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Fear the Walking Dead 8x04 Full Reaction

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Jenny Chalek

I'm so sorry you're still having bad congestion days. I'm sure the wildfire smoke isn't helping. :(


Jess, I'm sorry the congestion persists. Yeah, the second you said you weren’t wanting an episode that makes you cry, my whole body just tightened, and I was saying, “Why did she have to say that on this episode?” Start on a lighthearted note in that the running gag about the smell of the skunks was amusing. I too had a moment of once Morgan reached the door and apologized, it instantly registered what was going on, and the tears started to well up. It was sweet how Grace and Mo refused to leave Morgan; that they stood by him. It is rotten Dwight and Sherry forced to be in opposition to Morgan. As you observe, they don’t have many options, but it’s rotten, nonetheless. I’m with you on being so done with PADRE. It reaches a high point of being done with them when Shrike adamantly refuses to believe Morgan is genuine in his protestations that he’s there to put his boy to rest. It does make sense. A mind of evil, especially one clouded by delusions would refuse to believe such a simple explanation, yet her continued persistence in thinking Morgan must be engaged in chicanery got the blood boiling, especially after she persists after you, and in the episode, Grace pointed out that Morgan can’t be faking it. I share your thoughts in that scene. My patience snapped, and I vented, “You’re still not buying that Morgan’s telling the truth?! Well, ok, fine. Tell you what, you can bring a specialist in to remove all doubt! Go ahead! Go call up Laurence Olivier, tell him to drop by with his dental equipment! He can even ask “Is it safe?” ad infinitum if his heart so desires! And once he’s done, will that be satisfactory to you, you SICK fuck!?” Great moment when Dwight tells Finch to sweep the leg knocking Shrike the fuck out. I loved your reaction to that. You are correct, Lennie James gave a hell of a performance throughout this episode. The part that got me most was when his voice hitched at the line “I brought him here?” It breaks the heart seeing Morgan finally put Duane down. And your own reaction got me right in the heart. Terrible to see Grace get bit, and after we learn she’s dying from radiation sickness. This episode is definitely in the running for going on the list of best episodes of television this year. This was a magnificent episode. I’m only sorry that you had to catch it on a day you were struggling, physically and mentally. Though in all honesty, when it came to the crying, you handled it much better than I had anticipated. You have nothing to apologize for the post-episode thoughts as you were better than I would have been. I spent about a half hour after seeing the episode half hyperventilating and struggling not to have a breakdown. This reaction was terrific. Again, I hope the congestion problems will soon be over, and that you have better days ahead. Thank you for the reaction. Take care of yourself, Jess.