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District 9 (2009)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.


Jenny Chalek

Ooooh! I had never heard of this but the synopsis sounds fascinating! Will watch after work.


I've run very hot and cold on this movie over the years. I really loved it when it first came out, but as Neil Blomkamp's career has continued with movies like Elysium and Chappie, it's become very clear that using science fiction concepts to do extremely obvious analogies to real world social issues is the only trick he knows, and in this movie especially, the Apartheid parallels really take your suspension of disbelief to the breaking point as we're asked to consider the whole world would just happily agree to let our first alien visitors be thrown in a nasty slum and be horribly mistreated. Still, if you're willing to go with the concept, it's quite a neat ride and the mix of styles ensures you're never bored. It's kind of a shame we didn't get the sequel that the ending is clearly teasing.


I remember well the reception this film received when it came out. Lots of people really loved it. Naturally, it’s lead to, as you noted, winning by a significant margin on the poll. Yes, very much a heavy film. Wikus is an intriguing protaganist. You go through varying degrees of sympathy and/or lack thereof. My view of him is similar to what you expressed in that his treatment is relatively karmic considering his past actions, yet still, there is some degree of sympathy for him, somewhat of a piece of shit though he is, due to what he’s subjected to. Likewise, understandable though his actions were, it was hard to like him for turning against Christopher, your reaction to that moment being great, by the way. I also didn’t have much sympathy for how he got infected given how stupid it is to fiddle around with something you have no idea what it is or what it does. I felt sorrier for you than I did him in the hospital sequence knowing your triggers and enjoyed your relief when it got interrupted. As you said, you’re taking a win in that you didn’t have to see the full procedure and thus, didn’t faint. I kind of shared your discomfort some. I definitely was on your side with the fingernail scene. Same with the teeth, though not as nauseating as the nails. I felt bad about the snake. It didn’t even feel necessary. I did very much enjoy how you got as invested as you did in Christopher. You asked was the one alien body Christopher’s friend, given how the scene was filmed, I assumed that was likely the case, yes. Now, I'll be completely honest with you and say that I'm not particularly taken with this film. Main bones of contention are like I see Ryan pointed out in that subtlety is NOT the film’s strong suit. Upon reaching about the ten-minute mark of the film beating you over the head with the analogies, I found myself saying, “All right, I get it. This whole thing’s an allegory for Apartheid. I get it. I got it; I got the concept.” Ironically enough, I've been told that the writers have claimed it’s not meant to be a deliberate parallel. Even if that is true, it’s still beyond unsubtle. There's also, again, as I see Ryan noted, the straining credulity of the whole world unquestioningly going along with just subjecting the aliens to the treatment they receive. I will say that the way the film is filmed was interesting. It felt like a sci-fi Spinal Tap with shades of The Thick of It, albeit far more dramatic. That I did like. I did love how gloriously graphic the villains' deaths were. The main villain taking his sweet time monologuing made me quote the late great Eli Wallach by saying, “When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk.” I’m somewhat disappointed in myself. I was hoping that seeing the film this time that I’d have a better time and/or appreciation of the film, and I didn’t. In all honesty, I have been going through a not great time mentally and emotionally recently which most likely hampered my mood whilst watching this again. I wonder if I wasn’t would that have changed things any, but it’s a day late for regrets. I am happy to see you quite enjoyed the film, Jess. And if nothing else, it’s just very lovely to share a film with you. regardless of how much I like or don’t like it, it’s just lovely to share a film with you, see what you think, hear what you have to say. It's always very nice. Thanks for the reaction, Jess.

Jenny Chalek

I think the main guy had no empathy. Or at least very little empathy. He always rushed to serve his own needs only. He did go back and protect Christopher and his son at the end, but I feel like that was too little too late. I'm also disappointed that they didn't get the other aliens off the planet with them.


The big thing the film relies on to get you to sympathize with Wikus is just the sheer acting talent of Sharlto Copley, a college friend of Neil Blomkamp despite being a few years his senior, who quickly proved himself to fit perfectly with Blomkamp's directing style. Though it still really says something that Blomkamp cast Copley as the villain of his next film Elysium, with Matt Damon stepping into the hero role after District 9's sleeper success made it easier to get that big a name. If you thought this movie's allegory was over the top, just try totally removing any sense of moral ambiguity in who you're supposed to be rooting for.


I will say the acting is fantastic, and I can appreciate being drawn to the character for that if nothing else. Been a long time since seeing Elysium, though I recall not particularly loving that one either. I suppose I could rewatch it again to see if my opinion changes some. I mean it’s got Jodie Foster as one of the primary villains. I do recall liking that aspect of the film as Jodie is great in pretty much anything and seeing her in more of a villainous capacity was a treat.


First of all, as a German I have to make this pun: It´s not "District nine", it´s "District NEIN" xD I totally forgot the whole "found footage"-esque angle of this movie and that the main character gets infected that early in the movie.... It was another pretty fun reaction! Loved it!