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The Mandalorian 3x08 Full Reaction

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The vast majority of the people complaining about this season remind me of one line from the 12th Doctor's best scene: "Like every tantruming child in history, you don't actually know what you want." Case in point, after so long of saying the show was too reliant on previous franchise lore without doing its own thing, after this ending they're suddenly all saying "Where was Boba Fett? Where was Ahsoka? Where was the entire Rebels crew?" It's also a sign of the net negative effect of Game of Thrones on how people take in any kind of entertainment, obsessed with coming up with elaborate theories and twists until a straightforward story like this gets accused of being a letdown no matter how well it's made.


I LOVE that Mythosaur necklace, Jess. I thought this was an enjoyable finale to the season. It is great seeing the Mandalorians band together and fight. Like you say, a botanical garden break, in the middle of a firefight was a treat. Axe stepped up to the plate and my respect for him increased. I KNEW you’d love the R5 scenes. Likewise, your reactions to Mando and Grogu teaming up the way they did, it was without question that I was going to cry over how much I would love seeing you react to those scenes. You expressed slight embarrassment over not clocking that Moff Gideon's clones were of himself. Don't worry about it, I didn’t clock that either. I was thinking they would be one or two different types of clones. That turned out to be not the case, for now. It just so happened we were both wrong. Such is life. The final confrontation that was had with Gideon was most impressive. Before they started, if I were Mando, I'd have asked, “Anybody happen to have a pipe bomb and a hotel lobby bell?” Say what you will about Moff Gideon, he put up a hell of a fight, especially striking when he crushed the Darksaber. I'm afraid I'm going to have to be the tiniest bit of an asshole in that they’re saying Gideon’s dead, and I'm not entirely convinced of that. Beskar is durable after all. Star Wars has made me highly skeptical of villain deaths given they have a proclivity of returning, somehow. And upon scanning the scene following his being enveloped by the flames, I was saying, “There’s no sign of his body.” to which a voice in my head chimed in with, “Then he is NOT dead!” If he’s not dead, I look forward to his miraculous survival, but if this is in fact Giancarlo’s final bow as Gideon, I loved his exit. I was momentarily taken out of the scene of Grogu’s adoption as I thought they settled that. Nevertheless, your reaction to that, Jess, was one of the loveliest things. The question of Mando and what name to call him, I always saw it as Mando is what everyone calls him, only those most trusted or closest to him can call him by his given name, hence my calling him Mando, though I think it’s sweet you refer to him by his name. Great to see Greef again. I'm also flabbergasted that, as I said, upon completing the episode before I hit the sack, “THREE seasons in and the character played by Carl Weathers STILL has both hands, and in Star Wars no less!? INCONCEIVABLE!!!!” To briefly address how you talked about favorite settings and/or locations in Star Wars, I love them all. I don't have a favorite, though I do have a fondness for the planets and/or locations connected to the Empire and/or the Sith. As to your statements at the end, it means so much to know that the kindness you’ve received has meant so much to you, Jess. I empathize and sympathize with your saying about struggling mentally. I've been going through my own spell for the past month or so. I'm not trying to compare the two as it’s different, still, as I say, you have my sympathies, and I do most sincerely hope that your surgery goes well, and in the meantime, your work is always consistently excellent. And now begins the waiting game until the next season and with it, more of your wonderful reactions which will be watched with great interest. Until then, thank you for the lovely time that was had in sharing the season with you, Jess.


Good observation, and excellent use of that quote that Peter has as Twelve. Anymore, I find I'm flexible with shows or films in general and Star Wars in particular. There are things that sure, I want to see, I would like to see, that’s one thing. Seriously thinking and/or expecting that those things will come to fruition, that’s something else, and even if it doesn’t happen, it’s not neccesarily a dealbreaker. Hell, with the sequel trilogy, there were things I was wanting to see but didn’t think they actually would in fact happen. Imagine my heart attack and stroke when one or two of those things did happen in The Rise of Skywalker in particular. Or with this season, I would have liked to have seen Boba and Fennec again, it didn’t happen, though it’s mildly disappointing, I'm fine with it, and there’s always next season. When it comes to theorizing and speculating, my brother and I often do so with stuff, but we always temper it by focusing on what do we think realistically could happen, even if it’s stuff we may or may not be looking forward to. It’s the thought it COULD happen, whether it WILL happen is a separate question. And at the end of the day, it’s just great to experience the journey, and with shows like this, just share it with Jess, and everyone else here. It's a great deal of fun.

Jenny Chalek

Your reactions are always on point. You do hide well (except when you talk about it) the fact that you're not feeling well. I don't know if that makes you feel better or worse, but your reactions have not suffered in quality at all.


Gideon did have his helmet off, which felt like a very deliberate choice to leave no chance for his survival. Though with bacta being the miracle cure it is, they’ve still got that out if they want.


What really broke my patience with it was Zack Handlen’s reviews of both Fargo and A Series of Unfortunate Events at The AV Club, where he very clearly came to the shows with a preconceived idea of what they should be, and then kept complaining they weren’t doing that rather than engage with the kind of shows they actually were.


Oh, he had his helmet off? Oh. Didn't notice that when I watched it. Mind you it was about two thirty in the morning and I had to be up for work about two and a half hours later, so, I perhaps wasn’t at my most attentive. That’s true about bacta being a miracle cure, so it could go either way.


I agree, it rarely if ever shows during a reaction when Jess is going through tough times, and her work never fails to be terrific. I have a similar thing at work of hiding it when I go through tough times, Jess puts me to shame in that area. Like you say, Jess can take the comments anyway she wants it, but that’s how I feel.


I do recall hearing that about the reviews of Fargo. I never read any of them myself, but I do recall hearing that that critic received backlash for what you described as “he very clearly came to the shows with a preconceived idea of what they should be, and then kept complaining they weren’t doing that rather than engage with the kind of shows they actually were.”


I want to say that your reactions DID NOT suffer from you being unwell (but I´m glad that it gets fixed and you´ll feel better soon... THAT is important! <3)


Yes agreed on your first post Ryan. There were elaborate theories that the Armourer was a stooge, that Mando would somehow die or for some reason Boba Fett would turn up and save the day; then when we see a much more straight-forward ending to the season, they all complain that they never got any of that and that it felt 'underwhelming'. As Thomas says, with the amount of shows we are getting now anyway, there will be fresh stories to tell and a continuation of this one again in the next year or two (if Pascal comes back), and I enjoyed it in the main. Was it the best episode we've seen, or finale? No. Was it fun Star Wars? Hell yes!


Axe was an absolute beast this episode, is he replacing Paz Viszla as the guy we grumble a bit about, but who is an absolute boss? He won me over thats for sure! The action and fight scenes in this one (and it was pretty much purely an action episode) were spot on, with good choreography and great cinematography too, especially in the shots where they are fighting in the air. Also great this episode was seeing Din and Grogu back helping each other, akin to the earlier seasons; this felt like a return to season 1 for them, and it was all very touching, especially when Din formally adopts Grogu as his own. So sweet. My god do I love TIE Interceptors, my favourite ships in all Star Wars. I had a red one in Star Wars : Galaxies back in the day, and terrorised the galaxy in it! I do wonder where they all went to after bombing the cruiser though, as they don't have hyperdrives (nor do the bombers I don't think). Its a bit of a shame we never got more ship-to-ship action here, but the main focus understandably was on taking down Gideon personally. R5 being as brave as a lion when its clearly scared stiff, but carries out Din's orders anyway. Can't wait to watch A New Hope again sometime, I'll salute him when I see him there, as I will Owen and Aunt Beru for their heroism in Kenobi! The vanity from Gideon is quite impressive, you have to admit; as he tries to clone himself with force powers, only adding to his ego. You can see Giancarlo Esposito is having a tonne of fun hamming it up in the role; he's enjoying himself as much as Ian McDiarmid doing Darth Sidious in Revenge Of The Sith! Great fun. :) Grogu (or Din-Grogu as we will have to start calling him) fought here like a Jedi, defensively, never for attack. He has adopted some of Luke's teachings, as well as becoming a Mandalorian. Will he become the next Tarre Viszla? Speaking of Tarre, I'm glad the Darksabre is gone now, it will put an end to what has become a tedious debate about ownership of it (heard some say Luke was the wielder of it when he never even touched the blade, like its the Elder Wand from Harry Potter!). When in the end, it was only still just a lightsabre, and the Mandalorians have realised again, that they don't need it to rebuild their world. I was certain when we saw that Jonah, Ragnar, get baptised for a second time, that the bloody Mythosaur was going to eat him; however, he got through the ceremony without being threatened this time from a giant monster for once! Grogu senses the Mythosaur, and his sensing of it, seemed to stir the creature. Will we see it in season 4? Who knows. Damnit Filoni, get to work on that film of yours, stop being a barfly you magnificent s.o.b! :D The ending seemed like Din was happy just to go back to hunting scum, this time of the imperial kind, whilst chilling and teaching Din-Grogu the tenets of the creed. Its showing him and his son will have some relative peace - they've earned it - for the time being. One feels they'll be called back into the grander struggle against the nascent First Order - and Thrawn - sooner than later. All in all, a nice end to a solid season. Next up, our magnificent Lady Tano!! I get congestion all the time myself, as I have a deviated septum, and with me being at my heaviest weight just now, I can barely breathe through my nose most of the time as well; so I can relate to an extent with you Jess, however it does sound worse for you if you are needing surgery to fix it. Don't worry about your reactions, we love you as you are, and you have been honest about your issues with your health here, so we completely understand. I know its not for a few weeks seemingly, but good luck with your operation, and come back when you feel ready to. We aren't going anywhere so will see you when you are hopefully cured of your congestive issues. Cheers for your reactions, its always fun watching them and hearing your thoughts on the shows. Take care.


It's interesting with Axe in that last season he seemed to be a nondescript grunt leaving me with little to no real opinion of him. He made a much more impressive display here, that’s for sure. Great action, great cinematography, great Mando and Grogu moments. There is a strong love for the TIE Interceptors, especially the memories of playing Rogue Squadron on the N64 with those beauties. Still don’t know if my brother’s started the season or not, but I know he’d want more ship-to-ship action as well, but we take what we can get. R5 is a trooper. That's a big reason why I'm drawn to the villains and why it’s difficult, most of the time, for me to fully hate them, the hamming it up and the so obviously enjoying themselves, like you see with Ian or Giancarlo. I still maintain the Emperor had the rightful claim to the Darksaber since he beat Darth Maul, and through the rules, loopholes, and the Emperor being masterful at twisting words to his advantage he never technically lost the claim. Of course, now it’s a moot point as the blade is gone, leading to the triumphant moment of Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians realizing they don’t need the blade to rebuild their home. They have each other, and that’s enough. A lovely ending for Mando and Grogu. May not last too long given, as the Shadow Council described, the imminent return of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Elia Kane is still free. The impending rise of the First Order. Not to mention certain other... insidious threats to the galaxy. Still, nice to end with them having a peaceful and happy ending if only for a short while.Yeah, a solid season. Perhaps not the greatest Star Wars content, but it maintains the adventure tone that I've loved with this show, and it was so lovely to share it with Jess and fellow patrons and subscribers such as yourself. Yes, hopefully the surgery Jess has will go well.

Paul Mason

Hope the surgery goes well. You've been through a tough time with the congestion thing and I hope things improve for you!

Josef Schiltz

Loads of luck with the surgery Jess. It pains us to see the problems that you've had lately. Take care.