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Fear the Walking Dead 8x06 Full Reaction

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An impressive mid-season finale to be sure. The heart breaks for Morgan going through the clear again. Lennie sold the hell out of all those scenes. It’s nice that Madison and Daniel were supportive as they were with Morgan. Onto our detested characters. I believe you are correct that when it comes to Shrike and Crane, “or Parakeet, or whatever their names are” loved that bit, by the way, that their bullshit all boils down to their inability to overcome the grief for their dad. And the pain that comes from that is beyond overwhelming, that part I get. Like you said, you can feel sympathy for when they lost their dad. Beyond that, they get only two things, sympathy-wise: Jack and shit, and Jack left town. Everything you had to say about them was spot-on, Jess. I was with you on them being on my VERY last nerve. I’m with you that I was looking forward to Dwight killing Shrike. When he said, “Shrike's going to the swamp. I'm going to make sure she doesn't come out of there.” I replied, “You’re a daisy if ya do.” Then when June said she’d do it, I said, “You, also, would be a daisy if you caused Shrike to shuffle off the mortal coil.” It was cathartic when Shrike’s smug façade crumbled, which was watched by me with immense pleasure, I might add. Then came the moment when her dad had a chompity chomp-chomp out of Shrike’s neck. ZERO tears were shed. I had a smile on my face, and said, “Well, that was a peach of a scene.” I one hundred percent share having no sympathy for her. I loved Daniel making the effort to get through to the kids. Great when Morgan, Madison, and Mo won the day. Alas, much as it would have been great if June went to town on Shrike, it was touching Finch said no. You are not a terrible person, Jess, for your opinions on Shrike and Crane. I am. Their last scene, I sounded like the Joker, saying, “And now, after all the gaslighting and the delusional protestations of greater goods, you two are left scared hypocrites, CRYING that your counterfeit kingdom has come crumbling down! It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic. ...Oh, what the heck, I’ll laugh anyway! BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA!!!!” Concerning Dwight and Sherry’s final scene, I found myself sympathetic to the idea of maybe they should not be together. Or at least, the idea itself is not an unreasonable one. Sometimes, even if people truly love each other that much, they perhaps are better off apart from each other for whatever reason. You say you do not agree with that, at least in Dwight and Sherry’s situation, ok, I respect that. I will say I concede your point of they maybe should have talked it through some more before making the decision. If nothing else, you can tell they still love each other, deeply. Yeah, that final scene where Morgan buried Grace, and had the talk with Eastman was emotional. I KNEW his scene with the walkie trying to contact Rick would get you, Jess. You made me cry, your reaction to that scene. You ponder does this mean will we see Morgan on the Rick and Michonne show, that theory has been advanced, yes, though I am unable to confirm nor deny as I don’t know one way or another. I also don’t know about premiere dates for the second half of this season. No date for the latter half of this final season as of yet. At least, none that I’m seeing beyond the statement of later this year. As to the identity of the mysterious individual in the last scene... I’m sort of curious about that myself. In any case, I look forward to finding out in the final half of the season, as well as seeing Strand in the final half of the season, whenever he arrives. Thank you for such wonderful reactions to the first half of the final season of Fear, Jess.