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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Very good, Mr. Wilson. Your flying skills are indeed commendable. Although they still fall short compared to mine, congratulations, you're hired," Stark shook Sam's hand, still clad in armor. His face mask lifted, and Sam smiled at him.

"However, being a close combat armor tester might be wasting your talents a bit," Stark shifted gears, walking over to the lab table and tapping the screen nearby twice.

The heavy armor on Sam's body was removed, and he descended from the docking platform. But soon, another sound of parts rubbing against each other followed by a sonic boom reached his ears.

Sam felt a bump on his back, a sticky sensation covering it. As he turned, he saw a pair of wings made of steel appearing behind him, connected to his back with some adhesive substance.

"The bio-science and technology flying wings jointly developed by Stark Industries and Osborn Industries, the latest version with neural control. You're lucky, buddy," Stark snapped his fingers.

"Osborn Industries found that they couldn't compete with Stark Industries in the field of aerial transportation, so they took a step back and started developing personal flight equipment. This is their latest achievement, and this project team needs a test pilot with experience in aerial flight," Stark explained, pointing at the screen.

Sam shrugged his shoulders, a strange sensation reaching his brain, as if these wings were his natural limbs. He lightly flexed the muscles of his shoulders, causing one of the wings to flutter agilely, eliciting a yelp from him.

Rhodes rubbed his chin, "Why not recruit Air Force pilots as testers? Wouldn't they have better balance and reaction speed?"

Stark nodded, "But their muscle memory is stronger. Fundamentally, Air Force pilots are still drivers. The training they receive makes operating aircraft instinctual for them. However, this instinct could hinder their adaptation to new equipment, especially an integrated device like this with neural control."

"I was considering partnering with the Air Force and recruiting a batch of specialized pilots to train from scratch. But you gave me an idea; perhaps paratroopers are a better choice," Stark explained, "In the future, the technology used in these wings will focus more on safety. Since our ultimate goal is civilian use, we don't need testers with overly specialized skills."

"Although paratroopers may not have the same balance and reaction speed as real pilots, they are bolder, physically stronger, and better adapted to high altitudes. They can handle various emergencies in the air even without operating any Mech armor."

With a fist bump to Rhodes, Stark said, "I told you we make the best team."

"Sorry to interrupt, gentlemen," Sam spoke up, "I feel like the size of these wings doesn't quite match my physique. Do you have larger wings?"

Stark raised an eyebrow at him, "My friend, don't be too cocky. Those big boys aren't something your small frame can handle."

Sam shrugged, flashing a smile with a hint of a hip-hop style, "My strength isn't reflected in my physique. During my time in the Special Forces, I broke the highest altitude and longest duration parachute jump records three years in a row. If it weren't for some accidents, I would've been a Lieutenant Colonel by now."

Turning his head towards Rhodes, Stark asked, "Sam excelled in the paratroopers' unit. He could parachute in any adverse conditions or rugged terrain, a sharp tool for handling various emergencies. You can trust his abilities."

With a nod from Rhodes, Stark gestured with his finger, "Alright, let's see that big boy then..."

He lightly tapped on the screen again, disconnecting the original mechanical wings from Sam's back, dropping them to the ground. Sam turned to see the disgusting slime and frowned, but didn't react much.

Soon, in his peripheral vision, a small black dot appeared outside the glass curtain wall, resembling a giant bird or an airplane. As the wings flew in along the docking platform, Sam couldn't help but curse.

The wingspan of this steel winged monster exceeded ten meters, with a double-layered wing structure and neatly arranged steel feathers, resembling a set of sharp knives, accompanied by the sound of wind and airflow.

From the outside, it was entirely a steel monster, and the viscous substance nearby its control center seemed like a gaping mouth, intimidating.

"I call it 'Angel.' Yes, the name comes from a mutant's name, their family's enterprise involved in the development of civilian flight equipment. In fact, he was responsible for the design of the control system for neural system integration based on his flying experience," Stark explained as he approached the console.

"At first, neither Osborne nor I approved of making such a large-scale flying device. After all, the majority of ordinary people don't have the physique and reflexes to control such a huge device."

"But this Angel suggested that heavy wings might bring us a new superhero, provided we find a warrior who can handle it. Do you think it could be you, Colonel Wilson?"

Sam looked up, facing the huge wings head-on, a smirk forming on his lips, "Angel? No, that's not aggressive enough."

As he spoke, he walked up to the platform, allowing the slime to wrap around his back, neck, spine, waist, and hips, forming a thin yet firm fabric. When the double-layered wings fully spread, he soared into the air.

"As I take flight, I prefer to call myself 'Falcon.'"

With that, the massive wings gently flapped, and he soared like a nimble and graceful bird in the sky of New York.

"Your friend is quite similar to you," Stark turned to Rhodes, saying, and Rhodes, looking at Falcon's back, replied, "Even if you trust the people I recommend, there's no need to rush to entrust such important equipment to him. So, what's really going on?"

Stark sighed, "Unless something unexpected happens, I'll need a long time to adapt to life without JARVIS's assistance."

"After all, if he's no longer my butler, I have no right to ask him to stay here and help me. He should have his own life, which means I have to learn to stand on my own."

"Pepper has been busy lately and doesn't have time to manage me. For the foreseeable future, Iron Man probably won't be able to maintain law and order in New York."

"Peter is about to graduate, busy dealing with his father-in-law. Matt and Erica went to Japan and haven't returned yet. Steve is busy catching up with his old friends. New York City should have one more capable superhero," Rhodes rolled his eyes slightly. "You'll have to offer Sam a high salary for this job; it's not an easy one. Looks like I'll be busy for a while too."

"However, are you really going to let JARVIS leave you?" Rhodes expressed deep concern. "I'm really worried. Without JARVIS, you might starve, or thirst, or even die from staying up late."

"I'm not a baby," Stark returned to the lab table, tinkering with the tools in his hand while speaking. "If he becomes a real being, he should have his own life instead of staying at Stark Tower, revolving around me like before."

Rhodes quietly stared into Stark's eyes until it made him a bit uncomfortable. Finally, the black military officer lowered his head, smiled as if he remembered something, but didn't offer further explanation to Stark. Instead, he waved his hand and left.

Stark stood at the lab table, looking somewhat melancholic. He tinkered with the console while appearing absent-minded.

After a while, he set down the tools and walked to another workspace adjacent to the laboratory. There, a strange device was parked, integrated into the wall. Instruments stored in semi-circular metal cabinets flanked it, with a transparent display compartment in the center.

In the middle of the cube was a Mech armor, although calling it Mech armor wasn't entirely accurate; it looked more like the torso of a robot.

Unlike the complex mechanical arms and consoles in Stark's combat suit workshop, there were no mechanical devices here for adjusting the Mech armor.

Stark quietly stared at the body, about to operate it when the communication device fixed on the door rang.

Stark walked over and pressed the communication device. Nick's voice came from the other end:

"Tony, there's something I think you need to know. A few days ago, your parents approached me, asking about the development of the Andromeda Galaxy. They want to take the next spaceship to Andromeda Galaxy for work."

"Howard has been in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s laboratory recently, helping S.H.I.E.L.D. agents update their equipment, which he used to do. But you know, we can't hide the development of extraterrestrial galaxies from him, and I didn't expect he would want to go to the Andromeda Galaxy."

"Howard's attitude is quite firm, but I thought it necessary to inform you in advance. Mutants thrive in the Andromeda Galaxy because they are born with powerful abilities."

"In our plan, it'll be a long time before ordinary humans can participate in the development work. The environment there is still very dangerous for ordinary people."

"Howard strongly requested that I keep it confidential. Now, the last spaceship carrying mutant interns is about to take off in 10 minutes. I'm sorry I couldn't inform you earlier because Howard asked me not to. As his old friend, I could only help him with this favor."

"But now, I'll give you their contact information. If you want to dissuade them, you'd better do it quickly. There's still time."

The communication ended before Stark could ask any questions. He felt a surge of rage rising within him.

Receiving the message from Nick, he quickly dialed a series of numbers on the communication device. As soon as the communication was established, he exclaimed:

"Howard! Nick just told me you're going to the Andromeda Galaxy, and on the next spaceship no less, leaving immediately! How could you do this? You've only been back for a few days!"

"Do you know how dangerous it is there? Just because mutants can go doesn't mean ordinary people can! The civilization there is complicated, and there aren't any proper laboratories! You'll just be pioneering there!"

"And that group of mutants has a bad temper, especially their leader, Magneto; he might hurt you!"

"There aren't any decent students there to assist you either; those mutants are just a bunch of lazy brats. Apart from messing up the laboratory, they won't do anything!"

"And also... Maria won't be able to stand the climate there; she has pharyngitis and asthma and needs to live in a humid and warm place. Plus, the distance from the stars there isn't suitable, insufficient sunlight..."

"Tony... Tony!" Howard called Stark's name, interrupting his rapid speech. Stark suddenly stopped; he felt like a child making all sorts of excuses to ask for candy.

"Tony, I know all that," Howard's tone was calmer.

"Then why are you going?" Stark raised his voice, sounding incredulous. "Don't you want to stay with me?"

Stark leaned against the wall, pressing his temple against it, closing his eyes with some pain. Many unspoken words circled in his mind.

Are you so dissatisfied with what you see after your return? Did I disappoint you so much? Can't those good times ever come back?

"No, Tony, it's because of you..."

"Because of me???"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1073 Father and Son (Part Two) 


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