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Classic Who "Horror of Fang Rock" Parts 1&2 Reaction

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Ben's dead, baby. Ben's dead.

Josef Schiltz

Fantastic that you're feeling good today! That's good news any day! Long may it continue. Oh, we have a NEW story - thank goodness! And since we know you've enjoyed it; yes, it's a belter! As for Adelaide; my grandmother's name was Adelaide. She was a damn sight braver in character than this one. She was a Victorian who rode a motorbike! I couldn't see this one doing that! Oh! By the way! Ben has shuffled off this mortal coil. Bereft of life, he rests in peace. He is an ex-Ben!


I haven't seen much Classic Who but this is one of my favorites!


Also the love interest from Guys and Dolls. "Adelaide, Adelaide, ever loving Adelaide is taking a chance on me..."

Josef Schiltz

And flitting back to the Whoniverse - oh, that should be the title of a song! - we have Captain Adelaide Brooke who stood up to the Time Lord Victorious in The Waters Of Mars.

David Vandervliet

This is a great season opener, and as I recall this was a late replacement script, this story or original planned was a vampire story, but the BBC was doing a high end Dracula adaption at the same time, and they decided to scrap it. So it was all made quite hastily and on the cheap. Sometimes necessity brings out the best

Ian Smith

One thing I'm unsure about, having watched these two episodes: what happened to Ben? He's not dead, is he..?

Josef Schiltz

'Ee's been and gawn and snuffed it! Ee's voomed! Ee's lain upon the rocks in an eviscerated state, thereby 'is metabolic processes are now 'istory! OH. MY GOD! THEY KILLED BENNY!


This is one of my go-to stories to watch when I’m sick. I love Leela and the Doctor in it and the creepy atmosphere is so much fun.


Oh Geez Jessica, I haven’t laughed like that in awhile. I don’t always watch the full, but this is not one of those times. I found this story pretty tedious the 1st time I watched it. My British friends were not happy. I think by the end of the conversation, they were cursing all Americans. Okay, lol, I’m exaggerating. Upon rewatch, I liked it a lot more. And now, after tonight, I’m sure I can think of it the same way again. 😂 By the way, that bracelet is 😘


Thanks for a great reaction. Really glad for you that you're breathing issue has cleared up. I like this story because I think it has a level of dark humour to it, as in they're making humour out of a dreadful situation, throwing funny lines in etc. Tom Baker really excells at that. When I think about Leela it struck me how much of a natural survivor she would be if she found herself in The Walking Dead! See you next time,

Brodie Vickers

Wait a minute.. Ben’s dead?? when? and how?