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Star Trek 3x18 Full Reaction

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This episode's script was written by married couple Shari Lewis and Jeremy Tarcher. And yes, it's THAT Shari Lewis, of Lambchop's Play-Along fame. At the time she was running a stage show with Lambchop in Las Vegas (much like Pee Wee Herman, she started out doing an adult-oriented spoof of kid shows before retooling the setup into a genuine kid show), and it really says something about how popular that show was that she and her husband were given a chance to write an episode of one of the biggest TV shows at the time. It figures it would be a story about aliens using someone as a puppet, and in fact Lewis reportedly very much wanted to play Mira herself, and even originally wrote the character as an obvious self-insert before some staff writers did some work to make her a more generic character. Unfortunately, the changes also caused James Doohan to not care for the story at all as he thought Mira was too dull for Scotty to fall in love with her (meaning those lovelorn looks toward her are some quite impressive acting).

Thomas Corp

Yeah, we are coming to the end of the journey though the original series of Star Trek. The finish line is in sight. This episode, like you say, very straight down the middle, quality-wise. I found it interesting seeing Scotty at the center of the romantical plot. As I see Ryan noted, James Doohan wasn’t the biggest fan of it, even so, I'd say he did a good job in this episode. I quite enjoyed Jan Shutan as Mira. Addressing how it bugged you throughout the episode, trying to figure out if you recognized Jan from something else or not, I would assume she was simply someone who looks very much like someone else whom you are familiar with. I do know she was on The Andy Griffith show once. I'm with you, Jess, on not caring for the chauvinistic and/or condescending dialogue from the male characters. Something that bothers me more is the setting. To explain, though there are similar problems in the early James Bond films, those films are set in the time in which they’re made, thus, the attitudes in those films, unpleasant though they are, do make sense, given the time in which they’re set and made. In Star Trek, we’re meant to be in the far future, thus when you have attitudes and/or dialogue that’s indicative of sixties sensibilities, it pulls me out of the story some. I also was of the opinion that the plot between Scotty and Mira would have been stronger had this been established prior to this. I found it rich Kirk giving Scotty a hard time about it, considering his reputation. I agree with your comment about the blob, and I said in response, “Yes, it has been some time since we’ve had a good blob.” Yeah, intersecting concept, despite the feeling that could have been done better. I loved how you were not having Mira’s snippiness toward Bones. That was perhaps the best part of your reaction. Likewise, I loved how you didn’t care for Scotty acting like a doctor, and you essentially saying, “Damn it, Scotty! You're an engineer, not a doctor!” Yeah, the ending could have used a slight rewrite. By itself, not bad, just clunkily written. Like you say, it sounds like they were giving Scotty just a smidgen too much credit. I also got a sympathetic laugh when you mentioned about how you would be triggered by someone telling you to breathe deeply. It made me say, “Yeah, I can see that, given your previous comments.” Thank you for the fun reaction, Jess.


The whole reason that solution they come up with works seems to be "We had the prop."

Thomas Corp

Yeah, I've heard that comment, or comments like it once or twice. Seems an accurate observation.


Ah, the Exorcist episode. Decent attempt, but Wolf in the Fold was a much better horror story