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I hope you all enjoy! This really was a reaction series to say Thank You to all of you for supporting me. So I hope you love this! I really really look forward to your feedback!!! Let me know if you have any problems. 

Love Always, 



Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Google Drive


Elliott Bishop

Part2 and 4 do not seem to be available to me for some reason.... cry


Been updating the page for a few hours now. Wohoo!


I'll have to wait until tonight to see this... but I'm looking forward to it SO MUCH.

Harold West

I felt a bit guilty laughing at your reaction to the snakes. I felt so bad I upped my pledge. You deserve something for putting yourself through that. Thanks for being a trooper. Great reaction as always. There aren't any post credit scenes


That was so much fun. I kinda felt bad for laughing so much at your ophidiophobia, but your comments were hilarious! A couple of things regarding stuff: The thorny issue of house-elf rights are feautured quite a bit in the books, but pretty much completely omitted in the films. Hermione even forms S.P.E.W., Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, to support and free enslaved elves. In the script, Hermione was supposed to hug both Harry and Ron in the end scene, but Emma Watson was feeling self-conscious about hugging two boys in front of so many people, so the scene was changed.


Loved your reaction to this! I'd laugh at the screaming-your-head-off at the snakes scenes, but at that point I'm still recovering from the horrific spider scenes. Too much spider. Next one is hands down my favourite of all eight movies. I love the first two nostalgically but they're quite light, and bombastically 'fantasy' to the point it's all a bit convenient. It's very black-and-white with the whole Slytherin-is-bad and Dumbledore-is-holier-than-thou and just very typical family-friendly fantasy. The next one shakes things up a fair bit, and whilst I have problems with all the films after it, the third strikes a perfect balance for me and is the start of a tone-shift I'm guessing you'll quite like.


Fantastic reaction - I especially liked the first time you saw the Basilisk and broke into a very avant-garde interpretative dance! There is only one post-credit sequence and it's on this very film - right at the absolute end - otherwise the rest have none.

Dylan Cooper

The first two definitely have the most fantasy-magic-medieval feel to them out of the entire series, and are actually my two least favourite of the films. From the next film onwards, it focuses much more on family/friends/the relationship between characters, and all the characters mature and face more adult troubles as opposed to just fighting big monsters. Thanks for another great reaction, the next film is one of my favourites and I'm very interested to see what you think of it! I look forward to next time, your videos are always the highlight of my day when you upload them. Thanks again! :)

Dave Ford

Oh bless - nice one for getting through that.. Comments on your comments - Richard Harris was pretty ill when he was making this (and died fairly shortly afterwards - he's replaced with a actor who does a much better job, IMO) - you'll also get a lot more of Snape and other teachers. The next one is one of the best - much more interesting director (ever seen Children of Men or Y Tu Mama Tambien?) - and the complexity of the overall plot starts to ramp up. Yeah, and watching them grow up is a pleasure of these films. Especially one character in particular, that you also seemed to like.


I know i'm weird, but i'm not as huge a fan of the third one as most people. In fact, i'm a bit annoyed by much of it, at least since i read the book. I might comment on this again when we get the next reaction.


Can't wait for the next movie, it gets more personal and more character development, also a much more mature darker feel to it x


at least the snakes are over and done with....


So sorry about the snakes!! This is probably one of the most snake-heavy of the books/movies, at least for a while. There are definitely other snake scenes still coming unfortunately but yeah, this one has the most snakes, or at least the biggest! Your reaction to the snake scenes is basically my reaction to the spider scenes. I'm like NOPE, NO THANK YOU, and yet the snake scenes don't bother me. Would you want to be prepared/warned about future snake scenes?? Dumbledore is my favorite character in the books and even I will admit that yes, he is quite biased towards Gryffindor lol. In the books, he's more fun and quirky. I don't know, I feel like the movies can sometimes be cornier than the books, especially because the kids are still learning acting, but they are kids so that's understandable. But that's one of the reasons I like the books better- they have a bit more depth I feel like. Also I love that you love Ron- I feel like he's one of the more underrated characters, especially in the movies!

Dave Ford

Jan - it's the change in the Director that makes it a win for me - it's whole tone is just shifted up a notch and is a lot more serious. Though I must admit that was probably the effect of the teaser trailer (sooo much better than the main trailer) which really stoked my enthusiasm for PoA with it's wintery/autumnal theme and air of _chill_.

Dave Ford

And, re the teaser trailer, most of it is just quotes from Macbeth, and you don't get much darker than that :-)

Miz Mons

There is a reason for the Dursleys to keep Harry around, but it's not really explored in the films. Leaving it out does make things confusing - why wouldn't they just get rid of him if they dislike him so much? If in a few films you're still interested in knowing why they don't ditch him, I'll post it if nobody else beats me to it. (It's slightly spoilery.) Official reason aside, Mr. Dursley is always torn between letting Harry go off to school/friends' homes and being free of him, but at the same time that makes Harry happy, so Mr. Dursley usually opts to hang on to the kid, to deny him the things he wants. It's messed up. You're a trooper for reacting to a film series that isn't really your thing. Sorry for all the snakes - there will be more, I'm afraid. Hang in there! Thank you for sharing your reactions!

Dave Ford

Miz - great minds - I was just about to post something similar. There are other reasons than being colossal arseholes that might explain why the Dursley's treat Harry the way they do - and why they're so prejudiced about the magic world - don't forget that they know about wizardry - and consequently they may have some idea (though probably not a good understanding) of how Harry's parents were murdered. One of them lost a sister or brother because of the 'freaky' world that Harry is from. From their perspective, they might think that trying to keep Harry away from his roots is protecting themselves and their family from whatever it was that killed their brother/sister, and maybe also even trying to protect Harry too. Plus, they're colossal arseholes.

Dave Hampton

Jan, I liked the 3rd film (way more than the first two), but it is not very good IMO compared to later films so you are not alone. I used to think the 5th one was my favorite, but now I think it is the 6th.

Janel Rodriguez

Will watch this tonight! Been looking forward to it! Will write more after I've seen it!


Finally managed to sit down and watch this. Need to find time to, and this is one long movie... First off, I just like to say that I really appreciate that you're doing this (especially after what you had to go through with in this one with all the snakes), and that your reactions are a lot of fun to watch, even (or perhaps especially) because you don't have the nostalgia or fantasy loving that many of us do. So it gives a new perspective! Also I find it incredibly ironic that you're in the house of the snake (same though). Sesska is not down with that Slytherin aesthetic. (Though you seemed to enjoy the Slytherin common room style, so that's fun!) I might have... ended up taking notes throughout the movie of things you said that I wanted to comment about... So this comment is going to turn out long (surprise!), but I just really enjoy watching these, and these were all the things I wish I could talk to you about as you watched the movie. :D 1. I like that you're picking up on the fact that Wizards and wizard society are kind of... elitist pricks. At least some of them! And the whole messed up house elf serving thing (which does get a lot more explored in the books, especially later, but sure, I get why it was mostly cut). But yeah. There's a lot of commentary going on about British upper class and the class system in Britain in general in these books/movies. 2. I think the Weasleys are going to be your favorites too. I considered myself an honorary Weasley as a kid, since I too have red hair. Not that they need any more children, tbh. But they're just so cozy! 3. Yeah, the magic society is secret, and the only muggles who knows about it are people who are related to people who are witches and wizards. They could have made that more clear in the movies. 4. Hogwarts is kind of an exaggeration of British boarding schools, with the houses, rivalry and everything (which are A Thing), as well as the teachers being biased and you know... punishments and also the school security being... kind of awful. (Like, hey, send your kids to us, they'll only be in mortal danger once every year!) 5. I LOVE your reaction to everything Draco Malfoy (blond kid). And his faces. Just wanted to let you know. 6. I also enjoy your appreciation for Snape, I had a feeling. Also like, he got to get rid of a snake in this movie, so I can see how that would give him extra points to you. As well as knock Lockhart on his ass (I love that scene). Fun fact! A lot of the adult characters in these movies are a lot older than they were in the books (except for like, possibly Dumbledore. He's just pretty old). Snape for example is one of the youngest teacher at Hogwarts, in his early 30s in this one. BUT no one complains because Alan Rickman was so amazing in the role. 7. "JUST TELL HIM" ah, I see we share the same frustration with the The Hero Won't Tell The People Who Can Obviously Help Him trope. Thanks. I'm glad. 8. At some point, can't remember when, you said ”Be a little more dramatic would you?” to Harry, and all I wrote down in my notes was "DON’T TEMPT HIM!". 9. I like that McGonagall and Snape are "The Dowager and Hans Gruber". I feel like that would be an interesting team up. And while, yeah, since the books have A LOT OF STUFF in them, there's a lot more of both of them in the books, but I think you're gonna get a lot from them as this movie watching series goes along. Or not. Who knows. ;) 10. Your little laughter at Voldemort's/Tom's anagram was AMAZING. Like, I get that it's supposed to be all dramatic and stuff but... This 16 year old kid is so EXTRA and DRAMA all over the place. How long do you think he sat and tried to figure out a dramatic sounding name that was also an anagram of his own? How many versions did he go through? He should just have gone for Tom Schnugglepuss. 11. Fun fact 2: Not to bring your attention back to that snake fighting scene, but Daniel Radcliffe (who plays Harry) didn't want a stunt dubble in that scene when he was climbing all over the place, so that's actually him, the child actor, doing all that, because he wanted to Be Cool. 12. I totally get your annoyance with the usual Fantasy Tropes of convenience, but to be fair to the movie, phoenix tears having healing powers WAS brought up earlier. But it's still very convenient. 13. I ALSO WANTED RON TO GET A HUG. I think in this case it was a mix of the actress for Hermione being embarrassed, and them wanting to show that she and Ron are still a bit awkward, but honestly, it just comes off weird. I shouldn't go on harping about things I think the movies failed a bit on, but tbh, Ron is an underappreciated character in the books as well, and this didn't help. In general, a lot of Ron's best scenes in the books are given to other characters in the movies, because they wanted him more as the 'comedic best friend', and it makes me sad. I'm glad you love Ron though. He deserved all the hugs. 14. That last scene is always very emotional to me. Hagrid, who was expelled from Hogwarts and never got to be a proper wizard, and is constantly ridiculed, being welcomed back with so much LOVE from everyone. Seeing that he really belongs there. I think the line "It wouldn't be Hogwarts without you Hagrid" is a bit cheesy, but it's something that I think Hagrid very rarely heard, and I think he appreciated that. Seeing that everyone wants him there and cares. ugh. Now I'm getting all sappy. Anyway, that was that! Hope that wasn't too boring or annoying to read through, but it always feels like I'm watching the movie WITH you, which I guess is the point, and yet I can't talk to you, so this is what we end up with. There will be a bit of a tonal shift in the next one, and I hope you enjoy it. And yeah, the series definitely grow with its actors and audience. I'm so sorry about the snakes. But I have to admit it was a lot of fun watching you scream at it. We're awful. Hope you had a lovely birthday yesterday! :)

Dave Ford

1- though JK set the stories there just because it was the best sort of location to keep the kids + adults + adventures together. 3 - In one of the books, the British PM is discussing matters with the 'Minister for Magic' - it's unclear how the minister relates to the national muggle government - but I think the politics of a constitutional monarchy aren't really the point :-) 4 - the books caused a huge upswing in applications for boarding schools - something JK has explicitly described as an entirely unintended consequence - she's firmly left-wing. 6 - Yup - Jess said something about Snape along the lines of 'I wonder if he's really trying to...' - before she started screaming at another snake, I think - I wish she'd developed that thought. 7- "Just go to the cops! Why does nobody ever just go to the cops?" .. 10 - 'Tom Snugglepuss' could have worked - 'Scouts Gnu Phlegm', 'Got Munches, gulps'? No?

Janel Rodriguez

I really enjoyed your reaction! I thought it was funny that you were kind of sleepy, brewing coffee, and yawning, and then the snake came. LOL. Will write more later. On a train, and feeling a bit Potterish because of it!

Jeff Clark

The thing about usual fantasy tropes...Harry Potter seems worse than it is because the movies lose so much of the explanation given in the books. The sword, the tears etc...so much is cut out for the films and things end up having a ex machina resolution feel, when in actual fact it's all very well fleshed out and explained.