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Star Wars Rebels 2x01/2x02 Full Reaction

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Once it was revealed Ahsoka was still alive, the big question becomes, how did she not get killed by her old master who knows her so well? And now we have the answer: he'd assumed she was killed in Order 66 and didn't bother looking for her. And now he does know, so be very afraid. This two-parter was hailed as a fantastic return to form for Vader after the prequels turned him into a notorious whiny emo teen, always being one step ahead of the heroes until their escaping with their lives is the only victory they can claim. And it's downright chilling hearing James Earl Jones' voice talking about new characters like Ahsoka, like the whole latter part of the franchise had finally been made one piece with the original trilogy.


Right into it with our Ghost crew being a de facto member of Phoenix Squadron in the early Rebellion. I want to speak briefly about designs. Our crew and the colour palette of the show on Lothal generally, with the greens, oranges, yellows and browns; are suggestive of a link between our crew and the rebellion in the original trilogy - with the exception of Sabine, who changes her colour scheme several times in the show. Kanan and Ahsoka's designs too are to represent samurai. Ahsoka has a circular breastplate which female samurai used to wear, and she has curved lightsabres which are similar to the katana samurai swords of old. Kanan too, with his ponytail, armour and slim tall stature, also looks like a classic samurai too. In fact there is a link between the name Jedi and the Japanese 'Jidai-geki' period-dramas that Lucas watched in the fifties and sixties. Also Darth Vader's costume and helmet originally were inspired by Japanese warlords and their headwear in these old films and series. Always liked that link. Continuing on from Vader's look, he's a lot taller, thinner in his design here, and I personally think its the best Vader look of all. Also I love how the show developers turned down the lighting on his shiny mask and armour, as if suggesting you are looking at this void of black darkness and doom. Also the 'eyebrows' on his mask are much more angular and angry looking than the one we ended up with in the films and other tv stuff, which is much more like his original Ralph McQuarrie design. The corridor scene with Hera and Kanan, is directly inspired from Han and Leia's scene on Hoth where he tells her she 'could use a good kiss!!'. Also the 'cold' feeling as you see at the end of the first ep is our Jedi sensing Vader, and the overwhelming sense of the darkside within him. Kanan should do as he did when his master told him to, and run! He and Ezra stay their ground as best they can, but Vader is just toying with them as with the tracker on board the ship he can track it back to their fleet to rout them. If he wanted them all dead they wouldn't have stood much chance. I love the crew talking about whether to join up fully with the nascent rebellion or not. Kanan is reluctant as he's seen it all before, but respects the views of the others. Its a democracy in the group, where even Chopper gets a vote (unlike most droids); which is in contrast to the Empire, where you are a very small cog in the wheel, so be on board or not, and if not, get out cleanly. Of course Lando has a Morgan Freeman droid! Note Sabine saying she's the mechanic and Chopper grumbling, whilst Chopper has his uses, as an astromech mechanic, he's no R2! Ezra seeing Tarkintown, reminiscent of Luke going back to the burnt homestead to get in the fight. Seeing this only solidifies that he must do something to get at the Empire, while Kanan is fearful as he's seen it all before. Vader's plan worked flawlessly, and he's a fleet killer all by himself. Note the full on rebellion theme when the A-Wings launched, love it! This is only a cell still of the rebellion, its yet to fully form, but the damage Vader does here is significant to Phoenix Squadron as he takes out their flagship. One thing I love and hate in this show, is when a rebel ship is blown up. In The Clone Wars, the Republic had near infinite resources, our nascent rebellion doesn't have that luxury, so each ship shot down is a real blow for our heroes. Hera v Vader as pilots and our girl got away! She's the best! Ahsoka thought Anakin died in the Clone Wars since she didn't sense him or hear from him after it. His force signature has changed now since he's transformed into Vader, but there is still a familiarity that she picks up on and it overwhelms her. She is confused at it all however and hence doesn't necessarily fib when she says she doesn't know who it is yet. I've always felt that the scene at the very end of Clone Wars, where we see Vader pick up Ahsoka's dropped lightsabre, was right after he senses her here, to confirm it. A lot wondered if it is Anakin in there, feeling sad about it - not for me, he is hunting her, and the bird circling overhead confirms to him, that she is very much alive. The end scene with Vader talking to the Emperor (not Ian McDiarmid which is a shame, but Sam Witwer who does Maul, playing him. I heard McDiarmid re-recorded the lines for this, but for some reason its not in in the series) shows he's still searching for Obi-Wan; and I wondered how the Kenobi series would tie in with this since I knew about this scene. The Emperor isn't bothered if Kenobi is alive and is essentially telling Vader to keep his mind focussed, so send more Inquisitors in instead to draw them out; but it matters to Vader still especially after getting his backside handed to him again 5 years earlier from Obi-Wan.


It also I think gave characters like Ahsoka weight throughout the franchise, hearing the original actors say her name. It shouldn't really since she is a George Lucas character as much as the likes of Luke, Obi-Wan and Vader are, but hearing her name said by James Earl Jones was great at the time.


Addressing your opening predictions of the season, you may or may not be right and/or wrong about one or two things you brought up. This season opener is quite the adrenaline rush. I liked the exploration of Kanan not wishing to be part of the greater rebellion. After all, the last war he was part of, his Jedi brethren were slaughtered, and he lost the woman who was essentially his mother. One thing they don’t quite delve into is that he’s been used to hiding and being under the radar, thus being part of the greater rebellion does put a bigger target on his back which he understandably bristles at the thought. I'm with you on Minister Tua being entertaining. You make a great observation about the downside of ruling through fear. This is of course an irrelevant concern for the Emperor considering his unlimited power. Yes, excellent showcasing of the Empire’s ruthlessness in killing Tua as they did. It's interesting how some fans paint her as noble. Conveniently ignoring that she didn’t care if the rebels were to win. She just wanted to save her own skin. The scene of Darth Vader confronting our heroes was one of the most exciting things when I first saw it. You had such a superb reaction to it, Jess. Remember, this was the first new visual story of Star Wars under Disney, and with it, the first real showcase of Vader in Disney. To see him portrayed as an unholy terror was BEAUTIFUL. James Earl Jones continuing to kill it as Vader was emotional. I love that part with Vader and the walkers. Again, a FANTASTIC reaction to that, Jess. In response to Ezra questioning what could kill him, I joke, “Since there’s no high ground in sight and you don’t have Thomas Haden Church as Sandman in the crew, this foe is beyond any of you. RUN!” Great to see Lando again. Looking back, it hurts that he doesn’t have L3 with him, but the Morgan Freeman droid is great. Horrifying to see Tarkintown burned. I love that you continue to love the shade in this show. They are after all, the Shady Bunch as you dubbed them. I still say you should call the patent office, tell them to copyright the name “Shady Bunch” and get a quarter every time I and/or someone else says it. I love how Hera gets to show off her piloting skills. Particularly how she matches Vader in skill and pulls off the trick that would make Anakin Skywalker proud. Now to the big emotional moment. You had the perfect reaction to that, Jess. To explain some of what both parties went through, when the dust settled for Ahsoka and Rex, her first action was to check in on Anakin as she sensed something; that he was in some type of trouble immediately prior to Order 66. When she did so, Anakin was gone; she could not sense him, ergo, given what she just went through, logically, he had to be dead. The show captures so beautifully and perfectly her expression as she goes through everything upon learning that Anakin is not dead, and the truth is much, MUCH WORSE than anything she could have conceived. Likewise, given the carnage of Order 66 and all the subsequent carnage, Vader had no real reason to suspect that his little sister lived still. And now the Emperor knows as well. I was curious with the final scene which version you were watching. It's the original cut as it’s Sam Witwer providing the voice of our dear beloved Emperor. Sam as the Emperor, though not perfect, I have nothing really against, and I do like he does well with the playful side of the Emperor. There has been an updated version of the ending with Ian McDiarmid himself voicing the Emperor again. The difference is night and day. Ian’s performance just drips malevolence and pure evil and to hear Ian and James interact, so to speak, is beautiful. Sadly, this newer version is not available on Disney+. I am told it is on Amazon, though unfortunately, you have to pay for it. Nevertheless, your reaction to the final scene was brilliant, regardless of who was voicing my King. One note of interest. Notice Vader describes Ahsoka as “The apprentice of Anakin Skywalker” thus further showcasing the belief that Anakin is gone. Darth Vader what remains. This was a lovely, lovely reaction, Jess, thank you so much.


The Ralph McQuarrie-esque design for Darth Vader on this show makes my nerd heart happy. I love the show keeps the tradition of you can tell Vader is playing with his food when he only uses one hand in single combat with the lightsaber. I love all the presentations of John’s work from the original trilogy. Right, Ahsoka doesn’t lie, rather she carefully omits. And Vader is unknown to her thus not knowing who or what he is, that is a truthful statement. I’ve heard that theory of Vader’s scene in Clone Wars. I like how it’s kind of a Rorschach for the fans. I like to leave it open-ended myself as to when precisely it transpires. The Obi-Wan show makes the ending scene to this episode funnier if it’s the version with Ian. With Sam, upon hearing Vader say they could be led to Obi-Wan, Sam says his line with intrigue, as if to say, “She could at that. If in fact he’s still alive.” Compared to Ian, he sounds annoyed, which nicely ties into his scene in the Obi-Wan show. His tone of voice practically screams, “Wait, you're still on that? Jesus Christ, man, you got let that shit go, for fuck’s sake! I mean, yeah, maybe, if he’s not dead by now.” I do love that scene.


I love how throughout the whole dogfight Vader just keeps spinning. It really was a good trick.


Yeah Kanan may have beaten the Grand Inquisitor, but he's still got a long way to go to reach anything near Vader's level as a swordsman, and is very easily bested. Ezra showing a lot of bottle going in on Vader though especially since he hasn't finished learning the basic lightsabre forms yet; however he's shown by now that he'll always be at Kanan's side no matter what, and vice versa. Kevin Kiner starts to use John Williams less and less in this season (was briefly perusing some later episodes today) but it doesn't diminish the scoring of the series in any way; and it leaves Williams classic themes and ditty's for when truly needed for maximum impact. I also believe you said Thomas your favourite piece from Rebels is in this season, and that its one of Kiner's works and not the great man himself. As for the Clone Wars finale with Vader picking up Ahsoka's sabres, thats just my own interpretation of that scene, though I have heard far more people think that Anakin is in there someplace dwelling on it all as he looks at the wreckage of the Venator. Like much of the best stuff in Star Wars, its open to our interpretation as to how we piece together the best scenes throughout the shows and movies. I saw your link posted and heard Ian doing that scene for the first time; I don't know if it was fans piecing together quotes from Ian as it sounds a bit up and down in tone; but I know what you mean that the Emperor would be rolling his eyes once more at Vader's attachment to his past and seeking revenge on Kenobi, which is ironic coming from a Sith, you'd think he'd understand that better than anyone seeing as how he decimated the Jedi Order itself with such vigour and joy, in retaliation for the Jedi wins against Sith of the past.


Kanan is certainly acting out of fear, fear of getting involved once again in another war, and fear for Ezra and the rest of the crew as they undertake this effort. He has a lot of things to overcome himself, if he is to make it as a Jedi. I believe Vader did something similar with the walkers in one of his comics, and that was brought in for that scene to show just what an unstoppable force of nature he can be. As I said in my post, the lighting on him is turned down even there, so that the blast fires aren't really reflected onto his mask and armour, which just add to the dark halo surrounding him and is almost all-encompassing. On Ahsoka believing Anakin dead, I think there is two good reasons for her to think that. Firstly she probably suspected that he died defending the Jedi Temple as it was besieged, not knowing of course it was him alongside the rest of the 501st doing the sieging. Secondly, we hear in Tales Of The Jedi when she sees Bail Organa after Padme's funeral, and he tells her "there is nothing you could have done... for either of them" which would solidify the thought that Anakin was gone. In a way the shock of her finding some familiarity in the presence as she senses Vader, is echoed brilliantly in the Kenobi series where Obi-Wan is nearly floored when he senses Vader in this form, and both of them are overwhelmed by just what Anakin has now become. She is still in denial about it at this point, as she'd refuse to believe her master, the one who stood by her in her darkest times, would become THIS! And yes him referring to Ahsoka in third person as "Anakin Skywalker's apprentice" just shows how far gone he is at this point. If I remember he is like that when he talks about turning Luke to the Emperor in Empire Strikes Back, before trying to sound more like Luke's father when they meet on Bespin later in the film. I'm a big fan of Sam Witwer, but this performance of the Emperor from him just doesn't quite hit the nail on the head (nor could it tbh); however having played Lego Star Wars in the last year, he plays Palpatine/Sidious in that and is pretty good, so I can see why he was brought in when they couldn't get Ian. I have Sam's version on my own, erm, copy of the show too.


I believe you’re correct on Vader with the walkers. Right, the siege on the temple, combined with we now know of her conversion with Bail, no wonder Ahsoka thinks Anakin is dead. The parallels and comparisons to Obi-Wan learning the truth and Ahsoka learning the truth rhyme so perfectly. Yes, in the dvd release of Empire onward, the Emperor describes Luke to Vader by saying, “We have a new enemy; the young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker.” and Vader questions how it’s possible as if Anakin is a completely separate person. Like I said, no real beef with Sam Witwer as the Emperor. He is quite good in The Force Unleashed, I thought. It helps that Sam is incredibly humble about it as he readily agrees there’s not a chance in hell that he’s anywhere close to being in the same league as Ian. By Sam’s own description, something to the effect of, “If you guys need a voice for the Emperor, and you can’t get Ian, I'll do it for free. If you guys need a voice for the Emperor, and you CAN get Ian, get Ian.”


I believe Filoni described it as “Kanan and Ezra are at level three, Vader’s at level eighty.” or something like that if not verbatim. Right, Kevin starts using more of his original work going forward whilst still utilizing John’s work at opportune times. You recall correctly that my favorite of Kevin’s original work of Rebels is in this season. I like the ambiguity of the Clone Wars scene in that all we know is that it transpires after Revenge of the Sith. When exactly it transpires is up to us. And like when I was in school when the assignment was interpreting the ending of The Lady, or the Tiger? I always preferred to leave the answer ambiguous as it was always more satisfying that way. I think the Emperor’s annoyance is that Vader’s undisciplined with his Kenobi fixation. And considering how in the Obi-Wan show, it leads to an Imperial senator’s daughter being abducted, which would conceivably cause a political headache for ol’ Palpy, not to mention Vader saying he’ll tear apart every planet until Obi-Wan is dead, it’s not an unreasonable annoyance. True, Leia getting abducted was the Third Sister’s doing, but I’d imagine the Emperor would hold Vader responsible as he oversees the Inquisitorious, or Vader didn’t tell the Emperor that part. Alternatively, denying Vader the hunt causes the Dark Side to fester in him. Yeah, the link does sound a touch scratchy. Here's another video of both Sam and Ian’s interpretations back-to-back: https://youtu.be/G_47yG4OGYo


Damn, Dave really bringing power levels into this haha! If Vader is at 80, wonder what Obi-Wan would be at, 100? :D We do see Vader here and in the original trilogy, be a bit more measured in his approach, and is only ever ruffled by the incompetence of his sub-ordinates who he kept on choking out in Empire Strikes Back. There was a chance for them to do that with Admiral Konstantin here as his tractor beam misses The Ghost and traps Vader's ship, which would have been hilarious to behold; but alas Konstantin lives to be incompetent another day! In A New Hope when Vader and Obi-Wan have their duel, he also seems more calmer in his approach to taking down Obi-Wan once and for all, though the latter isn't there to fight, merely to stall so that Luke, Leia and co are able to get off the Death Star; and though that fight isn't choreographed very well, one could suggest that he is merely judging his moves better, like a master Kendo swordsman would until he got the opening he wanted (even against Obi-Wan's legendary impenetrable Soresu). I wonder though by doing that, if it takes a bit of the edge off Vader/Anakin particularly with his fights later with Luke. Thanks for the vid link, and I see in the comments there, that Ian's version is only available on Amazon Prime, and that its still not up on Disney+ which I think Jess here uses for her Star Wars reactions. Really weird. Ian's is better dubbed than that previous link imho; but it still sounds a bit off for me, and its maybe because I've seen Rebels through what must be a 100 times now so am used to Sam's version here, even if I know thats like saying I prefer Tom Kane's Yoda to Frank Oz! I wonder if they'll synthesise Ian's voice going forward if he wants to retire in the next few years, like they have done with James Earl Jones; so that we can keep 'Ian' coming back in the role for future projects.


Obi-Wan probably is at about one hundred. I'd be curious if that means the Emperor and/or Yoda are over 9000. Yeah, shame no “You have failed me for the last time” moment in this episode, at least, not on screen. I can see Vader being highly cautious on the Death Star given how it went on the moon he fought Obi-Wan on. He certainly was serious the whole fight, hence his two-handed grip throughout the whole scene. And like you say, maybe he’s judging his moves better. Your thought on the change made in Rebels, it's definitely a case of being used to something one way. I had a similar thing when I first saw the dvd edition of Empire where Marjorie Eaton with the voice of Clive Revill was replaced by Ian McDiarmid. Fantastic though it was seeing Ian be part of Empire, it did take a moment or two to adjust. Same here with Ian in this episode of Rebels. Hopefully Disney+ updates it somewhere down the line. They could synthesize Ian’s voice for animated projects. I hope they do the same for Anthony Daniels as 3PO.


I wonder what power rating Luke would be, since he actually realises Anakin's potential - before he becomes a hermit :D I grew up with the Clive Revill Emperor with Marjorie in the monkey mask, and it was quite jarring when they actually updated it after Revenge Of The Sith (I'm sure it was filmed around the same time as that film as McDiarmid is in his burnt look from that film, and not the Return Of The Jedi makeup which would have been more fitting). I still get annoyed at Sebastian Shaw being ousted for Hayden Christensen's force ghost at the end of that film hehe. Yeah they probably will do that with Anthony Daniels too. With 3PO being a droid, he could be around for a long while yet in this timeline, even if the actor is getting on. I'm sure Jess would appreciate her King still hanging around. Fair play to Anthony though, he always comes back when asked.