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I floated this idea earlie, people seemed excited about it so I am announcing the times. Keep in mind tbis is a trial run and if people have fun I want to do this once or twice a month.

First concert

6 pm London time - Friday the 30th

Second concert

7 pm New York time - Friday the 30th

  • Must be Ukulele

  • You can play with other musicians
  • One song per person.

  • If you perform please do your best to watch the other performers

  • Feel free to post lyrics/chord to the song job are playing so others can play along
  • This isn’t American Idol, only positive feedback

  • Sign up in the comments for the concert you want to play


Melinda Palacio

is this for tomorrow? i'll do the ny time

Troy Janisch

I’m not available this time, but I love the idea and will be there next time!