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Classic Who - "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" Part 3/4 Full Reaction

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I liked that you seemed to have a better time with these episodes of the story than you did the first two parts. I do like that there are the aspects of the story that you are enjoying despite the discomfort from the problematic elements. It is a case of you can like and dislike something all at the same time. Or perhaps a better way of saying it is overall there’s a show or episode you like. There just happens to be something that puts a damper on things some. If nothing else, I do appreciate your honesty about it. I maintain that there are these topics which bear discussion. I brought up Turner Classic Movies last week, I'm bringing it up again. Two years ago, they had a month where they had the theme “Reframed” the focus of which was classic films that have stood the test of time yet contain elements of a problematic and/or offensive nature. They opened with Gone with the Wind, and included such films as The Jazz Singer, Dragon Seed, The Searchers, and The Children’s Hour. What was done with the films was that the hosts had discussions of the films. First, they’d talk about the positives, what has endured with the films, and why they are classics. Then they would bring up the problems and/or offensive content, and they would have open and frank discussions. And the opinions would vary some. Sometimes they admitted to being able to reconcile that it is a film they love which unfortunately happens to have things of an unpleasant nature in it. Sometimes they freely admitted that the problematic/offensive content did hamper their enjoyment of the film, and they candidly discussed why. This week and last week, hearing your thoughts and comments, it feels much the same as that. And again, Jess, I think everything you’ve said has been very eloquently spoken. And as I say, I appreciate your honesty.