to the great beyond.

They needed to dispatch these Demonic Beasts quickly to clear space for the ones behind, or they might struggle to kill them all if it took too long.

As the cultivators within the formation cleared away some of the Demonic Beasts that were close to them, the Devilish Vine that had previously entangled these Demonic Beasts stretched out again. It discarded the drained animal corpses and regained its combat effectiveness, launching an attack on these Demonic Beasts once more.

In the rear, the high-tier Demonic Beasts also noticed the situation and let out several fierce roars from the back of the horde.

Upon hearing these roars from the rear, the charging Demonic Beasts began to retreat slowly.

Once they exited the attack range of the Devilish Vine, these Demonic Beasts adjusted their attack strategy. Instead of attempting a complete encirclement, they focused on breaking through from several key points.

These Demonic Beasts now advanced only from a few points, driving a large group of lower-tier Demonic Beasts forward as cannon fodder. These Demonic Beasts were ensnared by the Devilish Vine, and as the Devilish Vine consumed their energy, a group of more intelligent Demonic Beasts moved in to destroy the Devilish Vine.

It was unclear which Demonic Beast had come up with this idea, but after they changed their strategy, they quickly managed to destroy a significant portion of the Devilish Vine, creating several safe passages.

Following these safe passages, the Demonic Beasts soon reached the range of the Red Powder Skull Flower.

However, having learned from their first encounter, they were now prepared. The Red Powder Skull Flower, after all, couldn't actively attack.

Several Demonic Beasts among the Demon Clan possessed innate Magical Arts related to defense, specifically protective barriers, which they used to shield themselves as they advanced. Their mission was to find the Red Powder Skull Flower and destroy it.

The cultivators within the formation also noticed this, but at the moment, the two sides were still too far apart, and their Spiritual Weapons couldn't reach the Demonic Beasts.

So, the Demonic Beasts continued to advance slowly, consuming a large number of cannon fodder while moving closer to the formation.

Jia Liang led a hundred-person squad, guarding a particular position. Being a captain for the first time and personally leading a hundred Foundation Building cultivators felt exhilarating. He believed that his life had never been this thrilling.

Initially, he had joined this cause simply to repay Wang Hong for saving him, but now he felt fortunate that he had made the right choice and latched onto a powerful figure.

At this moment, his gaze once again fixed on the defense position next to him, where a charming and lovely young girl stood.

He had been paying attention to her for a while, knowing that she was Ling Shuai's daughter. Ling Shuai had already reached the Golden Core stage and no longer served as a squad leader, passing the torch to his daughter, Ling Xue.

As if sensing his gaze, the girl turned to look at Jia Liang, offering a faint smile and nodding in his direction.

"She noticed me! And she smiled at me!"

Suddenly, his blood surged, and he felt a rush of strength coursing through him. Thunderous power radiated from him, and he knew he had to do something.

Violent bolts of lightning struck out, targeting the Demonic Beasts outside the formation, instantly turning countless Demonic Beasts into charred remains.

He continued to unleash lightning strikes one after another, obliterating all the Demonic Beasts approaching the formation.

At this moment, he truly unleashed the terrifying combat power of his thunder-based cultivation.

The one hundred team members he led all looked at him with admiration. They hadn't even needed to take action yet, as Jia Liang had effectively blocked the path of the Demonic Beasts in this corridor.

Most of the positions in the formation had Demonic Beasts approaching closely, engaging in battle with the cultivators.

"East Master! Should I lead the team out to exterminate all those Demonic Beasts?" Jia Liang asked.

At this point, Wang Hong did not allow the request from his subordinates to charge out and kill the Demonic Beasts. He said, "The time is not right yet. Besides, this formation will be useless once we leave. It's better to make good use of it now and kill more Demonic Beasts. It's a worthwhile trade."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 446: Rainbow Mountain Chicken 


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