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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After expending a significant number of cannon fodder, the Demon Clan finally cleared countless paths, leading directly to the secure passage within the Large Formation defense.

Now, they were finally able to approach the edge of the formation, and as a result, they faced the fierce onslaught of numerous cultivators within the formation.

Under the bombardment of countless Spiritual Weapons, the Demonic Beasts that drew near fell in rows. Many of them didn't even have the chance to launch an attack before being obliterated.

In the rear of the horde of beasts, four three-tier Demonic Beasts watched everything unfold.

"Black Fox Fellow Daoist, do you see what's happening here? It seems like all those flying out from inside are Spiritual Weapons, right? How many Foundation Building cultivators must be in there?" A three-eyed Demon Wolf asked a Black Fox.

"Yeah! Could it be that the remnants of the Qingxu Sect didn't leave but are hiding in this Mountain Valley?" Another oversized Rainbow Mountain Chicken, while grooming its feathers, voiced the same suspicion.

They felt like they had stumbled upon a colossal secret because the scale of this battle indicated there must be at least a thousand Foundation Building cultivators present. Such a large assembly of Foundation Building cultivators was something they had only encountered during the battles against the six major sects.

"It's impossible. The remnants of the Qingxu Sect have already migrated to the Southern Region. Our ancestors confirmed it," a pure-black Black Fox denied, though it was also puzzled by how so many Foundation Building cultivators had suddenly appeared here.

Moreover, this place was concealed so deeply right under the noses of the Qing Fox Clan. Upon careful consideration, it began to hesitate about whether it should continue the fight.

It felt like it had kicked an iron plate. In a place with over a thousand Foundation Building cultivators, it was hard to believe there were no Core Formation cultivators among them. The numbers were probably even more significant.


After pondering for a moment, Black Fox made an immediate decision. Despite battling for a long time and suffering heavy losses among the lower-tier Demonic Beasts, they hadn't even encountered any human cultivators. Sharing this outcome would be embarrassing.

However, it didn't want to meet an early demise due to challenging an unbeatable foe.

Upon hearing Black Fox's command, the other three Demonic Beasts also quickly reacted and began retreating.

Inside the Mountain Valley, cultivators were nervously slaughtering the Demonic Beasts drawing near the formation. Suddenly, they heard urgent roars coming from behind the Demonic Beasts.

They thought a fiercer attack was about to arrive and remained on high alert, prepared to face the incoming Demonic Beasts. However, to their surprise, the Demonic Beasts, upon hearing the roars, turned around and gleefully fled back. They were retreating!

"Chase them!"

The distracted cultivators quickly received orders to pursue the fleeing Demonic Beasts and rushed out of the Large Formation to chase them.

Wang Hong also joined the pursuit, primarily because he had spotted one of the four figures that had risen from the Demon Clan's rear, and that figure deeply captivated him.

This figure was dazzling, noble, and elegant, evoking an irresistible urge in him to catch up at any cost.

"Little Peng! Hurry up! Do you see that Rainbow Mountain Chicken ahead? Catch up to it, and I'll share a chicken leg with you!"

Wang Hong was riding on the back of Little Peng, cheering him on loudly. He hadn't tasted three-tier chicken meat yet, and this was his chance to try one.

As the tier increased, the flesh of most Demonic Beasts became more delicious.

The wings of this particular mountain chicken spread out, measuring an astonishing three to four zhang in width. Once roasted, it would surely make for a delectable meal.

Under Wang Hong's encouragement, Little Peng exerted himself to chase down the Rainbow Mountain Chicken.

The Rainbow Mountain Chicken, on the other hand, was feeling quite perplexed. Why were so many Demonic Beasts relentlessly pursuing it? Could it be that its beauty had stirred jealousy in that ugly bird behind it?

However, being beautiful was not the Rainbow Mountain Chicken's fault; it was simply born with natural grace.

At this moment, thinking too much wouldn't help; it could only escape for its life with all its might.

Wang Hong saw that Little Peng was just inches away from catching the mountain chicken, but it remained elusive. He had no choice but to flash in mid-air, covering a hundred zhang in an instant.

His figure blinked a few more times, and he quickly appeared in front of the Rainbow Mountain Chicken.

He waved his hand, summoning a large net, which, although still a Spiritual Weapon-grade net, was now empowered by his advanced cultivation level. The net expanded to several mu in size and descended upon the Rainbow Mountain Chicken like a deluge.

The Rainbow Mountain Chicken, charging forward with single-minded determination, suddenly saw a Daoist Master's figure ahead, followed by a massive net descending from the sky.

With no time to evade, it was instantly ensnared by the net, and the Spirit net quickly shrank, binding it in place.

"Let me go! What do you want to do to me?" The Rainbow Mountain Chicken cried out in panic.

"Of course, we're going to roast you. I want to eat a roasted chicken leg," Little Peng happily declared, his eyes already fixated on its legs.

"Don't... don't eat me! My meat isn't tasty!" The mountain chicken grew even more terrified.

"You haven't tasted it, so how do you know it's not delicious? If it turns out not to be tasty, we can just toss it away later," Little Peng said honestly, trying to reassure the chicken.

"Don't be afraid! It will be over quickly, painless, and when you're roasted, you won't feel a thing. It'll be just like falling asleep," Wang Hong assured.

At this point, Wang Hong picked up the Rainbow Mountain Chicken and placed it on Little Peng's back.

"Don't waste time; let's get back quickly. There's a lot to do!" Wang Hong thought this creature was as foolish as Little Peng.

The two returned with their spoils, and other cultivators were also returning. They hadn't chased too far and needed to pack up and prepare for relocation.

Little Peng dropped the Rainbow Mountain Chicken on the ground and asked, "East Master, should we kill this Rainbow Mountain Chicken now to prevent it from escaping?"

"Don't kill me! I'm very obedient; I absolutely won't run away!" The Rainbow Mountain Chicken hurriedly explained, adopting a very docile appearance.

"Then, let's leave it for now. You don't have anything to worry about; just keep an eye on it, and if it tries to escape, you can kill it," Wang Hong suggested. He believed in the saying, "A chicken crows, a fish jumps." Dead chickens weren't as tasty, so he planned to keep it and roast it when they had the time.

He didn't think this Demonic Beast posed much of a threat; it didn't seem particularly strong. After entrusting the Rainbow Mountain Chicken to Little Peng, Wang Hong didn't pay it any more attention. He had many other things to attend to at the moment.

Throughout the Mountain Valley, everyone was bustling with activity. After all, they had lived here for a long time, accumulating quite a bit of wealth.

Hu Jian was currently overseeing a group of people harvesting Spiritual Herbs. Wang Hong walked over and asked, "How much longer do we need to complete the harvesting of all these herbs?"

"It will probably take a little more than a day," Hu Jian replied truthfully, explaining that after harvesting, the Spiritual Herbs needed to be properly stored, which would take some time.

"What about those first-tier Spiritual Herb seedlings? We can ignore them for now. Focus on harvesting all the second-tier Spiritual Herbs. How long will that take?" Wang Hong inquired. He didn't place much value on the first-tier herbs and was in a hurry to tidy up and leave the area.

"We can finish all the second-tier Spiritual Herbs in half a day," Hu Jian answered. He was a bit reluctant to abandon the first-tier Spiritual Herbs, but he understood the priorities.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 447: Occupying the New Mountain Summit 


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