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Classic Who "The Invasion of Time" Parts 5&6 Reaction

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Some random dude: *Breathes.* Leela: "Shall i kill him now?"

Josef Schiltz

The Doctor: "Leela . . . That's a stick of celery!" Leela: "Whaaaat?" - looks astounded at the vegetable held against her intended victims throat. The Doctor: "Yes. I thought that would surprise you! Dude: "C . . can I go now?" Leela: - resigned - "Do that again and I will casserole you!" The Doctor: "The old switcheroo. Very useful in tense situations!"


Now just imagine if she knew the Fifth Doctor.

Azmat Mahmood

Sorry for writing so much on the YT video, but I just really hate this story! As you can tell!😅

David Vandervliet

Louise Jamison apparently asked to be killed off, but the producers decided against it. The decision to have her stay with Andred came from No where it seems and the actors hated it, because it came from nothing in the script and the two of them began trying to find little moments to support it. The only one that felt at all decent is the one after he gets shot


I love any story set on Gallifrey, so except for Leela's departure, I like this one. Maybe also because my favorite companion is due next, whenever that is. 🙂 I can understand if someone doesn't like it. I can't do it all the time, but I can head canon quite a lot


Thanks for another great reaction. I like these two parts for having a rare and as per then, unprecidented look round the Tardis, showcasing how big it is. I do agree that Leela's ending was very abrupt, sudden and unexpected, plus the equally sudden exit for what's been referred to as K-9 Mark 1. Other than that I really like the story generally. See you nect time!