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Here is the Zoom Link for the 6 PM London Time Patreon Concert

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 819 3085 8405
Passcode: TenThumbs

Here is the link for the 7 pm New York Time Patreon Concert

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 0340 4556
Passcode: TenThumbs


  • If you play along with someone singing and playing, please make sure your mic is muted
  • One song per person - If only two or three people come feel free to entertain me with an bonus song, we'll see
  • If you are playing a song you've learned on Tenthumbs, post the link in the comment section so people can play along
  • It doesn't have to be a song you've learned with me, play anything you want
  • You can play with other musicians.
  • You aren't required to sing up, but it will help me stay organized if you do. 


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