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Classic Who "The Ribos Operation" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Azmat Mahmood

The beginning of Season 16, aka The Key to Time season! This is the first time DW has attempted a proper season long story arc and it results in some very interesting and enjoyable stories. I look forward to going through this season with you!

Anonymous Goanna

That last story had a Time Lady who would make a good companion, but made one whi nah spoiler here enjoy. great name Romanadvoratrelundar

Anonymous Goanna

So much reminds me of Minder, Arthur Daily. Minder was produced by Verity Lambert, and is a great watch for later if ever need a new show.

Josef Schiltz

Very enjoyable! Glad to see that the op has apparently worked. No breathing problems it seems. Thank goodness. It's a hateful problem and have suffered from it myself.


From what i know, The White & Black Guardians are some of the few beings in the Whoniverse that are higher than the Timelords.

James Gorman

Season 16 is one of my favourite seasons of the Tom Baker Era. There are some truly imaginative stories.


Thanks for a wonderful reaction. I have to say I love this season. K-9 is virtually the same - except, yes it was a new prop redesigned to have a quieter motor. It's the same voice actor playing him though. The crook you like - I forget his name, was referred to the Doctor as having a Somerset accent. Somerset is in a part of England known as the West Country. Interestingly John Pertwee (DR 3) in an interview made some fascinating observations about the accent and said it was the bedrock of the American accent. The way he described how words were pronounced in that accent, although not obvious made perfect sense. Worth trying to find that, I found it really interesting. See you next time!


Season 8 was sort of a season long story arc with trying to capture the Master and stop his shenanigans (and Season 12 was all connected too) but this is more in line with NuWho's series arcs.


Them, the celestial toymaker, elder gods, Eternals, Fenric, and probably the gods from Can You Hear Me? and Nobody No-One are all the 'higher being' types I believe.


Agree with all of that save for the Chibnall stuff. None of that's canon.


Don't be silly, no need to have a canon argument with Doctor Who. If you don't like it, ignore it, but don't be silly by trying to say "it's not canon". Besides CYHM isn't even really one of the bad Chibnall episodes, it's not that good, but it had some interesting ideas.


"Silly." Yeah right. All i'll say is that my problem isn't that you include it as canon. My problem is that it is canon. I would say that the era is a joke but jokes are funny, Chibnall who is sad. An what's sadder is that people like me who are devoted to the show we love are called silly, sad and any other name under the sun just because we draw the line.


This is one of my favourite seasons and Romana is my favourite all time companion. I like that she’s a Time Lord. I love arcs as well. They did a great job writing and flushing out the characters at the outset. It’s lots of fun


This is a gem of a story with lots of lovely character scenes. I think you will enjoy this season.