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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier Full Reaction

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As you might imagine given Shatner's massive ego, after Nimoy got to direct the last two movies, he was really champing at the bit to not only direct but write the next one. And the result was one of the biggest disasters in the franchise's history, pummelled mercilessly by critics and tanking at the box office (and all while the Next Generation show was getting huge praise after its shaky first couple seasons, just to add insult to injury). The most common critique is that it feels like Shatner wrote his own original science fiction story and then just plugged the names of his Trek crew into it at random. In particular, we're asked to believe that almost the whole crew would happily betray Starfleet after what's basically just a few minutes of therapy (and the script even makes clear Sybok isn't using any kind of magic spell or pheromones or anything, he's literally just talking to them). And in fact the original script was even worse as it had Spock and McCoy also joining Sybok, with Shatner fluffing up his ego by making himself the ONLY heroic character for the whole second half of the movie. Thankfully, Nimoy and Kelly both put their foot down and absolutely refused to play those scenes until Shatner relented and rewrote them as staying loyal. And then the budget took a severe hit as ILM was busy with Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which severely compromised the film's climax until it was forced to become a ripoff of the ending of The Alternative Factor, already one of the worst TOS episodes. And perhaps worst of all, the massive success of Voyage Home caused the studio to ask Shatner to put more comedy in the film, even though it didn't fit at all with a story that was intended to be a grand, serious epic about the nature of faith and God. So you get some broad slapstick that always jars the hell out of a scene, and which the actors unsurprisingly hated doing (just look at Koenig's face when he says "The sun's come out, it's a miracle," as he's not even trying to hide his contempt for the crap he's being forced to say). Yeah, as you might have picked up, the film has gained some fans in the years since its release, but I'm very much not one of them. Luckily, the series rebounded and then some with Undiscovered Country, which as I've previously noted is my pick for the best of the TOS movies. See you there.


I think your best reactions are the ones where your excited to watch the series. So if you want to watch the whole of The Next Generation lets buckle up our seat belts and go to the bathroom before we set off cos its gonna be a long journey! Is there an option of you looking at the episode titles and picking out a handful of episodes per season?

Jenny Chalek

I would ADORE seeing you react to Next Gen, DS9, and Voyager, but also can't wait for you to get to Picard. Picard is outstanding - especially season 3. It wouldn't bother me that you already know what's going to happen on some of these. And yes, it would probably take a long time. I would love to know what that favorite Next Gen episode is that you like so much, not sure if I could guess because they used to make so damn many episodes of television shows. We didn't realize how spoiled we were, now we're lucky if we get 8 episodes for a season of something.


My big wish for the next thing in this spot was the 1994 Spider-Man animated series, which is conveniently available on Disney+. It was basically the comics put directly onscreen, with a ton of cameos from the rest of Marvel, and would make for some neat reactions now that you're familiar with so much from the MCU, to see something more akin to what these characters were originally like. But I definitely won't say no to more Star Trek, either.


Regarding the future of the tier. I would be agreeable to sharing Next Gen with you, Jess. Even if there are the episodes you could recite from memory, one, you would remind me of myself, two, I would still relish hearing your thoughts and why you love the episodes that you loved from your youth. There are times where hearing your thoughts is more enjoyable than the reaction itself. I think that would apply here. Any way you proceed is fine by me. Now onto the film. This film is last on my ranking of at least the original series Star Trek films. I see Ryan commented on how fans and critics alike panned this across the board. On Siskel and Ebert, both Gene and Roger went to town on it. Watching it again, I found it a minimal improvement over viewings past. It wasn’t as terrible as I remembered, though it was still a chore to get through at parts. Sybok, though not the greatest villain, is intersecting enough, and Lawrence Luckinbill is quite good. I think you’re right on Sybok desperately needing to believe in something. And it is an interesting concept of the question of holding onto versus releasing pain; it is a strong topic of debate, and I appreciated, Jess, your own thoughts on it. Had the film had stronger writing, I could see the film being better than it was, and Sybok being celebrated as one of the better villains of Star Trek. He does get a badass redemption when he takes on “God”. The scene with Bones is one of the universally agreed upon bright spots of the film and DeForest was terrific in the scene. I knew that it was going to hurt more this time round. I was right. It got me BAD this time, and through the rather strong pain and tears, I said, “Yup. This hurts a lot more than it used to. Hoo boy, this scene’s too real.” Other highlights of the reaction: everything with your love of Sulu. Your reaction to the Row, Row, Row Your Boat scenes, especially your saying, “This is happening.” That was essentially the shared opinion of most Trekkies. Going back to Siskel and Ebert, Gene and Roger went particularly critical of it. Similarly, your reaction to Uhura’s dance, I laughed at seeing your expression, and I was saying, “Yeah, I figured as much, that would be your reaction. I’m with your comment on that Sarek married Amanda and sired a child with her, what the logical fuck did he expect would happen? Brings us to the most important topic, Uhura and Scotty. Everything about your reactions to that were beyond sweet, Jess. Nichelle and James were excellent in those scenes. I’m completely in agreement with needing more of that relationship. It is certainly magnitudes better than something else we got in the franchise later down the road, but I’ll reserve my garrulous venting about that when we get to it, if we get to it. And of course, the reason there’s no pay off to Uhura and Scotty’s romance is because Shatner’s ego dares not permit it. Yes, the lack of resolution is bullshit. Scotty taking Uhura on a beautiful shore leave, vacation, romantic, is a most wonderful, wonderful idea. I second your statement of wanting to see that, Jess. All in all, a fun reaction. No apologies are necessary for the noise fluctuations. I do it all the time myself when I watch movies due to the disparity in the noise, thus, I didn’t even notice it in your reaction, hence, as I said, no apologies are necessary. Thank you for the great reaction, Jess.


The script does feel like half Star Trek, half its own thing. I like the concept itself; I just wish there was better execution. What's particularly frustrating is that the sole purpose of Sybok being Spock’s brother, the only reason it exists in the first place is to justify why Spock would betray Kirk. And since that got cut, we’re left with the plot point which though not terrible, doesn’t contribute much of anything. Or at least, it’s not delved into as much as it could have been. Yes, thankfully we have Undiscovered Country to get to, which I’m looking forward to revisiting. I haven’t seen it in a while, so it’s going to be a delight to sit down and watch again, what’s next to Wrath of Khan, my favorite Star Trek film.


I’m especially curious about Jess and her favorite Next Gen episodes. Particularly, as she mentions one or two might not be the most widely celebrated as favorites, which I have a few favorites of Next Gen where I feel the same. Thus, to share rewatches, trade opinions, hear what thoughts Jess has, I'm down for all of it. And, yes, we are in a much different landscape of television when it comes to episode count. I remember watching stuff like Perry Mason with my dad, and how both of us made note of shows like that would have up to thirty episodes, sometimes more, per season, compared to today which the seasons of shows are shorter.


Strange New Worlds is actually bringing Sybok back, and I'm very interested to see what he can be like with actual competent writing behind him.


Yeah, I had heard something about newer Sybok material. It would be interesting to explore more of his character outside of Shatner's egocentric writing.


And then they had the dhutzpah to put out that commercial for the video release portraying people (including James Doohan) mobbing rental places for it, long after its reputation had been set in stone.

Dave Hampton

If I were to have my pick of what to have next on this tier, it would be having you watch Enterprise. I am not so much for re-watches although I did enjoy the ones you did of Buffy. I personally have not enjoyed any Trek beyond Enterprise so for new stuff that is what I would pick. If you were not going to react to Enterprise, I would vote second for re-watching TNG. I would like to see reactions (re-reactions) to all the episodes though not just a select few. Just my two cents.


First, I find myself in complete accord with your tastes, most of the time actually. If we were to take just these 6 movies this would be next to last, with the 1st one being last. Still, I like this movie a lot. More fantastical but some really great character scenes. Characters are number one for me. As for the future, I think the ideal would to do TNG but only selected episodes. As for how you best determine that, I don’t know. Perhaps pick a set amount and put the numbers of all the episodes in a poll? Like you used to do for the full reactions. As for reacting to ones you’ve already seen, I have no problem with that whatsoever. It’s so great you mentioned Voyager. I swear, I binged watched the entire 7th season the last couple of days. The finale is my favourite of any Star Trek series. A lot of people aren’t thrilled with Voyager, but I love it. Also DS9 is great. Enterprise grew on me. Picard Season 3 was great, but other than that, I don’t really care for the newer Trek beyond Enterprise


Geez Ryan tell us what you really think, lol. One of my least favourite but it’s not that bad. I don’t think Shatner wrote this by himself. Wow, you really don’t like him. I think we agree on the next one. Not my fav of the 6, but a solid number 2


Strange New Worlds? Seriously? They can’t get Spock right, what makes you think they’ll get him right? There’s no heart in SNW


Yes it would be interesting to hear her favourites. Yesterday’s Enterprise perhaps? We were spoiled back in the day. Over 20 episodes and reruns in the summer. I think streaming has all but killed appointment television, and everything is so CGI heavy. We miss a lot of creativity when we rely on technology too much. Give me a heartfelt character moment over big special effects any day.


Since you seem to have a good sense of TNG, I would say either just do a 5ish episode per season poll watch, or just skip the series entirely and jump to the TNG movies. Generations would act as a good jump to point anyway with your Trek background and TOS completion and then First Contact would act as a good bridge into Enterpise. So my order suggestion is: Skip TNG but watch TNG movies, Watch Enterprise, Watch Discovery, Watch Picard and finally Watch Strange New Worlds. With that timeline, Discovery will be finished and Strange New Worlds will probably either be going into season 5 or done.


My suggestion would be to hit the highlights of TNG to refresh your memory, especially those episodes that are referred to in the movies and Picard. Then touch on the rest of the movies, then all 3 seasons of Picard. Discovery and Strange New Worlds (after Discovery's 2nd season) after that though they would not be dependent on you watching all the other ones.