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Classic Who - "The Sun Makers" Part 3/4 Full Reaction

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This was Louise Jameson's favorite of her stories, and even included a bit of the improvising that Tom Baker typically did with Liz Sladen, as they came up with the whole gag of Leela accidentally getting hypnotized on the spot.


The hypnosis joke was made even funnier when I saw it and was like "why isn't Jess reacting?"

Andrew Vignaux

Just catching up on Classic Who ... Nobody mentioned that the hypnotized guard is played by Who stuntman Stuart Fell - the somersaulting Sea Devil Stuart Fell, the wearer of the Alpha Centauri costume in the Peladon stories Stuart Fell, the ladder-climbing stunt double for Katy Manning Stuart Fell.

Andrew Vignaux

Oooh, I forgot a good one. ..., the driven-over-by-a-hovercraft tramp Stuart Fell.