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I wanted to run an idea by you guys here first. My brother (Brad) is coming to visit me for a while at the end of June. As I was talking to him on the phone, he said he would be down to react to a few Doctor Who episodes with me (ones I have already seen of course). I'm wondering if you guys would want to see that at all? I would try to pick some stand alone episodes that don't need much context but are also really good. Maybe I'll post options up here and you guys can vote for the episodes? I'm not sure, I'm still figuring it out. Just let me know if you think it's a good idea and if you think people subscribed to me on youtube would want to see it? 

Unfortunately the only Doctor Who episode he has already seen is......Blink. (Of Course lol) 



Vincent and the Doctor. Midnight. Waters of Mars. Season 6 episode 4 would be good too!!


I think it could be fun! As long a second you don't feel it's too much work.


Besides, while I like Blink, it's not technically a very good introduction episode. Very atypical for the show.

Dylan Cooper

I'd love this, and I'm assuming all your doctor who subscribers would too considering how well received your Blink reaction with Kevin was! I think the best episodes usually require for you to have seen the whole series (e.g Turn Left, Stolen Earth, End of Time, etc). If he wanted to continue onto a familiar path with the weeping angels you could watch The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone? Other than that, I think the best standalone episodes are The Waters of Mars, Midnight, Human Nature/Family of Blood (if you have time for a two parter), or maybe you could revisit old favourites of yours from the first few series? Looking forward to these possible videos regardless of what you decide though :)

Ana Decaprio

I'd love to see what he thinks! If you get to 6.11 before he comes, i'd love to see what he thinks of that, but I think you should choose your favorite episodes and ones you think he'd love. You know him way better than we do (obviously).

Joel Nordlander

I think this is a great idea, and as for which episodes to watch, just pick the (standalone) eps you like the most. Though Vincent and the Doctor and 6.04 would definitely be on top of my suggestion pile.

Miles Macdonald

I like this idea. I would recommend midnight and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

Jeff Clark

If you have time for two then the Silence in the Library+Forest of the Dead two parter is always my reccomendation for new people watching.

Dave Ford

Human Nature/Family of Blood two-parter - Brad will recognise the characters, it's self-contained, and is one of the best stories of the first four years.


Your "Rory" brother? 😄