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Lucille Lovelies April Vid!!! Doctor Who Parody Hillywood Show Reaction!!

Uploaded by sesskasays on 2017-05-02.


Dave Hampton

I had never heard of this either. I thought it was pretty good. I did not see Mickey either. He must have just been dancing.

Karl Straba

I didn't vote for thisss but I loved it nonetheless..Great video :)

Dave Ford

LoL - you should know they did a Walkind Dead vid.. defn worth a watch

Jeff Clark

This was quite funny, but there was something a little...weird/creepy about their faces to me. Anyone else? Maybe it's because their costumes were so perfect but their faces almost looked like cartoons!

Steven Cooper

I voted for this, so it was great to see you enjoy it so much! The Hillywood Show has been doing parodies since 2009 -- they've done nearly two dozen now, of steadily increasing quality and scale. Hilly and Hannah are both professional dancers, which is why the choreography is so good. All their parodies are full of details faithfully recreated from the originals -- in this one, the Doctor/Donna mimed conversation was so well done. If you want more, I recommend you take a look at their Walking Dead and Supernatural parodies. I also love their Sherlock one from last year, but that's too spoilery for you yet... :-)


This is apparently where I admit I'm not a real Doctor Who fan, because I've never seen this before. :D But it was cute. I think I've heard of it before, just never felt the need to check it out. :)

Dave Ford

Well - I think it also depends on how much of a RHPS fan you are - I was in a production an age ago, so I absolutely adored this.