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Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

Edited Reaction Alongside the regular multi-part full, you now have the option of watching an edited version of the full movie reaction with 10-15mins of Picture-in-Picture. You can watch this edit in the player, or alternatively you can download it to your computer using the button underneath each part.



This is one of those movies where I absolutely adore it, and I think it deserves every bit of the awards success it's gotten (and it's a shame it doesn't have the chance to match the Oscars record due to two of its eleven nominations being in the same category), but at the same time, if someone told me they hated it, I would totally get it. The price you pay for going this far out with your ideas is that not everyone will be out there with you, and some people just are not going to be able to get past something like a fight over jamming a trophy in your ass. I'm writing this before watching the reaction, so I have no idea what Jess thought of it, so I'm just saying here that I'll be fine with it either way, and I'm just happy to see more people watching the movie.



Thomas Corp

Well, I’m sorry to hear you had a bad day, being unable to breathe-wise, and I'm sorry as well that the emotional impact of the movie exacerbated the issue. On the other hand, at least like you said, the day you have the breakdown about it was not that day, so, silver linings there. Also, you didn’t have to re-situate much if at all during the reaction, that’s something. Yes, bananas is a good word to describe this film. It would be in my top five favorite films of 2022. Not number one, no, but certainly top five, for sure. The acting is great. Michelle Yeoh was amazing as she always is. I was not familiar with Stephanie Hsu prior to this, but she was most impressive. Jamie Lee Curtis was delightful as always. And we have the great James Hong. The emotional scenes with him got me some. Then we have one of the biggest highlights of the film, the character that it seems everybody loves, Waymond. He was a big draw for me in this film, and he was, I would say, my favorite character of the film. Having always loved him as Short Round, it was SO GREAT seeing Ke Huy Quan kill it as Waymond. And I knew he would be a character that you would love; that he would get you right in the heart. Particularly, with his plea to be kind. Even when I was watching it, I said, “God! Jess is going to love this man!” To hear you say that you would have given him a standing ovation, as well as how you said the character spoke to you as he did in finding strength in being kind, it warmed the heart, Jess. To address your ideas as to why Waynmond’s serving Evelyn the divorce papers. I believe it was both ideas that you brought up. I believe that it was primarily a way to have a conversation, and ultimately if it was in fact what Evelyn wanted, then he would grant her that kindness as you said. As you say, it’s great how the film is bizarre, yet the bizarreness is not purposeless. It's not just bizarre for the sake of being bizarre. In terms of individual scenes, I particularly loved the 2001 scene complete with the off-kilter Also Sprach Zarathustra. Likewise, the rock scene was a shared favorite moment of my brother and me. I compared it to Douglas Adams, my brother agreed, and we both said that it’s perhaps a reason we loved it as much as we did. Then there was Raccacoonie with the voice of Randy Newman no less, which led me to say, “I’ll be damned.” Yes, the film superbly tackles the themes and feelings of depression which could branch into nihilism, generational trauma, and the overall theme of discontentment in life. I love how the film embraced the idea that yes, perhaps none of what any of us do means jackshit in the grand scheme of things; that all our actions are lost in some void, yet, we still have the people in our lives, the small yet important things to keep us going, and it’s worth fighting for. It's like the song from Animaniacs that has the lyric, “It's a great big universe and we're all really puny. We're just tiny little specks about the size of Mickey Rooney. It's big and black and inky and we are small and dinky. It's a big universe, and we're not!” and at the end of the song, the last two lines change to, “Though we don't know how it got here. We're an important part here. It's a big universe, and it's ours!” I think everything you had to say about this film was just so wonderful, Jess. I loved hearing your thoughts and insights into this, and it made me so happy. Thank you so very very much for this beautiful reaction to this beautiful film. It really meant a lot to me, Jess.


For as crappy as we know Joss Whedon is now, that one line from Angel absolutely nails it: "If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do."

Derek Hiemforth

There are very few movies that I put in the conversation for which might be the best movie of all time. As of Mar. 2022, in chronological order of release, the five were: The Wizard of Oz, Sunset Blvd., Dr. Strangelove, The Godfather, and Mulholland Dr. In Apr. 2022, Everything Everywhere All at Once become the sixth.

Jenny Chalek

I ADORE this movie and can't wait to watch it with you. Finally getting a chance.

Jenny Chalek

OOOH love Mulholland Dr. I watched that probably 20 times back in the day.

Natasha G

ahhh, I just resubscribed to you. I was short on money during the fall-and was going through lots of personal issues with health in my family members. But now I'm back, and so stoked to see this reaction! It is in my top 10 favorite movies.

Natasha G

good list, and yes, this movie is up there for best movies of all time.

Siti Dee

(Screaming) cant wait to get home to watch this!


Great timing on this, as the movie just got four SAG Awards, the most ever for a single movie. It’s definitely going to be big at the Oscars.


Great callback to the Xander and Harmony fight! I didn’t think about that until you mentioned it. It really was similar in that moment.