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Supernatural 7x14 "Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie" Reaction

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It's weird, because I do enjoy a lot of aspects about this episode (Dean and his slinkyyyy!) but I don't really like the episode as a whole? lol It's always fascinating, to me, what people are afraid of and why. Like, I've known people who've been bitten/attacked by dogs and wound up with a crippling fear of dogs later on. I was attacked by one, too, when I was really little, but I guess I was just too young for the memory of it to stick, because I still love and want to pat all the dogs to this day. But don't even TALK to me about heights lol

Eddie Green

For me it's wasps. Spiders, blood, clowns, planes, I could see those all day and have no problem. But a wasp in the room, even in a window at the other end of the room, and I can barely stand to be in the room, constantly keeping an eye on it, itching to run. I don't really know why either - I've never been stung. Maybe it's a personal space issue?

Josef Schiltz

I cannot stand Victorian dolls and wasps. The doll problem seems to turn up in my family. My aunt was given one as an infant. She took it out into the garden and destroyed it.